Entries by robinglecain


14 January, 2002 FPC Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2002 Room 158 Norman Hall Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, Hazel Jones, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend, Joe Wittmer Members Absent:  David Honeyman, Max Parker Stephen Smith called the meeting to order at 9:13 a.m. Action Items 1.  Approval of the agenda for January 14, 2002. […]


10 December, 2001 FPC Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2001 Room 158 Norman Hall Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, Hazel Jones, Max Parker, Peter Sherrard, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend Members Absent: David Honeyman Other Present:  Ben Nelms, RodWebb Stephen Smith called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m. Action Items 1.  Approval […]


26 November, 2001 FPC Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2001 Room 158 Norman Hall Members Present: Dick Allington, Phil Clark, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, David Honeyman, Hazel Jones, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Jane Townsend, Joe Wittmer Members Absent:  Max Parker Other Present: Rod Webb, Dean’s Office Smith called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Action Items 1.  Approval of the […]


7 November, 2001 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Dean Nelms welcomed committee members to the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) meeting. Issues for Discussion Michael Bowie, Director of the Office of Recruitment, Retention, and Multicultural Affairs (RRMA), reported the following activities: 1. Recruitment Activities include graduate students and staff visiting community colleges and advertisement in Diversity: Career Opportunities and Insights. He distributed a draft […]


1 October, 2001 FPC Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2001 Room 158 Norman Hall Members Present: Richard Allington, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy (alternate), Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, David Honeyman, Max Parker, Tina Smith-Bonahue, Stephen Smith (Chair), Joe Wittmer Members Absent:  Hazel Jones, Jane Townsend Others Present:  Rod Webb, Dean’s Office The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 9:07 a.m. […]


10 Septembe, 2001 FPC Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2001 Room 158 Norman Hall Members Present: Dick Allington, Anne McGill-Franzen (alternate), Vivian Correa, Joe Wittmer, Hazel Jones, Bridget Franks, Phil Clark, Stephen Smith (Chair), and Tina Smith-Bonahue Members Absent:  Jane Townsend; David Honeyman Rod Webb was in attendance from the Dean’s Office. (Rod is not a member) The meeting was called to […]


7 September, 2001 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 7, 2001 Room 250 Norman Hall The meeting was called to order by Dr. Stephen Smith, Faculty Policy Council (FPC) Chair at 3:15 p.m.  He welcomed the faculty to the Fall Faculty Meeting and thanked them for attending the meeting. General Information on Committee Structure Smith stated that the FPC consists of members […]