FEAP 5 a.- Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students’ needs

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The teacher includes only the school’s professional goals in her PDP for the coming year, not using any data from the current or previous year’s   teaching evaluations.

The teacher does not even look at or consider student needs before beginning instruction for the year.

Created goals are vague such as “help students do better.”

Goals reflect the teacher’s personal desires/needs, not the students in his/her class.

The teacher wants to increase student engagement so she makes arrangements to attend a Kagan strategies workshop.

Wanting to increase use of technology in his classroom, the teacher signs up for a free SimpleK12 webinar on that topic.

The teacher reviews data from the past year to determine what areas   she needs to strengthen.

The teacher has goals set for the semester but no timeframe to achieve the goals.

The teacher wants to increase student engagement so attends a Kagan strategies workshop. She then   challengers herself to use one new strategy a week during the marking period.

Wanting to increase use of technology in his classroom, the teacher uses ideas from a free SimpleK12 webinar he “attended.”

The teacher reviews data from the past year to determine what   areas she needs to strengthen then arranges to attend the training during   teacher work days.

Teacher attends a summer workshop on “Using Assistive Technology” when she hears she will be getting a hearing impaired student in her class next year.

After attending a Kagan workshop to increase student engagement, the teacher plans to challenger herself to   use one new strategy a week during the marking period and asks her administrator to come observe her in the classroom as she implements the strategies.

Wanting to increase use of technology in his classroom, the teacher uses a new idea from a free SimpleK12 webinar he “attended” and shares it with his colleagues.

The teacher reviews data from the past year and determines what areas she needs to strengthen, attends training, and incorporates the new instructional effectiveness strategies in her classroom.


Where noted, examples based on:


“(D)” – Danielson C. (1996). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching.


Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.


“(M)” – Marzano, R. J. (2007). The art and science of teaching: A comprehensive


framework for effective instruction. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development










