5 September, 2001 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
Dean Nelms welcomed committee members and announced this is the first Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) meeting under the new college constitution.
Notes from the preliminary meeting held on August 15, 2001, were distributed and reviewed.
Committee discussed what the purpose of this committee is and recommended changes in wording.
To provide a forum for communication and the sharing of information.
To discuss the administrative implications of policy initiatives under consideration by the Faculty Policy Council and procedures for implementing policies as they are proposed and enacted.
To suggest to the Agenda Committee areas of concern for possible consideration by the Faculty Policy Council.
To respond to current issues and mandates, for example, from the University administration and the Florida Department of Education as well as those identified internally within the college.
Inasmuch as possible, meetings will be scheduled in the order below:
1) Provost meets with University Deans
2) Agenda Committee
3) Dean’s Advisory Committee
4) Faculty Policy Council (FPC)
Stephen Smith (Chair, FPC) stated that any issues of concern should be presented to the Agenda Committee and would be distributed to the appropriate committee.
He also said that the Faculty Policy Council Web Site has been updated to include most of the new committees.
For monthly DAC meetings, agenda items will be scheduled as follows:
1)Issues for discussion (one or two announced in advance)
2) Update report (Chair of Faculty Policy Council)
3)Information items (Dean and Dean’s Office)
The committee will be invited to suggest items for the agenda preferably a week in advance.
The DAC will be composed of the following individuals:
Department chairs
Dean, Associate/Assistant Deans
Director of Student Services
Chair, Faculty Policy Council
The Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Multicultural Affairs and the Director of Development will be invited to meet with the DAC from time to time as appropriate, but will not serve on the committee.
Discussion ensued as to whether to add another person to the Agenda Committee. It was agreed to leave the Agenda Committee’s membership as is for one year.
The next Agenda Committee meeting will address the issue of asking faculty whether they feel another faculty member should serve on the Agenda Committee.
Reporting Procedure
The Dean’s Secretary will take notes. Notes should be public and posted on the FPC web page in an expeditious manner. The notes would be circulated to Advisory members and then sent to Stephen Smith for FPC web page.
FPC Report
Stephen Smith, Chair of the Faculty Policy Council, proposed that a 2-hour time during each week be scheduled for college committee meetings; (e.g. the Faculty Policy Council). Alternating weeks might be reserved for departments and departmental meetings. The period from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. was suggested, NOT on Wednesdays or Fridays. Dean Nelms will circulate the other times among department chairs to determine which is likely to have the fewest conflicts. Graduate students and Adjunct Faculty could teach during this time period.
Report of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dean Webb discussed the following issues:
The condition and possible renovation of Old Norman Hall.
Prospects for a media union.
Recent meetings with Apple and Teraglobal media.
Report of Assistant Dean for Educational Outreach and Communications
Dean Vernetson announced upcoming events:
Grand Guard reunion this Friday, September 7 (luncheon and program)
October 19, New Faculty Reception
November 2, Homecoming Reception
December 7, College Xmas Party at the Best Western near I-75
Report of the Dean
The Dean reported that the budget situation is still somewhat unclear. He discussed the possibility of a holdback this year. Projections for next year also indicate the possibility of serious cutbacks.
However, there are some indications that there may be additional funding for Opportunity Alliance next year and for early replacement of senior professors in DROP.
Provost Colburn is working on the Dean’s Search committee, which will be appointed soon and will include representation from each department.
The Dean distributed preliminary enrollment information, the headcount after registration showing a slight decline at all levels in COE. A request was made for five-year data on headcount.
The Dean distributed copies of the Salary Pay Plan for Professors for 2001-2001.
Dr. Vandiver announced that the Provost is appointing a long range planning committee. PKY’s enrollment has increased dramatically in the last three years, doubling the middle-school enrollment. She also mentioned PKY involvement in the Florida Reading Initiative.
The Dean announced that there are two staff searches currently underway:
Director of Development
Coordinator of Special Events (full time)
The search for a Director of the Lastinger Center is also underway. Dr. Doud will chair the committee.
Searches for the Director of the School of Teaching and Learning and the Chair of Educational Leadership will begin soon.