
6 February, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
February 6, 2006

Members present: Ellen Amatea, Buffy Bondy, Mary Brownell, Mary Ann Clark, Jim Doud, Ester de Jong, Cyndy Griffin, Dave Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Tracy Linderholm

Members absent: Rod Webb

Others present: Jeri Benson (Dean’s report)

Meeting called to order at 2:07 PM.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda for February 6, 2006—moved by Cyndy Griffin and seconded by Tracy Linderholm
2. Approval of the minutes from the 1/23/06 meeting—moved by Mary Ann Clark and seconded by Ester de Jong. Change date of February agenda committee to 2/13; check on time of Ladson-Billings talk on 2/17 (note: 2PM-3:30 PM). Unanimously approved.


Agenda committee: 2/13, 3/21, 4/17

Dean’s Report

Budget report at next FPC meeting.
Summer 2006 budgets: Chairs are currently cutting original requests for summer budgets.
Provost has requested budget review in mid-March (a month earlier than last year). Departments are completing reports.
Interviewing candidates: 2 for STL this week.
Catherine on a fund-raising trip in CA.
Request for the dean to present a fund-raising report to the FPC.

Committee Reports

CCC (Bondy): 2 courses proposed at 1/30/06 meeting; one held up due to perceived overlap with courses in Department of Educational Psychology. Dave Honeyman reminded us that there is a sign-off sheet (indicating approval of another department or program area) that should be included with a new course proposal to avoid this kind of problem.
Faculty Budgetary Affairs (de Jong): No report.
Lectures, Seminars, and Awards (Amatea): Deliberated about sabbatical awards this morning. Chose March 10 for deadline for applications for Graduate Student Teaching Award. Thomasenia Adams will publicize this award.
Long Range Planning (Griffin): Has completed a draft of the dean’s evaluation. To discuss under Action Items.
Research Advisory Committee (Clark): Travel support award—Paul Sindelar and Anna Puig handled it internally because the funds come from their budget. They took their decisions to the RAC, who agreed with their decisions. B.O. Smith Research Professorships: one available for this year; potential for 3 years of funding, renewed from year to year; focuses on associates preparing to go up for full professor. If person is promoted to full, the money can be moved to another person. Meeting date established to determine CRIF and B.O. Smith applications. Discussed COE Research Incentive Pay Plan. It’s on hold until relevant Union issues are settled.
Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee (Linderholm): Developing a proposal for a college-wide recruitment fund.
Technology Committee (Webb): No report.

Action Items

Cyndy Griffin reported on drafted Dean’s Evaluation Survey: $800 to post and monitor survey on line and provide simple analysis for one survey only. Dean’s roles and accomplishments should be included with the web-based survey. There are 9 categories with associated items. Jeri suggested that the dean could organize her report according to the 9 categories in the survey. Cyndy will revise based on feedback from the FPC and some clarification from the Dean. Cyndy will email the next version of the survey to us before the next FPC meeting. Delay action until next meeting.

Report from the Faculty Senate

Overlooked this item on the agenda.

Discussion Items

Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee—to keep or not to keep? The committee now focuses on graduate student recruitment only. Two other committees are addressing this, one overseen by Michael Bowie and one by Thomasenia Adams and grad coordinators Decision: Tracy will seek information to clarify the roles of each of the 3 existing committees and report back to the FPC.

Adjourned at 4PM.

Moved by Amatea and seconded by Linderholm.