
6 March, 2006 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council Minutes
March 6, 2006

Members present: Ellen Amatea, Buffy Bondy, Mary Ann Clark, Ester de Jong, Jim Doud, Cyndy Griffin, Dave Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Holly Lane (for Mary Brownell), Tracy Linderholm

Members absent: Rod Webb

Others present: Catherine Emihovich, Margaret Gaylord

Meeting called to order at 2:10 PM.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda for 3/06/06: moved by Cyndy and seconded by Ester
2. Approval of the minutes from the 2/20/06 meeting: moved by Ester and seconded by Mary Ann


• Agenda committee meetings: March 20, April 17
• COE faculty meeting: April 17, 2-4 PM, Terrace Room
• Faculty/Student Recruitment, Retention, and Development workshop on Diversity, March 24, 2006, 8:30-10 AM

Dean’s Report

• Video to be debuted at April 17 faculty meeting: highlights Experiential Learning Complex and Norman Hall renovations
• Third Fien speaker today at 3:30 (Luis Moll)
• November 2-4 conference to close the centennial celebration: Closing the Achievement Gap through Collaboration; Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Richard Rothstein, and one other as keynote speakers; to take place at St. Pete Hilton
• College of Education giving: COE had best record on campus last year in relation to our identified target; Catherine and Margaret described the process of fundraising for the COE

Committee Reports

College Curriculum Committee (Bondy): Met 2/27; reviewed 4 new course proposals and discussed transfer of credits from masters to doctoral programs
Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee (de Jong): The committee has sent the drafted proposal for T and P for non-tenure track faculty to the entire faculty for feedback; hope to put it on the FPC agenda as an action item later in March. The committee is also
developing an action plan for FPC for next year to revise guidelines for T and P for tenure-track faculty. The committee is also discussing what aspects of the COE budget should be considered by the committee. Finally, the committee is considering faculty load.
Lectures, Seminars and Award Committees (Amatea): No report.
Long Range Planning Committee (Griffin): Will meet on Wednesday. Cyndy has contacted the Survey Research Center. Okay to include Jeri’s evaluation with Catherine’s. Fran Vandiver will attend Wednesday’s meeting to discuss a collaborative research effort between COE and PKY.
Research Advisory Committee (Clark): Will meet on March 24 to review the CRIF grant proposals.
Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee (Linderholm): Have completed a draft of a proposal to the dean concerning support for recruitment. Are drafting a new mission statement for the committee.
Technology Committee (Webb): No report.

Action Items


Report from the Faculty Senate

President Machen talked to the Senate about decreasing undergraduate enrollment and maintaining exemplary undergraduate education. However, he wants the professional schools to be responsive to the needs of the state. We decided to place this item on the agenda committee meeting so we can encourage Catherine to speak with us about the president’s “work plan” for UF.

Discussion Items


Meeting adjourned at 3:17 PM.