Dean’s Advisory Council


5 September, 2001 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Dean Nelms welcomed committee members and announced this is the first Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) meeting under the new college constitution.

Notes from the preliminary meeting held on August 15, 2001, were distributed and reviewed.


Committee discussed what the purpose of this committee is and recommended changes in wording.


To provide a forum for communication and the sharing of information.

To discuss the administrative implications of policy initiatives under consideration by the Faculty Policy Council and procedures for implementing policies as they are proposed and enacted.

To suggest to the Agenda Committee areas of concern for possible consideration by the Faculty Policy Council.

To respond to current issues and mandates, for example, from the University administration and the Florida Department of Education as well as those identified internally within the college.

Inasmuch as possible, meetings will be scheduled in the order below:

1)  Provost meets with University Deans

2)  Agenda Committee

3)  Dean’s Advisory Committee

4)  Faculty Policy Council (FPC)

Stephen Smith (Chair, FPC) stated that any issues of concern should be presented to the Agenda Committee and would be distributed to the appropriate committee.

He also said that the Faculty Policy Council Web Site has been updated to include most of the new committees.


For monthly DAC meetings, agenda items will be scheduled as follows:

1)Issues for discussion (one or two announced in advance)

2)  Update report (Chair of Faculty Policy Council)

3)Information items (Dean and Dean’s Office)

The committee will be invited to suggest items for the agenda preferably a week in advance.


The DAC will be composed of the following individuals:

Department chairs

Dean, Associate/Assistant Deans

Director of Student Services

Chair, Faculty Policy Council

The Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Multicultural Affairs and the Director of Development will be invited to meet with the DAC from time to time as appropriate, but will not serve on the committee.

Discussion ensued as to whether to add another person to the Agenda Committee.  It was agreed to leave the Agenda Committee’s membership as is for one year.

The next Agenda Committee meeting will address the issue of asking faculty whether they feel another faculty member should serve on the Agenda Committee.

Reporting Procedure

The Dean’s Secretary will take notes.  Notes should be public and posted on the FPC web page in an expeditious manner.  The notes would be circulated to Advisory members and then sent to Stephen Smith for FPC web page.

FPC Report

Stephen Smith, Chair of the Faculty Policy Council, proposed that a 2-hour time during each week be scheduled for college committee meetings; (e.g. the Faculty Policy Council).  Alternating weeks might be reserved for departments and departmental meetings.  The period from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. was suggested, NOT on Wednesdays or Fridays.  Dean Nelms will circulate the other times among department chairs to determine which is likely to have the fewest conflicts.  Graduate students and Adjunct Faculty could teach during this time period.

Report of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Dean Webb discussed the following issues:

The condition and possible renovation of Old Norman Hall.

Prospects for a media union.

Recent meetings with Apple and Teraglobal media.

Report of Assistant Dean for Educational Outreach and Communications

Dean Vernetson announced upcoming events:

Grand Guard reunion this Friday, September 7 (luncheon and program)

October 19, New Faculty Reception

November 2, Homecoming Reception

December 7, College Xmas Party at the Best Western near I-75

Report of the Dean

The Dean reported that the budget situation is still somewhat unclear.  He discussed the possibility of a holdback this year.  Projections for next year also indicate the possibility of serious cutbacks.

However, there are some indications that there may be additional funding for Opportunity Alliance next year and for early replacement of senior professors in DROP.

Provost Colburn is working on the Dean’s Search committee, which will be appointed soon and will include representation from each department.

The Dean distributed preliminary enrollment information, the headcount after registration showing a slight decline at all levels in COE.  A request was made for five-year data on headcount.

The Dean distributed copies of the Salary Pay Plan for Professors for 2001-2001.

Dr. Vandiver announced that the Provost is appointing a long range planning committee.  PKY’s enrollment has increased dramatically in the last three years, doubling the middle-school enrollment.  She also mentioned PKY involvement in the Florida Reading Initiative.

The Dean announced that there are two staff searches currently underway:

Director of Development

Coordinator of Special Events (full time)

The search for a Director of the Lastinger Center is also underway.  Dr. Doud will chair the committee.

Searches for the Director of the School of Teaching and Learning and the Chair of Educational Leadership will begin soon.


27 February, 2001 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Dean Nelms began the meeting by introducing Mr. Tim Wood from the University of Florida Foundation to the committee members.  Mr. Wood explained the basic structure of the Foundation as a separate, non-profit corporation, which reports to a Board of Directors responsible for policy, but which solely exists as support for the University of Florida.  The Foundation has three primary functions:  (1) Alumni relations, funded by alumni dues and presently handled for the College of Education by Jimmy Ebersole; (2) Development, involving fundraising; and (3) Operations, which serves as a bank for money received for the College.  Mr. Wood introduced the new Director of Development for the College of Education, Mary C. Driscoll from Olean, New York.  Ms. Driscoll noted that she would like to meet with the department chairs individually to learn more about the College in order to become a better spokesman and ambassador for the College.  Dean Nelms welcomed Ms. Driscoll to the College of Education and suggested to Dr. Stephen Smith that the Faculty Policy Council invite her and Jimmy Ebersole to a meeting for introductions.

The College of Education Report to the Presidential Task Force

Dean Nelms reported that he talked to Provost David Colburn about the Task Force report and emphasized that the College of Education already collaborates well with other colleges, as demonstrated in the effort to work with CLAS in developing Pathways to Teaching.  The Provost will continue to meet with Dean Nelms on Task Force issues.  It also may be possible for the Provost to attend a meeting with the Dean’s Advisory Committee, the Faculty Policy Council and/or faculty to discuss University of Florida reorganization issues.  Instead of emphasizing budget cuts, the Task Force is striving to uplift good programs and make them even better.  Dean Nelms noted that he hopes to improve stipends provided for doctoral students but will need additional resources to accomplish that goal.  It was noted that the University of Florida, as a land grant institution, is very comprehensive compared to other top institutions in the number of programs being offered.  The University also receives political visibility through the Opportunity Alliance partnership.

College Calendar for March

Dean Nelms noted three major meetings that will be held after spring break.

1.  The meeting between Provost David Colburn and the Dean’s Advisory Committee and Faculty Policy Council, as noted above, may be scheduled on short notice, but Dean Nelms will try to keep members informed.

2.  The Budget Advisory Committee will be meeting to discuss budgeting for 2002-2003.

3.  A faculty forum will be scheduled at two different times with faculty for the purpose of listing programs for evaluation.

Update from the Faculty Policy Council

Dr. Stephen Smith reported on four items from the Faculty Policy Council.

1.  The Faculty Policy Council is currently considering a recommendation from a standing committee.  Dr. Smith noted that he would ask for written departmental responses as well as individual responses to the recommendation.  The item that will be on the agenda for discussion at the March 18 meeting will be a recommendation by the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee for admissions to be handled within the departments.

2.  The Elections Committee, chaired by Dr. Larry Loesch, has completed detailed procedures for upcoming elections.

3.  The Council is working to clarify ambiguities regarding the Undergraduate Admissions and Petitions Committee.  Constitutional revisions may be necessary to accomplish this goal.

4.  Dr. Smith will remain in contact with Dr. Paul George, chair of the Dean’s Search Committee, to ensure that faculty will have more access to the candidates during their campus visits.  Possible suggestions may include a round-table discussion without an agenda or a social event to provide an atmosphere for more informal discussions.

A suggestion was made to keep flexibility in the Constitutional language to prevent it from hindering tasks being completed.  Regarding an inventorying of present policies, Dr. Smith stated that a compendium would be completed by the end of the semester.

Report of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Dean Webb discussed four College projects.

1.  The work on NCATE continues to move ahead with writing planned for the summer.  Mock visits for NCATE are being planned for Fall 2002.  The first database developed will be a faculty database accessible from the web.  When completed, the database will require less faculty time and will be useful in retrieving data in many different forms.  Currently, there is a mock database for inputting and retrieving information, but the final database is projected to be ready for use in March 2002 for the next annual report.  There will be a different format than the previous web-based version.

2.  Work is continuing on a web presence for courses in the College of Education.  The question of including syllabi on-line will need to be explored.

3.  Regarding the College building projects, all of the old classrooms in Norman Hall will be off-line for the summer in order to be ready for Fall 2002.  The expected completion date for the terrace fill-in is the end of summer 2002.  Committee members were reminded that noise levels will be high and entrances to the Norman Hall Annex may be different during the construction.

4.  Work is continuing on the International Media Union.  The Advance Group will soon be ready to proceed with the Planning Team.

Report of the Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research

In the absence of Dean Kranzler, Dean Webb reported on the following projects.

1.  Dean Kranzler is compiling data for the Presidential Task Force by looking at other infrastructures for supporting faculty in their research.

2.  Dean Kranzler is working on a website for his office with information on fellowship awards.  The transition for OS is scheduled to take place during spring break.

3.  Due to time constraints, questionnaires will be distributed to faculty about research, instead of placing the questionnaires on the web.

Report of the Assistant Dean for Educational Outreach and Communications

Dean Vernetson reported on the following items.

1.  The IPEP Report is near completion and lacks only one college section on Reading.

2.  The UF Day in the Legislature will be held on Wednesday, March 6, 2002.  Faculty interested in attending may contact Dean Vernetson by email.

3.  The spring meeting for the Florida Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (FACTE) will be held on March 21-22, 2002 at the Sheraton Gainesville Hotel with the University of Florida acting as the host.  Dean Vernetson will email registration information and the agenda to the committee members.  A reception will be held poolside at the Sheraton on March 21st with faculty invited to be present.

4.  A reception for University of Florida alumni will be held in the home of Joe Beckham in Tallahassee, Florida on April 4, 2002.  Faculty members will be invited to attend.

5.  Dean Vernetson is currently working with the Office of Student Services on the Title II Report for 2001-2002.

Report of the Dean

Dean Nelms discussed the following items.

1.  Regarding the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Dean Nelms requested that faculty consider submitting proposals for presentations at the 2003 annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, in order to further College recognition.  He distributed two handouts entitled Call for Papers 2003 and Call for Reviewers 2003. Dean Nelms also distributed a handout, Governmental Relations Update, regarding the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110, containing information on partnerships with public schools.  He noted that a discussion has been initiated on hiring only “highly qualified” teachers, who have already been certified by the state.

2.  Related to the Dean’s Search within the College, it was noted that the budget situation is not as bad as seen in other states, but candidates have expressed a concern about governance under the Board of Trustees.

3.  The following items were noted from the Provost’s meeting with the Deans.

·  Regarding budgetary considerations, it now appears that

o There will be an increase for graduate and out-of-state students.

o PECO funding and matching funds will still be forthcoming.

o Enrollment growth will be fully funded.

·  No college should cut summer classes to the point of decreasing enrollment.

·  There will be emphasis on the 150th anniversary of the University of Florida this year with special recognition given to the history of the University.

·  Since general graduations will be discontinued after this year, each college will need to prepare for the change.

4.  The Community College Distance Learning Consortium is compiling a list of courses that could be used by teachers during the summer session 2002 to renew their Florida professional certificates using an online catalog as a base.  Dean Nelms distributed a handout entitled Pro-Class Initiative: Connecting Professionals With The Classes They Need.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


15 January, 2001 Dean’s Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Dean Nelms welcomed committee members to the Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) meeting.

Dean Nelms shared the following information:

1.  Dr. David Lawrence has been appointed University Scholar in the College of Education.  Dr. Lawrence’s office will remain in Miami at the Early Childhood Initiative Foundation.

1.  Dr. Larry Tyree has been appointed Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundation.  His appointment will begin in fall, 2002.

3. Dr. Sandy Witt reported that as of January 15, 2002, 54 students have been admitted to the Unified Elementary program for the spring, 2002 semester.

4. The Gainesville Sun carries a story quoting President Young as suggesting that students in the College of Education should take more courses in their subject matter area. Dean Nelms distributed a draft of a letter to President Young  responding to the Gainesville Sun Article. He asked Committee members to provide their feedback on the letter by 5:00 p.m. on January 15, 2002.

Report of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Dean Webb discussed several College projects:

1.  International Media Union:  Ben Nelms recognized early in his tenure as Dean that “Our information technology (IT) capacity, opportunities, and imagination have outstripped our space, staff, and infrastructure.” To address our IT needs, he appointed a planning committee to study what it might take to design and build an integrated space to house all IT activities. In keeping with the University’s emphasis on international work, cross-college collaboration, and distance learning, he called the group the International Media Union (IMU) Planning Team.  He appointed the following faculty to the IMU Planning Team:  Rod Webb, Chair; Fedro Zazueta, Office of Academic Technology; Stephen Shorb, University Libraries; Sue Legg, Partnership in Global Learning; Rick Ferdig, COE; and Mickie Miller, COE.

He asked the Planning Team to identify and rank the IMU features and functions; identify, hire, and oversee the work of an IMU architect; divide IMU work into phases and plan each phase; begin the first phase of the IMU project; plan and monitor the IMU fundraising effort; and involve faculty and business partners in the planning process.  IMU planning is funded by the Office of Academic Technology.

The IMU Planning Committee has been meeting since October and has listed the following tentative IMU features and functions.

i. A/V Production Area:  An area for video production including cameras, studio, and control room.

ii. Audio Production Area: An area for the production of sound projects including tape and CD production and dubbing activities.

iii. Multimedia Production:  A lab for computers with A/V inputs for digital editing, recording, and producing software and other technologies.  Technology will include such things as CD & DVD burners, digital input devices (digital 8, sound boards, video capturing, etc.), and output devices such as VCRs, digital cameras, and video streaming production tools. This area should be contiguous to and incorporate parts of the A/V Production and Audio Production areas.)

iv. General Work Space:  An area (or areas) wired for technology and assigned to faculty for the duration of particular grants, special projects, or outreach activities.  Spaces must be flexible, modular, and support collaboration.

v. Video Conference Center (G-520):  An area with large-scale video conferencing capability.

vi. Video Conference Lab:  A smaller lab area used for teaching smaller groups via distance.  Each machine will be fitted with video conferencing capabilities so that instructors can teach with, about, or through video conferencing.

vii. Distance Learning Production Lab: An area where faculty and students develop distance-education courses and course material. Should probably be contiguous to the Multimedia lab.

viii. Media Cafe:  An area where students and faculty meet, drink coffee, share ideas, access e-mail, and access the web.

ix. Computer Classrooms:  Classrooms with computers at workstations that seat two or three students.  The instructor’s computer must connect to a projector and all workstation computers.

x. Showcase Area:  A space where vendors can showcase new products, faculty and students can use those products, and where students and faculty can display their latest media-related work.

xi. Open Labs:  Areas for student computer use.  We envision an IBM lab, an Apple Lab, and perhaps a mixed lab that includes Unix/Lynix and other products.

xii. Content Area Labs:  Either a separate lab or a part of the main open lab, this area would feature sets of computers with banners over them differentiating various content areas (math, science, etc.).  Workstations would have software and necessary hardware related to each area.

xiii. IT Consulting/Library/Research Reference:  An area with personnel available for technology support (hardware and software checkout), research support (quantitative and qualitative consultants), and library referencing.  The area might include space and facilities for technology outreach consulting offering schools and school districts technology audits, IT consulting, and professional development activities. The IT Consulting/Library/Research Reference area would include a welcome counter, desks for the consulting staff, and areas for one-on-one assistance.

xiv. Faculty Book Display Area:  A display case where the College can display the books of faculty and COE graduates.

xv. Seminar Rooms for small classes.

xvi. Writing Carrels for Professors.

Dean Webb asked Chairs to nominate two people from their departments to serve on an IMU advisory Committee.  Dean Nelms will probably select only one nominee from each Department.

2.  Old Norman Classroom Renovation Project:  The Office of Instructional Resources is funding a summer renovation of old-Norman classrooms. (No classes will be scheduled for old Norman this summer.) The renovation will not do everything we would like, but it will include new ceilings, new lights and switches, rugs, level-three technology in every room, wall repair and paint, and woodwork lacquer. In room 250 we will raise the ceiling and restore the room, as much as possible with our limited funds, to its old grandeur.

3.  NCATE Documentation Work:  The NCATE Planning Team is meeting weekly, cutting NCATE work into manageable chunks, and planning how the work will get done.  Project Coordinators are doing outstanding work and deserve our praise and appreciation.  Faculty can view the NCATE work on our College’s NCATE website:

The Program Coordinators, Buffy Bondy, and the NCATE Planning Team wrote and approved a conceptual framework for the unit.  That framework states:

The College of Education and affiliated programs prepare reflective professionals who organize, disseminate, and create knowledge; promote democratic values; and serve diverse communities.

Webb asked chairs to discuss the framework with faculty, explain its purpose and how it was developed, and alert faculty to its importance in the NCATE process.

4. OS 9 Web Server Emergency: Rod Webb updated the DAC on the COE Web Server emergency.  All faculty, staff and graduate students who have material on the web should be:

A. backing up your web material,

B. cleaning up your site and eliminating or archiving outdated material,

C. preparing your site for movement to the new server, and

D. backing up your Apache-ready material.

Gail Ring will offer short web server help sessions.  Faculty needing further assistance will get one-on-one assistance.

5.  Department Web Pages:  Department web templates are ready and Webb asked that every department assign a staff person to be the their web master.  A graduate student can assist the web master but, Webb explained, but “we need to educate permanent staff people to administer our web pages and keep them up to date.” Gail Ring is offering web classes for department web masters.

6.  Terrace-Level Addition and Dean’s Office renovations are still on target. The Dean’s Office renovations will begin soon and will be funded with Carry Forward money.  Dean Nelms said he wanted the office renovated before the new dean comes into the College and assured faculty that he was using funds that could not be used for salary, travel, or academic projects. The terrace-level addition plans will be finished in February and construction will begin this summer.

7.  Arthur Levine, President of Teachers College, has an Annenberg grant to study colleges of education. He would like to bring a team from TC to interview our faculty on February 13 and 14, 2002.  Webb asked if chairs were willing to help schedule focus-group sessions with faculty and students for the TC team.  Arthur Levine has agreed to give a talk to faculty and students on Monday February 11, 2002.

FPC Report

Stephen Smith, Chair of the Faculty Policy Council gave the following update on FPC activities:

1.  Standing Committees are functioning.

2.  FPC is on schedule.

3.  No decision-making procedures have been established at this time.

4.  Spring elections will be held according to the Constitution.

5.  A Constitutional convention will be held to amend the Constitution.

Report of the Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research

Dean Kranzler reported the following:

1.  An upcoming meeting will be held with the MDTP Director to discuss future collaboration.

2.  Fellowship announcement has been sent out.  One Presidential and 13 Alumni will be awarded.  Minority fellowships have been eliminated due to race no longer being an admissions factor.  He will plan to meet with Chairs in the near future to discuss other Graduate Studies issues.

3.  The Dissertation Mentor Advising nominations will be submitted this week.  Dr. Linda Behar-Horenstein, Dr. Larry Loesch and Dr. Cecil Mercer are the three nominees.

4.  A Research Infrastructure survey will be sent to all faculty in order to address their needs.

5.  A few changes in the proposal submission form for research in Alachua County will be made this semester.  All changes will be shared with the faculty after they are formally announced by the county.

6.  Dr. Kranzler asked Chairs for their feedback on the possibility of grant submissions to be submitted through the Center for School Improvement.  Chairs agreed that it would be logical to process grants through the Center.  He will discuss this issue with the Chairs who were not present.

Report of Assistant Dean for Educational Outreach and Communications

Dean Vernetson made the following announcements:

1.  Reminded Chairs that IPEP reports are due today.

2.  Jimmy Ebersole has been appointed as the College’s full-time Public Functions and Alumni Relations Coordinator.  He replaces Barzella Papa who was employed on a part-time basis.

Report of the Dean

Dean Nelms reported the following:

1.  The Provost was scheduled to visit with the Faculty Policy Council and Dean’s Advisory Committee members on January 23, 2002, at 1:30 to discuss the College’s future priorities.

2.  Dean Nelms distributed a list of major goals that were outlined at the Dean’s Goal-Setting Retreat on December 5, 2001.  He asked committee members to review the list prior to the Provost’s visit.  Members of the College’s Long Range Planning Committee will also receive a copy of the goals.

3.  Budget cuts include a 10% in departmental budgets, 20% cut in summer school; and 30% assessed in Dean’s area and college-wide support offices.  The cut assessed against the College was 4% this year and is projected as 4.5% next year.

4.  Dean Nelmsdistributed the SUS Deans Agenda for the January 16, 2002, meeting in Orlando.

5.  Ms. Mary Driscoll has been appointed as the new Director of Development.

6.  Dr. Jamie Algina has been nominated to serve on the Presidential Fact Finding Committee.

7.  P. K. Yonge has received word that funding is assured for their new auditorium.