
26 August, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2002

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Elizabeth Bondy, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Bridget Franks, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Paul Sindelar, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Other Present: Dean Emihovich, John Kranzler

The meeting was called to order by Vivian Correa at 2:05 p.m.

Correa requested that FPC members introduce themselves by sharing their interests and position duties.

Action Items

1.  Approval of the agenda for August 26, 2002.

Sindelar made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by  Correa.  Clark seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda as it was submitted.

2. Approval of FPC Minutes

Approval of FPC Minutes for April 29

Archer made a motion to approve the minutes of 4/29, which was seconded by Franks.  The minutes of April 29, 2002 were unanimously approved with the following revisions:

a. Jane Townsend was removed from the “Members Absent” list and placed under “Members Present.”

b. Pg. 2, “Webb stated…” was revised to say, “Webb stated that case studies can be considered Ph.D. work with the appropriate philosophical and theoretical framework.”

Approval of FPC Minutes for May 2

Doan made a motion to approve the minutes of 5/2, which was seconded by Sindelar.  The minutes of May 2, 2002 were unanimously approved with the following revisions:

a. Doan replaces Parker as a member of the FPC for Counselor Education.

b. Sherrard will be the alternate to the FPC for Counselor Education.

Correa remarked that the Agenda Committee (Correa, Waldron, Clark, a Dean’s Representative) formulates the agenda for the FPC meetings. A report from the Dean will be a regular item on the FPC Agenda.

Report from the Dean

Dean Emihovich stated that as part of her report to the FPC she will share information from meetings with the Provost and university administration.

Items of interest to the College:

a.  Two new Ad Hoc committees are being formed that will advise the Dean. The two committees are (1) a Development Advisory Board, which will review and develop fund raising strategies for the College.  This committee will include faculty representatives, as well as alumni and community members. (2) a Technology Advisory Committee which will review the technology needs (computers, operating systems, future purchases, software use) of the College. One goal is to align future technology purchases of the College with the rest of the University.  This committee will include COE faculty and staff, as well as cross-campus representatives.

b. Two graduate assistants will be added to the Dean’s staff by the end of September. These GA’s will work with the Dean’s office on college-wide projects, as well as provide support to college committees. Discussion focused on providing GA’s an opportunity to see faculty roles that involve committee work and administrative policy-making, which may better prepare them for future academic positions.

c.  More support will be provided for research in the College.  A new office entitled, “Center for Collaborative Assessment, Research and Evaluation (CARE)” will be established.  This will occur as the research and graduate education responsibilities of the Graduate Studies and Research Office are separated.  It is proposed that this office will be managed by a director or program manager who will review RFPs, proposals, and assist faculty and graduate students when contracting with agencies across campus and throughout the State of Florida.

Kranzler announced that Judi Scarborough will be leaving the College to accept a position with IFAS.  The duties of this position will be divided between the Fiscal Office and the Graduate Studies and Research Office.  Until offices are reorganized and vacant positions filled, Kranzler will oversee grant submissions. Correa recommended that Kranzler communicate directly to faculty how grants will be processed until CARE is established.

Kranzler announced that a research survey was recently completed by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research. Once results are compiled this information will be shared with the FPC at a future meeting.

Information Items

1. Review of FPC Structures and Operating Guidelines

Correa reviewed the structure for the FPC.  The Chair (a non-voting member) resides over FPC meetings.  There are 10 FPC members (two tenure-accruing faculty members from each department) and 5 alternates (one from each department).  The secretary is a voting member of the FPC.  The secretary becomes the Chair after one year.  A Dean’s representative (non-voting member) also attends the FPC meetings.  The FPC has Operating Committees (Agenda Committee, Steering Committee, Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee, and Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee) and Standing Committees (Faculty Affairs Committee, Research Advisory Committee, Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee, Long-Range Planning Committee).  The  Elections Committee and the Parliamentarian are determined by the FPC.

The Operating Guidelines for the FPC include:

· All standing and operating committees shall meet at least twice during the academic year with all meetings being announced to all faculty;

· On all committees, the Dean or Dean’s representative shall be a non-voting member;

· All committees shall submit an executive summary of their proceedings to the FPC.  The executive summary must be submitted in the Spring semester before the last regular meeting of the FPC;

·  At the completion of each Spring semester, each committee will provide the FPC with a three-ring-binder of the committees’ procedures, agendas, and minutes; and,

· For standing committees, the FPC representative will call the first Fall meeting.

Operating Guidelines for the FPC include:

· All committee reports should not exceed two minutes in length.  After each committee report, time will be allocated for clarification of the report.  No new items or discussion should occur during committee reports.  As a result of a committee report, an action item may be placed on the agenda.

· To request that an action item be placed on the FPC agenda, and/or to be placed on the agenda to speak to an issue, non-FPC members should provide a written request to the FPC chair.

2. Review of the 2001-2002 Executive Summaries of FPC Committees

The following issues were identified for continued work this year:

Research Advisory Committee (RAC) – Tracy Linderholm (Chair)

·   Reworded Ed.D. narrative in the Graduate Catalog

· Advising Office of Graduate Studies and Research on setting guidelines for grant submissions

· Advising Graduate Studies Office on dissertation review process

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee – Ruth Lowery (Chair)

· Alternatives to current college policy for graduate admissions

· Issues related to GRE for graduate admission in the College

· Issues related to doctoral student recruitment

Faculty Affairs Committee – Nancy Waldron (Chair)

· Submitted proposal for procedures related to Tenure & Promotion

· Communication in the COE about criteria for Tenure & Promotion, including promotion from Associate to Full Professor

Long-Range Planning Committee – Jeanne Repetto (Chair)

· Strategies for increasing research infrastructure

· Share the Executive Report (which outlines nine areas for consideration) with faculty.  These areas have not been shared with faculty as of this date.

Correa prompted FPC members to look at the new FPC website which now displays new links under Archives, and also links which connect to the college committees.

Correa also reported that an ad hoc committee would be formed to review Assistant and Associate Deans, which is required by the constitution every two years.  Webb will be the first Dean to be reviewed by the faculty under this provision.

Correa also reported that during this year revisions will be made to the by laws of the Constitution.  Faculty will be able to review role functions, committee functions and clean-up language. There will be a public announcement of changes.  In March, the faculty will vote on the constitutional changes in person, rather than by ballot, at the Spring Faculty Meeting.

3. Assignment of FPC Members to Committees

Operating Committees

Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee – Paul Sindelar will serve as the FPC member.

Standing Committees

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee – Elizabeth Yeager will serve as the FPC member.

Long-Range Planning Committee – James Archer will serve as the FPC member.

Election Committee – New committee needs to be formed.  This will be an action item at the next meeting.

Parliamentarian – This position also will be discussed within the FPC meeting.

4. Invitation by the Dean’s Advisory Council to Add the FPC Secretary as a New Member

Nancy Waldron, FPC secretary, has been added to the Dean’s Advisory Council.

5. Consideration of Support Staff for FPC and College Curriculum Committee

It is proposed that two graduate assistants, assigned to the Dean’s office, will assist with minutes for the FPC and College Curriculum Committee.

6. Request from Kay Hughes for Assistance with Faculty Media Matrix

Kay Hughes would like to develop a list of faculty that are interested in speaking to the media on designated topics in Education. It was suggested that information regarding faculty might be extracted from faculty resumes, but often this is not helpful in identifying individuals who are willing to speak on current “hot topics” that do not neatly correspond to research areas. Bondy suggested that Hughes and Vernetson start a list of types of questions asked by reporters and other public inquiries, then FPC members could build on this list.  Clark suggested that the FPC contact Steve Orlando, who is in the UF media office, for some input.  Correa stated that this item could be added to the agenda of department faculty meetings. FPC members could circulate a survey that includes designated topics, and also prompts faculty to add topics that they are willing to speak to the media regarding.

7. Report from Don Pemberton Regarding Lastinger Center Concept Paper

Don Pemberton provided the FPC with a Concept Paper (for discussion purposes only) and a Portfolio of Programs in reference to the Lastinger Center for Learning. Don Pemberton will visit with the FPC in a few weeks and hopes to obtain feedback from the FPC regarding these two papers.

Dean Emihovich reviewed that the Lastinger Center for Learning was donated as a gift by two donors.  The focus of this center is on connecting research (from the COE and nationally) to the work of public school, particularly as it relates to raising the achievement levels of students in high-poverty schools.

Correa requested FPC members to suggest people who they would want to speak before the FPC, such as Mary Driscoll on development.  Information would be discussed before the FPC and passed on to the department faculty.  Correa also stated that open forums may be needed for discussion by faculty on any policies to be voted on or issues of interest to the College.

Clark stated that the faculty need to begin thinking collectively as a college, not just from a department perspective. It is important that we have forums and have various people talk to the FPC so that we know more about the work of the COE. Then FPC members are better able to communicate this information in department faculty meetings.

Clark moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Yeager seconded the motion.  The committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 p.m.


20 August, 2002 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Members present: Dr. Michael Bowie, Dr. Vivian Correa, Dr. Harry Daniels, Dr. Jim

Doud, Ms. Mary Driscoll, Dean Catherine Emihovich, Ms. Kay

Hughes, Dr. John Kranzler, Dr. James McLeskey, Dr. David Miller,

Dr. Don Pemberton, Dr. Dorene Ross, Dr. Rod Webb

Administrative Items


Committee members discussed the issue of adding a second Faculty Policy Council member to serve on the Dean’s Advisory Committee. Committee members unanimously agreed to add Dr. Nancy Waldron, FPC Secretary, to the committee. Dean Emihovich asked Committee members to plan to bring the minutes from the previous week’s meeting to the next scheduled meetings.

Dean Emihovich discussed the use of the Dean’s Conference room and proposed the

following policy changes:

  • The primary use of the conference room is for the Dean and selected representatives for meetings and college wide special events (e.g., receptions for school district people or Alliance students).
  • College wide faculty committee meetings (e.g., FPC and the College Curriculum Committee) will continue to be scheduled in this room.
  • Departmental committee meetings, FPC subcommittee meetings, and dissertation defenses should be held in departmental conference rooms. If one departmental conference room is not available, faculty and staff should pursue availability with another department’s conference room.
  • Dr. Daniels commented that the Counselor Education Conference room is often being used to hold classes outside of Education. Dean Emihovich suggested that Chairs inform faculty that no classes should be scheduled in any of the College conference rooms. Associate Dean Rod Webb will examine the issue of why classes outside Education are being scheduled in department conference rooms.

    Committee members agreed unanimously to accept the new policy changes. Chairs will inform their faculty of these changes.

    Discussion Items

    Dean Emihovich suggested the formation of a new Technology Advisory Committee and Development Advisory Board. The function of the Technology Advisory Committee will be to discuss and recommend technological resources for the College (e.g. use of software for shared scheduling, shared databases, new hardware purchases, etc.). The Development Advisory Board will help identify potential donors, assist with fundraising efforts, and establish strategies for long range planning. Dean’s Advisory Committee members agreed unanimously to have both committees act as Dean’s Advisory Committees. Dean Emihovich asked Chairs to submit faculty nominations to the Dean’s office.

    Mary Driscoll proposed to committee members the possibility of establishing a case statement for the College. The case statement will include a list of priorities, strategic long range planning and identifying promising initiatives.

    Dr. Don Pemberton distributed the Lastinger Center for Learning concept paper (2nd version) and a portfolio of programs for committee members to review. The Lastinger Center for Learning is a new institute dedicated to ensuring that Florida’s elementary schools will lead the nation in student achievement. Dr. Pemberton stated that he plans to work closely with local schools in Alachua County.

    Dean Emihovich discussed creating an Office of Collaborative Assessment, Research and Evaluation for the purposes of building research capacity for faculty and potential faculty, and to seek external funding to assess learning outcomes for university and state programs. Staffing will consist of Assistant Dean or Director, program manager, grant specialist, and a fiscal person.

    Leadership Exchange

    Dean Emihovich distributed articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled “The Golden Rule, Part 1 and Part 2 (an inside look at the politics of academic careers). She asked committee members to read these for their personal enrichment.

    Dean Emihovich suggested the idea of committee members producing administrative portfolios. The portfolios will serve as a tool for doing a self-assessment. She asked that committee members begin thinking about a five year plan for new faculty positions at the September 3 meeting for further discussion.

    Future Agenda Items

    Dean Webb announced that the book theft problem in Norman Hall has been addressed and precautions are being taken. Future agenda items will include parking garage issues (e.g., when gate comes down, parking for visitors and/or graduate students), Tenure and Promotion, upcoming SACS evaluation and NCATE accreditation visit, and constitutional amendments.


    12 August, 2002 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

    Members present:  Dr. Vivian Correa, Dr. Harry Daniels, Dr. James Doud, Ms. Mary Driscoll, Dean Catherine Emihovich, Ms. Kay Hughes, Dr. John Kranzler, Dr. James McLeskey, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Dorene Ross, Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Dr. Sandra Witt

    Dean Emihovich welcomed committee members to the Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting.  She asked committee members to introduce themselves and to describe their current academic role based on their perceptions of how it was defined.  Members were also asked to share why they were attracted to a leadership position.

    Committee Composition and Purpose

    As part of the process of creating a core leadership team in the college, Dean Emihovich proposed that the following people be invited to sit on the Dean’s Advisory Committee:

    • Dr. Michael Bowie, Director of Recruitment, Retention and Multicultural Affairs
    • Dr. Don Pemberton, Director of the Lastinger Center
    • Dr. Ben Nelms or Dr. Mickie Miller, UF Alliance Directors

    Committee members unanimously agreed to add these three people to this committee.

    Dean Emihovich asked committee members for their feedback on the purpose of this committee.  The following ideas were given:

    • Dr. Daniels stated that this committee reflects the personality of the Dean
    • Dr. Ross suggested that another Faculty Policy Council member become involved
    • Dr. Correa stated that she currently serves as liaison for the Faculty Policy Council and would like the new secretary to become involved in these meetings
    • Dr. Vandiver stated that this particular group functions as generators of ideas and strategic directions.  She suggested more planning and programming discussions.

    These suggestions will be taken up in future meetings.

    Dean Emihovich suggested that the committee meet twice a month.  Committee members agreed to meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 9:00-11:00.  The next meeting will be held on August 20.

    College Reports and Issues

    The following suggestions were made in regard to College reports and issues:

    • Issues should be strategically related to the overall vision for the College
    • The committee will identify one or two key items to focus on in order to accomplish its goals
    • Discussions will be held to determine the strategies and actions needed to facilitate change, and to identify the skills needed to become an effective leader for change.


    Dean Emihovich and committee members discussed their views on “What is Leadership.”  Most members agreed that leadership is collaborative in nature and should be focused on helping an organization achieve a collective vision.  Dr. Vandiver suggested that part of the committee’s work would be to engage their respective units in this process.  Dean Emihovich encouraged committee members to bring articles and share ideas on leadership issues.

    Dean Emihovich announced that last week she met with Dr. William Ditto, Chair of Biomedical Engineering, to discuss the possibility of College of Education faculty working with his faculty to improve their teaching strategies.  She will pursue this issue with department chairs who will identify faculty who may be interested in this collaboration.

    Future Agenda Items

    A brief discussion was held on identifying future agenda items.  Two items noted were enhancing collaborative efforts across programs and other units across campus, and supporting junior faculty.

    Meeting was adjourned at 12:00.