Faculty Meeting Minutes


25 October, 2010, FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

Fall Faculty Meeting of the College of Education
Monday October 25, 2010, 3:00-5:00
(Approved by the Faculty Policy Council and its regular meeting on 11/15/10)

Welcome Tina Smith-Bonahue, Chair, 2010-2011 FPC Chair
Introductions and Announcements

  • Dale Campbell
  • Welcome to Patricia Hurff and Jann MacInness
  • Cindy Garvan and Ana Puig were promoted to Clinical Associate Professor.
  • Buffy Bondy
  • STL welcomes two new assistant professors this year, Brianna Kennedy and Albert Ritzhaupt, and a new clinical assistant professor, Darby Delane. In addition, 3 new Professors-in-Residence became part of STL, Tanetha Grosland and Vicki Vescio in Pinellas County, and Crystal Timmons in Duval.
  • Maria Cody was tenured and promoted to associate professor
  • Jean Crockett
  • Maureen Conroy returned to UF as professor in Early Childhood Studies and Special Education.
  • Cynthia Griffin and Jean Crockett were promoted to professor.

The State of the College by Dean Catherine Emihovich

Dean Emihovich shared a Powerpoint presentation on the State of the College based on the COE Annual Report. She emphasized the breadth and depth of the College’s initiatives, and pointed out the COE’s focus on early childhood through postsecondary education as well as whole school improvement.

A series of development events will take place on November 3-4. These meetings are open to faculty and are designed to foster relationships between the COE and a group of “Critical Friends,” potential donors and stakeholders for the COE’s work.

An update on the budget was shared, reviewing how Responsibility Center Management (RCM) directs allocations. The dean is consulting with the FPC’s Budgetary Affairs Committee to address several questions regarding future allocations: 1) A plan for compensating faculty for summer instruction that accounts for reduced availability of resources for funding summer costs; 2) principles for allocating funds to the schools; and 3) strategies for paying the overhead assessments charged by the university.

The following searches will be conducted this year in the COE: 1) Associate Dean for Research; 2) senior faculty member for STEM, a position funded by Jump Start funds; 3) director for PK Yonge; and 4) an associate or assistant faculty position in Counselor
Education. There will not be a search this year for a director for HDOSE as Dale Campbell has agreed to continue in the role.

(Please see Powerpoint presentation.)

COE Development and Alumni Affairs Annual Plan by Matt Hodges, Director, Development and Alumni Affairs
Matt used a Powerpoint presentation to describe the three roles of the COE’s Development Office: 1) to increase private support, 2) to actively steward our donors in a meaningful way, and 3) to communicate and engage with all distinctive stakeholders. He also provided information about the COE’s progress toward the capital campaign, potential donors, and development initiatives that are ongoing.

(Please see Powerpoint presentation.)

Overview of Faculty Policy Council Initiatives for 2010-2011 by Tina Smith-Bonahue

FPC has an ambitious agenda this year, following up on last year’s FPC’s Productivity Task Force report and taking up the Provost’s charge to develop a vision and strategic plan. A number of FPC committees have been meeting already; Tina thanked the members of the committees for their efforts. Reports were shared by committee chairs for three of FPC’s committees.

Budget Advisory Committee by Nancy Waldron, Chair
Nancy described the committee’s work around Responsibility Center Management and its implications for the COE, particularly the ways in which funds that come into the COE will be allocated to different units. The BAC’s goals for this semester include continuing to develop principles and a plan for allocating funds and elicit faculty input on it.

Strategic Planning Steering Committee, by Dorene Ross, Co-Chair
The strategic planning steering committee is co-chaired by Dorene Ross and Paul Sindelar. Other members include each of the three school directors, one of each school’s representatives to the Long Range Planning Committee (Cirecie West-Olatunji – HDOSE, Hazel Jones – SESPECS, and Ruth Lowery – STL), and a representative from the Productivity Task Force (Tracy Linderholm). Kathy Long, Dean of the College of Nursing and Associate Provost and Tina Smith-Bonahue are ex officio members of the Steering Committee, and Dean Tom Dana will serve as a resource on an ad hoc basis.

The committee has two primary purposes: 1) to structure a process for engaging faculty in conversations about goals and priorities, then 2) to take use that information to develop a strategic planning document by April 1st. The committee will consult with Jodi Gentry from Human Resources and hopes to host a faculty retreat sometime before the end of the fall semester.

Other FPC Initiatives, by Tina Smith-Bonahue

Constitution review: This effort will be led by Stephen Pape and is intended to review the COE Constitution to ensure that procedures described in it remain up-to-date.
Distance Education Task Force: At the October FPC meeting, the council voted to charge a task force with reviewing the mission, policies, and procedures of the Distance Education Office. This task force will be led by Kara Dawson and Cathy Cavanaugh and will include faculty with expertise and experience in offering distance programs as well as administrators from the COE with specialized skills and expertise.

Committee Reports

  • Budgetary affairs—Nancy Waldron, Chair
  • See previous report.
  • College Curriculum Committee—Paul Sindelar, Chair
  • Specific duties include consideration of new courses, program changes, and providing oversight of the quality of undergraduate and graduate course and program offerings.
  • The CCC meets monthly during Fall and Spring semesters and as needed during Summer terms.
  • Diversity Committee—Maria Coady, Chair
  • The committee’s first meeting is on October 26th at 9:00 a.m.
  • Via email, the committee has discussed highlighting several issues including bullying, religious diversity, etc.
  • The committee’s goal for this year is to have a short survey for faculty to take a pulse on issues of diversity
  • Faculty Affairs Committee—Alyson Adams, FPC representative
  • The FAC has been charged with ranking applications for faculty enhancement and sabbaticals.
  • A major issue to be tackled by the FAC this year is the third-year review, and consideration of whether there should be input from the college level, not just at each school level
  • In addition, FAC will attempt to define evaluation procedures for non-tenure track roles due to expansion of the tracks
  • Lectures, Seminars and Awards Committee—Tina Smith-Bonahue
  • This committee is charged with reviewing applications for awards
  • Long Range Planning Committee—Hazel Jones, Chair
  • The LRP presented a motion to the FPC identifying steering committee members. The motion was approved and the steering committee convened.
  • The primary task for the LRP for this year will be to work in conjunction with the steering committee strategic planning.
  • Research Advisory Committee—Thomasenia Adams, Chair
  • The RAC will consider applications for the following awards:
  • Research Professor Award
  • College Research Incentive
  • No B.L. Smith this year
  • Research opportunity incentive, due by November 29th
  • Technology and Distance Education Committee—Jeff Hurt, FPC representative
  • Responsibilities for this committee include serving as liaison between FPC and emerging DE task force, and considering faculty needs related to the expansion of distance education.
  • Inaugural meeting will be on October 27th .

The meeting adjourned at 4:30.


8 October, 2007 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting
October 8, 2007

  • Welcome and introduction of new faculty members – Catherine Emihovich, Fran Vandiver
  • Recognition of promotions – Catherine Emihovich
  • Message from Rick Yost, UF Senate President
  • Message from Jim Gorske, UF Disability Resource Center
  • Update on Tenure and Promotion Criteria from Ester de Jong and Mirka Koro-Ljungberg
  • Updates on COE task forces, projects, and initiatives
    • Chris Sessums, Distance Learning
    • Troy Sadler, HHMI Grant
    • Catherine Emihovich, COE Annual Report
    • Linda Hagedorn, Carnegie Professional Practice Doctorate Initiative
    • Tom Dana, Colleen Swain, and Kutura Watson, STL Workshop on Issues of Race in the COE
  • Report on COE Day Away – Catherine Emihovich and Paul Sindelar
  • Dean’s report and discussion of COE budget

16 April, 2007 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

College of Education
Spring Faculty Meeting
April 16, 2007

40+ faculty members in attendance

Welcome (Buffy Bondy)
• There was a shooting at Virginia Tech today. Yeager gave an update based on
recent CNN website information.
• Today’s agenda is organized around brief reports from each of the five
departments, the four deans, the Faculty Senate, then from FPC committees.

Department Highlights
The Counselor Education Department (Harry Daniels):
• Continues to be highly ranked by USNews;
• Added two new faculty members, Michael Garrett and Andrea Rayle;
• Became the most diverse unit in the COE and perhaps campus wide;
• Was actively involved in Hurricane Katrina relief;
• Is involved in several major projects. Focus areas include: underachievement of
male middle-school students, family-school communication, accountability
models at the school-level, and needs assessment for a multidisciplinary schoolclinic;
• Is actively involved in submitting grants;
• Is increasing its emphasis on student research. For example, twenty students
presented papers at national or regional conferences and the department held its
first professional development symposium developed by students; and
• Established a memorial award in remembrance of two students who died in an
automobile accident early last semester (David and Brian Marshall).

The Educational Administration and Policy Department (Kathy Grotto):
• Held an international research event directed by students. Students participated in
poster sessions and faculty gave presentations;
• Received several grants including a $1.6 million grant from Lumina Foundation, a
Science for Life grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and a $56,000
research opportunity grant;
• Will host a visiting Chinese scholar for a year (studying comparative education);
• Hired a new faculty member, Pillar Mendoza;
• Participating in the Carnegie project on Professional Practice Doctorate; and
• Initiated two new online-blended doctoral degrees.

The Educational Psychology Department (Mark Shermis)
• Promoted Mirka Koro-Ljungberg and Traci Linderholm;
• Was awarded seven year accreditation from both APA and NASP;
• Was awarded $342K in research funding, up from $123K last year;
• Was named one of the top ten educational psychology programs by School
Psychology Quarterly;
• Faculty/staff received several awards including Diana Joyce, Tom Oakland,
Nancy Waldron, and Elaine Green; and
• Awarded sabbaticals to Tina Smith-Bonahue and Tom Oakland.
The School of Teaching and Learning (Tom Dana):
• Has $1.8 million in active grant awards;
• Submitted 15 proposals this year, including several interdisciplinary;
• Increased funding for doctoral students;
• Is conducting several major projects;
• Expanded online degree programs;
• Enrolled 804 online graduate students;
• Submitted an Educator Preparation Institute proposal for the SITE program (sitebased
implementation of teacher education)
• Continued work on the Duval-UF Lastinger Center Apprentice Teacher project,
professional development models, and assisting east side elementary schools;
• Is working to establish a presence in Alachua County middle and high schools;
• Had more students interested in studying education than spots available.
• Had several retirements (Mullally, George, Gregory, Douglas) and several hires
(Pape, McArthur, Sanders-Cassell, K. Cavanaugh)

The Special Education Department (James McLeskey)
• Lost several valued members of the department to other schools;
• Conducted several searches and hired great people;
• Received a total of $5 million in grant funding this year. Study topics include
aggressive and disruptive students, and leadership in inclusive education;
• Faculty and students received numerous awards;
• Graduated 15 doctoral students including two Holmes Scholars; and
• Moved up from #9 to #4 in the US News rankings.

Deans’ Highlights
Office of Student Services (Theresa Vernetson):
• Advised 2400 people (not just College of Education students—also people getting
• Placed 322 student teachers;
• Gave appreciation gifts to teachers and counselors in Alachua County;
• Initiated four study abroad programs this year (plan to start recruiting earlier next
• Reviewed 158 scholarship applicants (scholarship selection committee);
• Gave graduation clearance for hundreds of students; and
• Reminds faculty to wear regalia to graduation on Saturday at the performing arts

Office of Educational Research (Paul Sindelar):
• Reviewed 52 proposals requesting more than $22 million so far this year;
• Facilitated more proposals this year than in the entirety of 2005/2006 and almost
doubled the amount of money requested.
• Received nearly $6 million in new awards, not including the $10 million Kellogg
• Received more funding than in 2005/2006 including DOE, NIH, and NSF grants;
• Sponsored several grant information sessions and workshops.
Office of Academic Affairs (Jeri Benson):
• Assists in overseeing distance education, institutional research and educational
• Submitted four promotion cases from COE faculty and five cases from PKY
• Working on promotion advisement for non-tenure track faculty promotions;
• Conducted 14 searches and made 15 offers (One of the searches was so successful
we created an extra position);
• Two searches are still outstanding;
• Negotiated a spousal hire with the college of engineering;
• Hired Elayne Colón as Director of Assessment and Accreditation;
• Beginning to gather data for accreditation; and
• Facilitated several awards.

The Dean’s Office (Catherine Emihovich):
• Introduced Bob Henning, new COE Director of Development;
• Presented an overview of the COE in the dean’s budget request to the provost.
Some highlights from the presentation included:

• Collaborative initiatives with other units on campus;
• One of the best records of any college on campus for diversifying faculty;
• Decreasing enrollment in undergraduate education and increasing graduate
education (as desired);
• Outreach programs such as Lastinger Center, UF Alliance, Center for
School Improvement, Institute for Higher Education, and Transition
• Challenges for our college (tight regulatory environment, need to address
alternatively certified teachers, need to recruit top graduate students and
diversify, physical space inadequate and outdated, research expenditures
are low compared to peer institutions);
• COE Goals: increase graduate enrollment through online programs,
increase grant submissions, establish partnerships with Hispanic serving
and historically Black colleges, increase and retain faculty of color, meet
new campaign goal of $13 million;
• Budget requests: funds for east-side training clinic, new tenure lines,
matching funds;
• Other points: Big focus on STEM initiatives, faculty are willing to work
and partner with faculty in other departments

• Addressed proposal to rename the COE after Jeb Bush. Bush is aware of the
serious implications of such a change and did not approve of the proposal. If it
does happen, it will not change anything faculty are doing.

The Faculty Senate (Cyndy Griffin):
• Revised the strategic work plan with Machen (Academic Policy Council);
• Revised the climate survey (Welfare Council);
• Created a committee to look at the future of the libraries;
• CLASS put forth a plan to investigate the financial workings of the institution and
get meaningful faculty review of budget and resource allocations (Budget
• Created a dispute resolution officer position. This will be an objective person who
will help faculty mediate disputes;
• Passed a resolution to have minus grades (Academic Policy Council). President
Machen was concerned that there was not enough student input into the decision.
Now there will be more student members on committees (non-voting).
• Voted unanimously to support President Machen’s Academic Enhancement
• Signed on to participate in the Focus the Nation event on global warming;
• Addressed the need for quality childcare. Current needs are severely unmet.
• Will have chair elect Rick Yost replace Danaya Wright for the remainder of her
term; and
• Has three new candidates for chair, all interested in increasing shared governance.

Faculty Policy Council Highlights
The Curriculum Committee:
• Reviewed course changes and deletions; and
• Considering new proposal related to Professional Training Option.
The Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee:
• Recognized members of the committee who did a lot of work;
• Split committee into two parts (Faculty Affairs and Budgetary Affairs);
• Finalized promotion guidelines for lecturers and scholars;
• Established an ad hoc committee with 15 members to develop criteria for tenure
and promotion. The committee is developing criteria for service, teaching, and
• Reviewed sabbatical applications; and
• Budgetary Affairs committee is focusing on FPC’s role in the budget. Members
interviewed department chair’s current practices and how to improve transparency
and accountability;

The Lectures, Seminars and Awards Committee:
• Concentrated on awards such as the Dissertation Advisor Mentor award and
Graduate Faculty Teaching award;
• Members would like to revise some criteria for these awards;
• Had enough lectures due to faculty searches this year.
The Long Range Planning Committee:
• Worked to develop the evaluations for 3 Deans.

The Research Advisory Committee:
• Reviewed Research Opportunity Fund proposals (now the COE can only submit
• One of the Research Opportunity Fund proposals was funded; and
• Reviewed CRIF proposals.

The Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee:
• Recommending that a recruitment task force be led by the Office of Recruitment,
Retention, and Multicultural Affairs, to report to the FPC
• Will be on hiatus next year.

The Technology Advisory Committee:
• Focused on understanding technology initiatives in the college;
• Needs to work on disseminating information. For example, Academic Technology
will implement new collaborative software soon. Faculty need to learn about it;
• Learned about the new VISTA operating system;
• John Donaldson wants to provide a template for putting web pages online;
• Asked Tech Services to provide a tutorial on email management; and
• Is trying to figure out how to become more advisory.
Next year FPC will:
• Stagger committee membership—some members will stay on the committee, and
other members will be elected for two years. Yeager will make sure there is a
good balance between departments;
• Experiment with committee changes. If we want to change the constitution next
year we will do that. The revised committees for next year are:

• FBAC is now Faculty Affairs and Budgetary Affairs;
• New elections committee responsible for FPC, UF Senate, and Tenure and
Promotion Committee elections;
• New Distance Education Task Force will create guidelines for
compensation, class size, procedures, and roles. People are needed for this
task force. Task force will report to FPC in its monthly meetings.
• New Shared Governance Advisory Committee will assess shared
governance, including the deans’ evaluations, and review faculty feedback
on shared governance collected this spring;
• Long Range Planning Committee will be on hiatus. LRP will become
more of a collective responsibility of the FPC;
• Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee will be on

• Provide online access to all the policies that have ever been approved by the FPC.
They are now up there. We will also soon have a link to see the annual committee


• FPC elections close on April 20th;
• New and continuing FPC reps will attend the April 30th FPC meeting;
• FPC committee reps were to tell the FPC committee chair that Yeager needs the
names of two members who agree to stay (by today);
• The chairs’ evaluation will be coming out soon;
• Deadline for applying for market equity consideration is coming up soon (this

The group thanked Bondy for doing a great job on the FPC this year.

Meeting ended at 3:45pm.


15 September, 2006 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

Fall Faculty Meeting
September 15, 2006
Terrace Room

Welcome and Overview by Buffy Bondy
Buffy called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m., and she went over the written agenda for the meeting and introduced the speakers and presentation topics. She emphasized the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of the presentations today.

Dr. Danaya Wright, Chair of the UF Faculty Senate
Danaya Wright talked about shared governance at UF. She met with all UF deans and college governing bodies over the summer to get a sense of the issues they felt were important. She has a PPT on the UF Senate website for basic information about shared governance at UF and reminded COE faculty that there are five policy councils at UF: academics, faculty welfare, budget, research and scholarship, and infrastructure. She said that this year the councils have really started to take the lead on setting goals. There are also numerous committees that report to the appropriate councils. She pointed out that the Faculty Senate last year initiated a joint task force to look at the implementation of shared governance at the local level; the report said that each unit needs to figure out the appropriate balance of faculty input in the mission of the college. It was also recommended that each unit have a task force charged with evaluating shared governance at the college level. However, the specifics of this implementation and evaluation are to remain flexible and open ended, depending on the context of particular departments, regarding elections, constitutions, policies, etc. Danaya has met with senators from each college to have conversations about this process. She also complimented the COE faculty governance system.

However, the recent problem with CLAS at UF has altered her plans for addressing shared governance issues. The Senate is concerned specifically about lack of faculty participation in the CLAS five-year plan.

Buffy mentioned that the FPC has just started the process of talking about the evaluation/oversight piece (feedback) of how COE shared governance is working. A task force will report to the Senate by April 30, 2007.

Danaya said the evaluation of faculty governance is a major focus of the Senate this year, and that there is particular concern about faculty input/participation on college/department budget issues.

Presentations: Research Across Borders – Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Inquiry in the COE
Buffy mentioned some different ways to think about “border crossing” and mentioned the emphasis that many funding agencies now place on interdisciplinary and collaborative research. She chose a few to feature today as examples, but by no means as an exhaustive list of COE projects that involve “crossing borders.”

1. Catherine Tucker, “Working with Children and Parents in Remote Rural Schools in South Africa”
Catherine talked about a South Africa Study Abroad program in Capetown and Plettenberg Bay for six weeks in the summer of 2006. Her elementary PROTEACH students who went on the trip shared their experiences, via narrative and a slide show, with regard to the variety of school structures and issues they encountered in poor, rural areas of South Africa. The students did service projects to improve some of the facilities they visited, and they worked with children on basic academic skills and specific units of study (e.g., geography). One student said she recommended that all students do a study abroad program as a graduation requirement. Several described the changes to their perspectives on teaching because of this trip. Catherine talked about the family literacy piece of the project that involved collaboration between the UF group and local families. Buffy mentioned that the students collected data on the family literacy project as part of their PROTEACH coursework.
2. Mary Ann Clark, “Male Underachievement in Public Education: A Collaborative, Cross Cultural Study” (Paul Thompson and Wilma Vialle, co-researchers)
Mary Ann talked about her work with colleagues in the UK and Australia, supported by her B. O. Smith Professorship in the COE. This work arose from her experiences as a guidance counselor with seeing boys referred to her more often than girls and exploring the possibility that this had more to do with school success skills than ability. She briefly presented some national data on the extent of the issue:

a. Gap between males and females going to college has widened and is expected to keep widening for the next 10 years
b. K-12 males are disproportionately placed in special ed (2 to 1)
c. More male dropouts, discipline referrals, behavior issues, lower grades

Internationally, a PIRLS study showed 4th grade girls outperforming boys in every G8 country that participated in the survey.
The purpose of Mary Ann’s study was to encourage preservice counselors and teachers to collaborate in examining this issue and its contributing factors, to work collaboratively with their own university class/groups as well as groups from other countries, and to do action research projects on possible interventions.
Fifteen students from three universities (UF, Nottingham, Wollongong) participated; projects were done by students in small groups across countries via WEBCT. Themes that have emerged so far illustrate gender differences in children’s views on school success skills and on educators’ lack of awareness of these issues. Next steps include developing and testing the interventions.
3. Catherine Emihovich, “Science for Life: Enhancing Undergraduate Education and Research in the Life Sciences”
Catherine discussed a project involving a number of COE departments, UF colleges, and US and international institutions, funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). HHMI is the largest funder of research in the life sciences in the US; these grants are highly competitive, and UF received $1.5 million this year for a four-year period (with substantial UF, donor, and state matching funds). Initially it was unclear what role the COE would play, but it has
become highly involved. The project is now probably the largest interdisciplinary initiative at the undergraduate level in the US. Components include:

a. Build undergraduate research capacity by identifying promising students early on as HHMI scholars and faculty as HHMI mentors
b. Develop a new research course for freshmen
c. Restructure the curriculum component of the UG life sciences program, including the core lab in the health sciences center (Tom Dana will be involved in this, and a curriculum coordinator will be hired)
d. Create an UG science education minor, which HHMI scholars will be encouraged to complete (Troy Sadler will be creating a new course called Explorations in Science Teaching)
e. Create an outreach program (e.g., summer seminars) for science teachers (Bernie Oliver, Mary Jo Karoly, and Alliance schools)
f. Develop a postdoc mentoring program to help with effective science teaching
g. Develop an assessment instrument (Luis Ponjuan, Linda Behar-Horenstein)

Catherine mentioned that the COE’s profile has been raised considerably through involvement in this project in terms of contributing expert knowledge on teaching and learning. Also, HHMI grants often become long-term and can result in various spin-off projects, including the possibility of new state-of-the-art addition to Norman.
4. Hazel Jones and Lynda Hayes, “Professional Development to Improve Early Literacy Outcomes for Preschoolers”
This started as a service project and evolved into a research study with NEFEC’s “Early Reading First” initiative in five rural school districts. The purpose is to create preschool centers of educational excellence to serve as model/
demonstration sites for Florida pre-K programs (14 pre-K classrooms, 14 teachers, 6 mentor teachers). Goals include development of language- and literacy-rich preschool environments; age-appropriate, explicit instruction in key emergent literacy skills (e.g., oral language, alphabet); increased time for daily instruction and teacher-supported practice in key emergent literacy skills; incorporation of science and math to help build children’s skills; active involvement from parents in literacy skills; use of age-appropriate assessments of early literacy skills; and development of a model for transitioning students into Reading First kindergartens. The project also focuses on successful teacher professional development/school reform via content knowledge, coherence between standards and teachers’ experiences, time span and contact hours, collective participation, and active learning. Project evaluation will address improved child outcomes and improved teacher knowledge and skills.

Conclusion of Meeting
Eileen Oliver reminded about the COE Centennial Conference, “Closing the Achievement Gap Through Partnerships,” November 2-4 in St. Pete.
Catherine reiterated three themes for this year: public scholarship (aligned with T&P issues), interdisciplinary program initiatives, and learning community (both within
the COE and around UF). Dr. Barbara Hill of the American Council on Education will serve as a consultant to the COE on institutional change, and will work with the FPC Long Range Planning committee.

Buffy said the FPC will promote the collaborative climate in the COE and reminded people to bring issues to the FPC as necessary.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm.


17 April, 2006 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

Spring Faculty Meeting
April 17, 2006
Terrace Room

Purposes: to report on this year’s accomplishments and to look to next year’s activities

1. FPC Updates (Hazel Jones)

Lectures, Seminars and Awards: developed the Graduate Teaching Award; assisted with speakers for Centennial Celebration; reviewed applications for the Dissertation/Mentor Award; reviewed sabbatical applications

Long Range Planning: revised the dean’s evaluation; began conversation with Fran Vandiver concerning increasing collaboration between Norman and PK faculty

Research Advisory: Interviewed candidates for the position of Director of the Office of Educational Research; revised B.O. Smith Professorship guidelines and will review applications in near future; reviewed CRIF applications; collaborated with the OER on travel awards

College Curriculum Committee: revised directions for submitting course and program proposals; approved 10 graduate courses in STL, and 1 each in Ed Psych and Special Ed; approved a new Education Minor and terminated two outdated minors; approved a self-supported bachelor of science degree in Early Childhood Studies; will review an additional 19 graduate courses and 1 undergraduate course at the 4/24/06 meeting

Faculty and Budgetary Affairs: developed guidelines for non-tenure track faculty T and P; have begun conversations about faculty load and faculty involvement with COE budget; will revise T and P guidelines for tenure-track faculty next year

Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions: Developed a proposal to the Dean concerning the use of COE funds for graduate student recruitment; clarified focus of the committee on policies regarding student recruitment

2. Strategic planning updates

Research Initiatives (Paul Sindelar): 2 retreats held during fall; developed agenda for the year at those retreats; accomplishments: developed policy related to faculty mentoring; developed memo to Dean concerning space for a faculty commons area; deferred discussion of faculty load to Faculty and Budgetary Affairs; started brown bag seminars (e.g., Luis Ponjuan’s today); developed online survey of faculty training needs (online til this Friday)—use “faculty” as password; developed a draft policy for first-year research fellows (to be sent to appropriate source); developed OER website; task force has met monthly this year
Faculty/Student Recruitment, Retention and Professional Development: March 24 workshop, Fostering Diversity and Success in Academia through Professional Development, was attended by 16 COE; the committee plans to have more of these next year

Note: Task force co-chairs will meet with deans and FPC representatives on April 28 to get organized for next year

3. Faculty Senate (Stephen Smith): Please see www.senate.ufl.edu for information about the Faculty Senate; elections for chair of Senate to happen this Thursday; shared governance task force report to be voted on this Thursday; senate-union relations/frequently asked questions; conversations about UF budget (these are all links on the Senate’s home page); Meetings link—agendas and minutes for all meetings; Stephen encouraged us to join university committees (our representation has not been good in the last few years); UF strategic work plan, an evolving document (please note the absence of the COE in text related to Children and Families—bring this up with Kim Tanzer, President, Provost, Barry Ash; Amelia Hugas; the Dean encouraged us to make our voices heard—there is an ad hoc committee to revise that document)

4. P.K. Yonge and Baby Gator

PKY (Lynda Hayes): 1155 students at PKY; 60 students/grade in K-5, 120/grade in 6-12; 43% minority students; 50% F/R lunch; 33% on IEPs and 504 plans; no severe disabilities; over 95% graduate from high school; 90% pass third-grade FCAT; 84 faculty members; 75% hold advanced degrees, 85% more than 5 years experience; last 5 years, a lot of professional development in surrounding districts, particularly related to Florida Reading Initiative; 11 faculty have taught COE courses in last several years; Ellen Amatea was there for 4 years; Nancy Waldron for 3 years; about 30 research projects conducted by faculty from colleges across UF; recently, research has focused on reading, family involvement, and professional development; summer program for K-8 struggling readers—this summer, up to 30 teachers will work for 2 weeks to do in depth learning related to reading; next year, Saturday series for teacher professional development; a great place to “figure things out” before taking program to scale; possibilities for collaboration—coordinate classroom experiences with COE course requirements; longitudinal studies (stable student population); pilot studies. Seek deliberative, extended partnerships, including with graduate students (e.g., doc student working with Senior Project). Want a joint COE/PKY collaborative research council.

Baby Gator (Pam Pallas): Goal is to move Baby Gator from a childcare facility to a research facility. Have improved quality of staff. Most teachers moving toward associates degrees and bachelor’s degrees. Have expanded the curriculum and plan to publish a Baby Gator curriculum. Curriculum has been accepted by state as VPK curriculum. Ran VPK this year, Will run a summer program if have enough children, and will run VPK in
fall. Ts are doing a lot of mentoring, helping childcare providers, speaking at conferences. A goal is to expand physical site. Have 500 on waiting list! Want to increase research. Get children at 6 months; can follow them over time. Goal is to be viewed as a center for excellence in early childhood education. Have 131 children enrolled, through pre-K. 20 countries represented (as of today). Have some trained Montessori teachers, sign language expertise, include students with special needs, use of portfolios as assessment tool (are doing training in this area). Have worked with School of Medicine, College of Nursing from UF and Lake City Community College, College of Agriculture, College of Dentistry, College of Design (to design new building). From 5-7 PM on 4/24, can see design for new building. Or, see the designs outside of 158 Norman earlier that day.

5. Other College Initiatives:

Theresa Vernetson: International Education minor for the COE; Faculty discussion in January with interested faculty. Int’l Ed minor: 15-hour undergrad minor; would include Global Studies course that may become a general education course; also, a study-abroad experience. Study Abroad Programs–faculty interested in faculty-led study abroad. Will continue to work on this. For 2007, potential trips to Costa Rica, India, Britain. This summer, a full to the brim trip to South Africa

Chris Sessums, Director for Distance Education; 15 COE courses for spring semester; 18 to be offered this summer; Next steps: Chris has met with all department chairs; putting together ad hoc faculty advisory group as a sounding board (may be the FPC Technology Committee); developing a strategic plan for Distance Ed for the COE; workshops for instructors interested in distance teaching and learning; Chris is in 173 Norman and is available by email (csessums@coe.ufl.edu)

Trace Choulat: Stole Dan Brooks from operations at UF; Dan is coordinating a new help-desk initiative; new fire wall in January for the COE; if you want your individual mail scanned, let Trace know; quantitative and qualitative software available—contact Trace; Inspirations software available (version 8); information display in hall in dean’s area (contact Larry Lansford or Trace); there is an effort underway to improve services at UF (there is a three-year timeline, but Trace thinks this may be overly optimistic); considering doing a survey of faculty to check on technology needs

6. Dean Emihovich

Announcements: Scholarship of Engagement dinner this Thursday (biggest turnout); Nov. 2-4 conference on Closing the Achievement Gap; proposals due 5/15; Joy Rodgers has left and will be replaced (Larry Lansford’s office); Margaret Gaylord leaving to work in pediatrics, so we’ll be looking for a replacement; we have surpassed this year’s target for fundraising; Concentrated effort next year will focus on Engaged Scholarship (Nancy Dana and Don Pemberton, co-chairs) and Curriculum and Program Development (Dorene Ross and Fran Vandiver, co-chairs). The focus on serving the public interest will continue at the national level and here at home. Coming up: development of trans-disciplinary programs, particularly at graduate level; (Catherine will chair dean’s search for dean of the graduate school); we have received $400,000 for renovations in “historic” Norman Hall.

The video: Old Norman renovation project ($18,000,000)


11 November, 2005 FPC Faculty Meeting Goals

2005 – 2006 FPC Faculty Meeting Goals

Faculty Policy Council and Committee:

Highlights for 2004-05 Goals for 2005-06
Faculty Policy Council 

  • UF/COE Strategic Plan Input &
  • Transition Report to New Provost
  • Reviews of Associate Deans
  • Review of Dean
  • Review of COE Budget Faculty
Faculty Policy Council  

  • Meet regularly to consider issues of concern for faculty.
  • Interface with Strategic Planning Task Force to determine appropriate policy initiatives
Meetings & Faculty Forums Meetings & Faculty Forums
Faculty & Budgetary Affairs 

  • Criteria for lecturer positions
  • T & P Recommendation
  • Non-tenure accruing faculty in governance
  • Promotion guidelines for lecturers
  • Merit pay policies
  • Faculty load
Faculty & Budgetary Affairs 

  • Promotion criteria for non-tenure accruing faculty
  • COE criteria for promotion and tenure
Research Advisory Committee 

  • B.O. Smith Professorships (Proposal content/selection criteria & review)
  • CRIF Awards
  • Reviewed UFRF applications
Research Advisory Committee 

  • IDC Policy development
  • Participating in interviews for Research Director
Long Range Planning Committee 

  • Coordinated Review of Dean/Associate Deans
Long Range Planning Committee 

  • Helping to make connections with FPC & ongoing Strategic Planning
  • Dean(s) evaluations
Lectures, Seminars, & Awards 

  • Travel Funds (developed award criteria)
  • Centennial Planning
  • Graduate Teaching Award
Lectures, Seminars, & Awards 

  • Assisting Dean with the Fien lecture series
  • Develop policies/procedures for COE nominations for University level awards
Technology Committee 

  • Computer Policy related to administrative control
Technology Committee 

  • Determine current tech policies in place.
  • Determine the technology concerns of faculty.
  • Determine what policies need to be established.
College Curriculum Committee 

  • GRE Review
  • Course & Program approval (continuous)
College Curriculum Committee 

  • Ongoing work of program and course approval
Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions Committee 

  • COE Fellowship Criteria
  • Graduate Recruitment Practices
Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions Committee 

  • Recruitment tools including financial support of students
  • Incorporate Graduate Coordinators in the recruitment process

19 September, 2005 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

College of Education
Fall Faculty Meeting


2:07 Called to Order

I.          Introductions and Announcements

a.  Catherine Emihovich and Jeri Benson introduced new personnel in the “deans’ area.” Jeri distributed an organizational chart of the COE.

b.  The five department chairs re-introduced new faculty members, including tenure-track professors, scholars, and lecturers.

c.  Pam Pallas announced that Baby Gator is the first childcare center in the county to be officially designated a VPK provider. She encouraged research collaborations focusing on young children and families.

II.         Guest: President of the UF Faculty Senate, Kim Tanzer (the COE senators will take turns getting senate news to us)

a.  There is campus wide interest in the COE constitution
b.  Board of Trustees’ goals for UF (Kim is the faculty representative on the Board):

i.  To move into the top 10 of state universities

1 .  the gaps between us and the top 10 have been identified – e.g., UF is ranked #50 of all colleges and universities, #150 in faculty resources
2.  M. Fernandez looked at US News and World Report criteria such as size of faculty and student body (S/T ratio) and alumni giving
3.  conclusions are that class sizes are too large and faculty resources are too lo
4.  goals include to raise pay and hire more faculty

ii.  To develop 150 million for faculty initiatives (currently at 43 million)
iii.  Tuition rates way too low – trustees working to move tuition control to the local level

c.   Shared Governance – trustees endorsed resolution regarding shared governance

i.   3 levels of shared governance

1.   determine – things regarding the academic mission of the university
2.   recommend – issues of importance to the academic mission, but not central to it, possibly beyond our expertise
3.   consult – opinions asked, but decision making in administration’s domain

ii.   we are now positioned to advocate in advance, rather than always reacting

d.  To do:

i.  Be responsible in university shared governance (be there, be prepared, speak carefully)
ii.  Be reasonable (must understand the issues at hand)
iii. Be realistic (this isn’t Harvard; decisions are made in a specific context)
iv. Be collegial (within departments, within colleges, across campus, at national meetings, “peer reputation” score counts)

e.   New information

i.   Attendance will be taken at all Faculty Senate meetings this year – 3:00 pm, 3rd Thursday, see Senate web page
ii.  Newsletter will be distributed to all faculty

f.   Faculty questions

i.   How does the Union overlap with the Faculty Senate – 40% of the faculty senate is in the Union

1.      5 policy councils: academic, research, academic infrastructure, budget, faculty welfare
2.    whatever the union bargains for trumps the Faculty Senate decisions

III.       Faculty Policy Council Update – Hazel Jones

a.       See handout outlining accomplishments of 04-05 and looking ahead to 05-06

IV.       Retreat – September 30, 10:00 – 2:30, Austin Cary Forest

a.  To initiate a strategic planning process related to the COE’s research goal
b.  To identify concrete steps to be taken within the COE’s research priority

V.        Discussion of 3 COE goals

a.  Particularly goals 2 and 3
b.  See synthesized list



19 September, 2005 FPC Faculty Feedback Goals

COE Fall Faculty Meeting
Faculty Feedback Goals
Moving toward Action on the Strategic Plan 2005-2006

What actions must be taken if we are to achieve these goals?

Goal 1: Increase and sustain research productivity

  • There is not enough technology available to professors and doctoral students. For example, there is a lack of labs with statistical software where doctoral studentscan work on statistical analysis
  • We need to recommend, terminate or input more power.

Goal 2: Strengthen key graduate programs in critical areas

  • We should systematically work on the program and also actively go out to make connections and make marketing our program such a job-embedded program targeted to the needs of practitioners and international education.
  • We have to market the program; we cannot wait for teachers to come to us. We need a budget for these connections.
  • We need to identify key areas. We also need to identify areas to decrease and build a cooperative model based on strong programs only. Jettison weak areas.
  • We need to define “key” and “critical” areas.
  • Will the market forces drive this; for example the number of students who apply.
  • How do programs change as the profession changes?
  • We need to consider reinstating requirements for graduate students to take courses outside their departments (a practice was common before the University of Florida Bank).
  • Doctoral programs need to be given more structure because masters programs do not lead to students doing research. The masters’ students only take classes and do not want to get involved in research projects.
  • What are the key graduate programs?
  • What does strengthening mean – extra allocated resources.
  • We have been told to narrow our focus, but creating new programs seems to contradict this initial directive.
  • We need to examine and evaluate administrative barriers to interdisciplinary study.
  • How do we define “key”?
  • How do we determine faculty involvement in determining which programs are strengthened – new program development guidelines.
  • There needs to be a faculty/administrator discussion of how to determine key graduate programs for criteria/open discussion.
  • We need to focus groups to develop criteria – avenues for broad faculty input – for key graduate programs in critical areas.
  • We need strategic planning to account for trends in the program.
  • What data will we use to respond to how we will determine the criteria for key graduate programs in critical areas?
  • What programs do we need that are not being addressed?
  • How will we know that we are positioned to take on these programs?
  • Doctoral students need more financial support.
  • Faculty members need to be marketed better so that we can draw more graduate students in; for example, showcasing the potential of Baby Gator and PK Yonge to be research sites.

Goal 3: Create and disseminate a nationally recognized outreach scholarship model

  • How do these work with T&P?
  • Can we find models that relate to particular contexts?
  • The faculty is very interested in recommendations made by STF/Outreach Scholarship.
  • We need to release time and support to do this.
  • We need to be sure that everyone understands the “outreach scholarship” model.
  • Does this mean that one model fits all?
  • What would scholarship look like – a publication in peer journals?
  • We need to define outreach scholarship models.
  • What does the University engagement mean?
  • The implications are connection with T&P and doctoral student participation in projects.
  • “Role” models profile possibilities for research through outreach scholarship.
  • Lastinger Center, UF Alliance, Partnership work conference in Atlanta, Holmes Scholarship, websites, publications and presentations; how do we make all these pieces into 1 meaningful model?
  • We need to examine the reward structure.
  • Outreach involves service, which is not always rewarded, and it involves significant time commitment.
  • Centers – Institutes in the College need to disseminate scholarship in highly visible education/psychology journals; as well as publish monographs that are organized by theme/topic.
  • We need to increase numbers and quality of doctoral seminars, and increase opportunities so that doctoral students can be involved in teaching and research.
  • What ways are there to financially support teachers to participate in teacher education programs beyond graduate training programs?

18 April, 2005 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes


Fall Faculty Meeting Minutes
College of Education
April 18, 2005
Room 2337, Norman Hall

Presenters: Maureen Conroy, Chair of the Faculty Policy Council
Hazel Jones, Secretary of the Faculty Policy Council
Stephen Smith, Faculty Senator
Paul Sindelar, Associate Dean for Research
Nancy Waldron, Chair of the Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee
Catherine Emihovich, Dean of the College of Education

Number of faculty present: 46
Conroy called the meeting to order at 2:12.
Conroy welcomed faculty members and introduced the agenda.

Faculty Policy Council Update (Conroy)

2004-2005 Accomplishments

Conroy presented a list of accomplishments from this year’s faculty policy council. The group recognized the work of FPC members and college committee chairs with applause.

FPC Election

Hazel Jones will take the position of FPC chair next week. Conroy reminded faculty that they still have time to vote in FPC elections. Elections have been extended until this Thursday.

College of Education Update (Emihovich)
Strategic Planning for the College

The College initiated four task forces for strategic planning that will remain in place year to year:
• Outreach scholarship;
• Curriculum and program development;
• Research; and
• Faculty and student recruitment, retention and multicultural affairs.

The task forces had several productive meetings during the semester. In their last meeting on March 30, the task forces ranked action items and came to a consensus on three action items to focus on for the next year:

1. The college will be organizing some kind of event (possibly a conference or convocation) oriented around children, family, school, and diversity. This event is included in the budget request submitted to the provost. It may or may not happen in conjunction with centennial events next year.

2. The college will be focusing on making our work more visible on a national scene.

3. The college will actively seek ways to use technology better to support the work of faculty, students and staff.
Dean Emihovich also discussed the large number of new hires that have been made this year, including nine new faculty members who will be introduced in the fall. The college of education had the most diverse of applicant pool for faculty positions in the entire university.

In addition, Dean Emihovich listed several other objectives for upcoming year including:

• Raising fellowship stipends for graduate students.
• Searching for a director to set up an early literacy outreach clinic in conjunction with PKYonge. State Representative Ed Jennings is very interested in this project.
• Continuing to get support for programs like America Reads and the Alliance.
• Developing alternative educator preparation programs for postbaccalaurate students. This is a state mandate.
• Continuing to expand online teaching.
• Searching for up to nine new faculty members.

Dean Emihovich also mentioned that UF president Bernie Machen spoke very highly of the work in the College of Education at the Scholarship of Engagement Awards Banquet.

UF Faculty Senate Report (Smith)

Tenure and Promotion Changes

Smith reported that at the November 18 meeting of faculty senate, the senate voted on a nine-part policy change regarding tenure and promotion. Eight of the nine changes were approved on November 18 and the last item was approved with some language changes at the December 16 meeting. Details are available at www.senate.ufl.edu .

Announcement of B. O. Smith Professorship Awards (Sindelar)

Sindelar thanked the Research Advisory Committee for the time they spent reviewing applications for the B.O. Smith professorships. There were seven applications and two awards for this year. He announced that Kristin Kemple from the School of Teaching and Learning and Maureen Conroy from Special Education were selected for the awards.

FPC Constitutional Change: Discussion and Vote (Waldron)

Waldron discussed the issue of participation of non-tenure accruing faculty in college governance. She presented a short history of this issue as it has evolved over the past two years.

In the spring of 2003, a group of faculty within the College of Education began talking about their concern that certain faculty members were unable to participate in college governance as set forth by the constitution. The issue was discussed and tabled.
In April 2004 the UF faculty senate adopted a new definition of faculty that included persons holding full-time appointment during the regular academic year. Based on the senate’s changes, the Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee of the College of Education (FBAC) reconsidered the issue and decided to recommend a constitutional change to allow non-tenure accruing faculty to participate in faculty governance.

The definition of faculty they recommend mirrors the definition of the UF faculty senate. They also recommend a constitutional change to include a new clause in Section B of the constitution to state:

“Eligible faculty, those persons who participate in faculty governance and vote on matters of college policy, shall consist of those in tenure accruing ranks and non-tenure accruing ranks who contribute to the academic mission of a college department and have a full time appointment during the academic year.”

Note that this does not include faculty from PK Yonge.

The FBAC also recommend that throughout the constitution the term “faculty with tenure accruing ranks” be replaced with the term “eligible faculty”.

If the change had been in effect this year, it would have affected only 16 people. Although there are more than 16 non-tenure accruing faculty in the college, some are part-time and others are not working in a department. There are currently 83 faculty in tenure accruing ranks.

The motion to vote on the issue was made by the faculty senate. Larry Tyree seconded the motion, and the floor was opened to questions from faculty members.

Stephen Smith asked whether the secretary of the faculty policy council must still be a tenure-accruing member. If so, the number of available people to become secretary, and subsequently chair of the FPC, may be reduced because there are currently only 5 FPC members who can become secretary according to FPC rules. Conroy responded that there are logistical issues that may come up, but they don’t appear to be things that can’t be handled as they arise.

Tina Smith-Bonahue asked about the procedure for making a final decision on who is considered faculty. Conroy responded that department chairs will have the final say about whether a person is a faculty member since they make the appointments.
Conroy called for a vote and both she and Jones counted the results. The constitutional amendment was accepted unanimously by all 34 tenure-accruing faculty members in attendance.

Conroy adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:03PM.


13 September, 2004 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2004

Terrace Room, Norman Hall

Presenters: Maureen Conroy, Chair of the Faculty Policy Council

Catherine Emihovich, Dean of the College of Education

Number of faculty present: 65

Conroy called the meeting to order at 3:10. After introducing herself as the chair of the Faculty Policy Council, she announced that a good portion of the meeting today would be devoted to providing faculty the opportunity to give President Machen feedback he has requested from the on the University’s strategic plan by early October. He has asked that the faculty address the following three questions in reference to the strategic plan:

1.) What parts of the strategic plan do you like?

2.) What would you like to see removed from the strategic plan?

3.) What would you like to see added to the strategic plan?

Handouts: The UF strategic plan summary, the College of Education strategic plan.

Welcome and Introductions of New Faculty and Professional Staff Announcements

Faculty Policy Council

Conroy introduced members of the Faculty Policy Council by department.

Counselor Education: Ellen Amatea, Mary Ann Clark (alternate)

Educational Psychology: Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Tracy Linderholm, Tina Smith-Bonahue (alternate)

Educational Leadership: Dale Campbell, Larry Tyree, Dave Honeyman (alternate)

Special Education: Terry Scott, Hazel Jones (Secretary), Cyndy Griffin (alternate)

School of Teaching and Learning: Linda Lamme, Ester de Jong, Linda Jones (alternate)

Dean’s Office

Dean Emihovich introduced new members of the Dean’s staff.

Jerry Benson, new Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Margaret Gaylord, new development officer

Larry Lansford, Director of Information and Publication Services


Each department chair and the directors of P. K. Yonge and Baby Gator introduced the new members of his or her department.

Lansford announced that he will be taking pictures for the faculty-staff directory and would like to get pictures of the new P.K. Yonge faculty as they leave.

Faculty Policy Council Update (Conroy)

Conroy encouraged faculty to become involved with the Faculty Policy Council (FPC) this year. She noted that although FPC does a considerable amount of work, faculty members often do not get information from FPC.  She encouraged faculty to visit the FPC website.  The FPC meets every other week.  Those who have an agenda item can email anyone on the agenda committee including herself, Hazel Jones, and Larry Tyree.

One of the FPC’s goals is to coordinate faculty feedback related to the UF strategic plan beginning with this meeting and including specific tasks assigned to several committees.  Providing input to the strategic plan is an opportunity that will hopefully make a long-term difference.  The FPC will also coordinate the annual dean’s evaluation. This year they will be reviewing the associate deans as well.

Some current agenda items for FPC are: minority recruitment, role of non-tenured faculty, space allocation, computer policy at the College of Education, and developing a college-wide merit pay policy

A faculty member posed a question to Conroy: What are the major accomplishments of the FPC?

Conroy responded that shared governance takes time.  The FPC is still in its infancy considering that this is just the 4th year of existence and it has taken awhile to get procedures together.  The main benefit of the FPC is that we have a model of shared governance that does not exist in other colleges.

The faculty member restated her question: It takes a lot of time.  But does it serve our needs now?

Conroy responded that she thinks it does.  We have a model that the rest of the university wants to emulate.

Dean Emihovich suggested that we consider the issue at the next faculty meeting.

Conroy announced that there is another faculty meeting planned for this fall.  The results of this meeting’s feedback on the strategic plan will be shared with the entire faculty at the next meeting.

UF Faculty Senate Report

The College senators had no report.

State of the College (Emihovich)

Dean Emihovich began her presentation with an overview of accomplishments within the College of Education. She reported that there have been great strides made including:

  • Fundraising successes;
  • Improved faculty productivity;
  • Improved technology infrastructure;
  • Increased interdisciplinary efforts;
  • Improved professional preparation programs;
  • Establishment of a faculty governance tradition;
  • Greater budget transparency;
  • Improved research productivity including both publications and grant funding;
  • New centers such as the Center for School Improvement;
  • Increased support for faculty;
  • Increased graduate student stipends and fellowships;
  • Revitalization of the Holmes program;
  • Increased funding for graduate student travel;
  • Renovations on Norman Hall;
  • Establishing a new Web presence;
  • Beginning to fully integrate P.K. Yonge and Baby Gator;
  • Developing a unit assessment system;
  • Starting to get into the distance education market;
  • Increased numbers of faculty and students of color; and
  • Improved relationships with Tigert Hall.

Lastly, she emphasized that the College of Education is the highest ranked college at the university and the highest ranked college of education in the state.

Emihovich announced that Dean Kranzler will be stepping down at the end of this year and presented her plan for reorganization of the Graduate Studies and Technology Office. She will be creating an associate dean for research position as well as a director of graduate studies and a director of technology.  She will work with the Research Advisory Committee to develop the job description for the Associate Dean position.  This position will be particularly important considering President Machen goal to increase the volume of research.  In thinking about a director of technology, it is becoming clear that distance education will increase that that online courses will be part of this.  She is also reopening the search for a director of the alliance.

Emihovich also presented her plan to look for two new people for the B.O. Smith endowed professorships this spring and to add a third one next year.  In addition, searches will begin soon for ten new faculty members.

Planning for the centennial celebration includes showcasing work being done in the college. She anticipates that visibility of the College of Education will significantly enhanced through the addition of the new P.R. Director.

She also mentioned that she would be creating a new Deans Advisory Committee.  This is a think-aloud committee that might produce recommendations for FPC.  The chair and secretary of FPC and faculty senators will be on it.  She stated that it should be an exciting year ahead.  She asked if there were questions or reactions.  There were none.

UF Strategic Plan: Faculty Feedback (small group)

Conroy explained that the next portion of the meeting was important for developing our response to the UF strategic plan.  She asked small groups to spend 20-25 minutes discussing the three questions (see Welcome and Introductions).  She asked faculty to take the time to record their information.

The faculty met in small groups for 25 minutes to discuss the UF strategic plan.  In addition, some faculty members reviewed the College of Education strategic plan.

Concluding Comments and Announcements

Results of the small group discussions will be compiled and added to the results of the additional meetings planned for this purpose. Complete results of the feedback will be available to the faculty.

Following the comments, Conroy reminded faculty that there would be another faculty meeting in a couple of months.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:00PM.