
13 May, 2003 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Members present: Dr. Michael Bowie, Dr. Harry Daniels, Dr. James Doud, Ms. Mary Driscoll, Dean Catherine Emihovich, Ms. Kay Hughes, Dr. John Kranzler, Dr. James McLeskey, Dr. Mickie Miller, Dr. Dorene Ross, Dr. Fran Vandiver, Dr. Theresa Vernetson, Dr. Nancy Waldron, and Dr. Sandra Witt

Members not present: Dr. David Miller and Dr. Donald Pemberton,

Information Items

Dr. Michael Bowie made a motion to approve the April 1, 2003 minutes. Dr. Theresa Vernetson seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.


  • Grant Opportunities

Dean Catherine Emihovich discussed several grant proposals and grant opportunities, including Gators Teach for Florida, the Troops-to-Teachers Program, and the Title Two Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants.

She has been in contact with Ron Burton, the project coordinator of the Troops to Teachers Program, a federal program that provides up to $10,000 in financial aid for Troops-to-Teachers participants (military personnel) who take courses related to teacher certification. Emphasis is placed on the areas of math, science, social studies, and special education. The program also requires a commitment for follow up of the Troops-to-Teachers Program completers during their first year of teaching.

Dorene Ross presented information about the Title Two Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants. These grants-designed to enhance teacher preparation-place extensive emphasis on special education, technology, and content knowledge. They require that colleges of education have partnerships with K-12 schools, high-need school districts, and colleges of liberal arts and sciences. The feasibility of applying for the Title Two Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants for the 2003-2004 academic year was discussed.

  • Update on Searches

Dean Emihovich reported on current COE searches.

Dr. Thomas Dana, a professor of education at Pennsylvania State University, will return for a second interview next week for the School of Teaching and Learning director position.

Dr. Cirecie West-Olatunji has been hired as an assistant professor in the Department of Counselor Education.

  • 2003 Summer Semester Meetings

A schedule for the DAC summer meetings was distributed.

Policy Guidelines

  • Dean’s Conference Room

The following policy guidelines for the use of the Dean’s Conference Room were distributed and discussed:

  • The primary use of the conference room is for the Dean and selected representatives for meetings and college-wide special events (e.g., receptions for school district people or Alliance students).
  • College-wide faculty committee meetings (e.g., FPC and the College Curriculum Committee) will continue to be scheduled in this room.
  • Departmental committee meetings, FPC subcommittee meetings, and dissertation defenses should be held in departmental conference rooms. If one departmental conference room is not available, faculty and staff should pursue availability with another department’s conference room.

The DAC members recommended deleting a fourth guideline (regarding the Counselor Education conference room) and posting the guidelines on the COE Web site after a public announcement is made.

  • Terrace Room (Mary Driscoll)

Ms. Mary Driscoll distributed the policy guidelines for use of the Terrace Room. She will announce to COE faculty and staff members that these guidelines, including contact information, will be posted on the COE Web site.

Discussion Items

  • Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan

Dr. Michael Bowie, Director of the Office of Recruitment, Retention and Multicultural Affairs (RRMA) in the College of Education, distributed an updated draft of the College Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan. The plan was developed to provide direction in an effort to diversify the College and makes its programs representative of the populations that they serve. Dr. Bowie noted that the draft document was designed to be a first step in an ongoing process that will be explored more fully as the College’s Diversity Team-appointed by the Dean-develops and implements a College-wide plan.

Dr. Bowie has requested and received input from the Faculty Policy Council’s (FPC) Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee about the plan.

The RRMA will be responsible for the development and implementation of the plan along with the creation of an accountability method to measure the success of the activities and programs in this plan.

The Diversity Team will address efforts in the area of increasing the inclusive culture of the College and providing a supportive environment to all students, faculty, and staff members. There was an extended discussion about the proposed plan and the need for the creation of a supportive environment for diverse students in the College, including students with physical disabilities and gay, lesbian, and bisexual students. DAC members recommended that a section be added to the plan that outlines the COE commitment to diversity and social justice along with the building of a culture of support to diverse students, faculty, and staff members.

Dr. Bowie indicated that the RRMA would provide additional opportunities on and off campus that will assist administrative/professional staff and faculty members in meeting their individual needs by posting campus events and activities on the COE Web site as well as providing them with information about the resources that are available throughout the campus and in the community.

Drs. Bowie and Vernetson will incorporate the suggestions that were made by FPC and DAC members, and resubmit a revised version of the Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan for review and approval.

  • Chair/Director Evaluations

The annual department chairperson evaluation process that is conducted by the Dean was discussed. Dean Emihovich reported on several changes that she plans to make in this evaluation process, including delineating specific goals and working toward the development of administrative portfolios that focus on the accomplishments of College administrators (including department chairpersons, assistant and associate deans, and unit directors).

The DAC members discussed the importance of obtaining input from faculty members in the chairperson and director evaluations. The forms (developed by College faculty members) that have been used in the past will be used again this year, with the addition of several items by Dean Emihovich, including the following four items related to the assessment of chairperson performance:

  1. Establishes departmental goals in consultation with faculty
  2. Establishes processes to mentor new faculty and graduate students
  3. Promotes discussions about diversity in faculty and student recruitment
  4. Shares information with faculty about resource allocations within the department.

She asked that the DAC members review an administrator evaluation form that is used at the California State University, Sacramento (Planning and Performance Evaluation Form for Administrators I-IV) for its relevance for the COE.

Dean Emihovich will re-initiate the conversation about this issue at the beginning of the fall semester. She reiterated that her goal in revising the evaluation process is to develop an evaluation method that serves to improve and strengthen the overall organization of a department or unit.

  • Service Learning MOU

Dr. Vernetson distributed a copy of a memorandum that was sent by J. Michael Rollo, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs, to UF faculty members who utilize community service in their curricula. In an effort to address concerns regarding the community standardization of volunteerism and volunteer liability, the UF General Counsel’s Office is working to establish Memoranda of Understanding (MOA) with every agency to which the University refers UF students, whether they are volunteering or involved in a specific service-learning class.

Dr. Vernetson requested that department chairpersons provide a list of courses (required for the completion of program requirements) that include field experiences along with a description of the nature of the field experience (e.g., teaching). She will provide this information to the UF General Counsel’s Office, who will prepare a Service Learning MOU to provide to the school districts (and other agencies) where the field experiences take place.

Faculty members who teach elective courses that require volunteer experience in schools or the community should contact Ms. Colette Taylor (392-1655; e-mail address: colette@union.ufl.edu), Director of the UF Office of Community Service, for information about how to comply with the MOU requirements for their courses.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 AM.