Who We Are
Always housed in the College of Education, the Counselor Education program granted our first Ph.D. in 1956. Prior to the late 1970s, the Counselor Education department housed Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, and Special Education. Currently, Counselor Education is embedded in the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education (HDOSE) along with Educational Leadership, Higher Education Administration, Student Personnel in Higher Education, and Research and Evaluation Methods.
- All programs fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
- School Counseling program accredited by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCATE )
- Assessment Data
- CACREP accreditation requirements
Student Organizations
- Visit the online community of UF Counselors for Social Justice
- Beta Chapter was second chapter established in Chi Sigma Iota international counseling honor society.
Building on a Legacy of Leadership and Service
Department faculty and alumni have forged a legacy of leadership and service to the counseling profession. They have been involved integrally in the development of accreditation standards for counselor training, licensure in Florida for mental health and marriage and family therapists, Chi Sigma Iota, and shaping of the modern school counseling movement. Many well known counselor educators have graduated from the University of Florida’s counseling program. Several of our alumni have greatly influenced the profession. Some of these leaders have included: Theodore Remley (former Executive Director of the American Counseling Association), Jane Myers (former president of the American Counseling Association), and Carol Bobby (CEO of the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs).Currently, our faculty are conducting scholarship and service activities that help globalize counseling, improve family-school relationships, and address mental health needs of individuals, couples, families, and communities. What role will you play in building our legacy of leadership and service?
- Counselor Education Student Handbook (Revised March 2019)
- Counselor Education Program Diversity Statement
Giving to Counselor Education
- Please consider supporting Counselor Education faculty and students in helping prepare tomorrow’s exemplary counseling professionals. Visit the University of Florida Foundation website for online giving instructions. We are grateful for your generosity.
- David and Brian Marshall Memorial Fund