UF Counselor Education Program Ranked #3
The UF Counselor Education Program has consistently been ranking in the top 10 by the US News & World Report since the ranking began in the 1990s. Recently, they released the rankings for 2020 and the UF Counselor Education Program moved up two spots to be tied for #3.
In discussing the program, counselor education faculty shared, “We have a rich history in training high quality counselors and counselor educators who are making a difference in society. Our faculty have a strong identity as counseling professionals with visibility at the local, national, and international levels. Faculty have diverse research interests that provide a valuable contribution to the professional counseling literature. Our Counselor EduGators are nationally and internationally visible. We also have strong community partnerships that provide unique learning opportunities for our students throughout their educational experience.”
For more information check out the following press releases:

UF Counselor Education Program Ranked #3