Meeting Minutes


15 February, 2010 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
February 15, 2010

Present: David Therriault, Tina SmithBonahue,
Troy Sadler, Harry Daniels, Alyson Adams, Mary
Brownell, James Algina, Thomas Oakland, Cirecie WestOlatunji,
David Miller, Cyndy Griffin, Tom
Not Present: Cathy Cavanaugh, Catherine Emihovich, Anne Ogg
Agenda and minutes

  1. Approval of the agenda
    Tom O. made a motion to approve the agenda
    Seconded by Troy
    All in favor
  2. Approval of January 11 minutes
    Jamie made the motion
    Seconded by David T.
    All in favor


  1. COE Deans’ Evaluations – 2/24 – 3/5
  2. a. Dean of the College
    b. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
    c. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
    Election for the Deans, Catherine, Tom, and Theresa, will be posted on February 24, and opportunity for
    faculty to finish voting by 5:00 close of business on March 5. Email message will go out reminding
    them to evaluate and how to access the forum. On the 23rd, an email will go out with the links to the
    actual assessment instruments. Faculty will have 10 calendar days to respond.
    Tom D. will send a copy of the instruments used previously.

  3. Formation of Elections Committee

Harry sent out an email to the unit heads about the formation of an elections committee. Heard from
STL and HDOES, still waiting to hear from SUSPECS.

Talk with chair of committee that members of FPC serve as liaison; we will need an annual report of the
activity of the respective committees. Oral presentation at the faculty meeting, followed by something in
writing for a report to be archived.

Dean’s Report

Tom Dana: NCATE is finished. There are a few of areas for improvement which I will be reviewing
with program coordinators, but for the most part they are benign. We received comments from NCATE
about strengths. We are also an NCATE pilot institution for the stream lined process and will be working
with other institutions to make the process better. Thank you to everyone involved.
We have 5 open positions in the college. The STL and Ed Tech offer is out to those people. HDOES
director closing date has not arrived yet. Search for the Alliance Director yielded zero applicants so we
will regroup with that one. Summer compensation, new collective bargaining agreement indicates that
the policy be written at the college level regarding summer compensation. Committee met, Dean’s
prerogative, will kick in March 15, status quo, same as its been every summer. Profits turned in last
summer. $60,000 less than last year, we can cover summer A, but summer B is smaller.
Associate Dean for Research – we are ready to roll on that, sign off on position description. Hopefully
the whole college will be involved. We have a lot of good applicants for the position but it will take all
of us. We have August 1 as a start date, but it’s pretty late right now. People moving into this kind of
position have a variable time line, different from the rest of us. It doesn’t matter if it’s spring semester or
fall semester. Budget from the state perspective; we think it looks stable. We’ve heard rumors of a
decrease from traditional sources. State budget is usually the last day of the session. Best projections
will be the same, so we are happy to go with that. There is an early childhood; I need to review those
before you get to the point of extending invitations.
I will share with all of the program coordinators tomorrow the results of the DOE/NCATE review.
There is one concern that applies to all programs and that is the coordinated nature of the assessments
that are used in the units. What do we look at across the entire unit to make determinations to make
changes to unit operations or assess overall quality. We have done a good job of coordinating program
level assessments and they are tied to annual SACS, but how does the individual program examining
their own programs lead to global or unitwide
changes. DOE did not ask for it so we did not present it.
The other concern that cuts across programs is that we are expected to assess the impact of our graduates
in their first year of employment on learning or development of pupils. One idea we tried to sell, within
a school somebody is using some type of measurement to draw a conclusion of the effectiveness of the
teacher or counselor, a tool used by the principal to measure. But we really don’t know how we are
going to do that. FCAT’s are probably not a direct measure of teachers’ impact. We are working with
DOE and the Race to Top. The SUS deans have been meeting with (George?) to see the model he has
developed. A sophisticated tool used by the folks at DOE. So we are deciding on whether to invite him
in as a consultant to chat with. We probably should put a work group together.

Old Business

  1. Status of FPC Resolution
    Resolution will be voted on at the Feb 25 meeting of the faculty senate.

New Business
Discussion items

  1. Formation of ad hoc committee to consider collaboration with SFC-
    Aftermuch discussion, questions raised. The ad hoc committee should look at issues of capacity,
    capacity to be involved, and if we do have that capacity, what is the focus of our efforts, organizational
    structure to guide those efforts, be a prosperous revenue stream – what are the budget and revenue
    concerns about how that would be managed.
    Motion made by Jamie, seconded by Tom O. for purposes of discussion:
    To look at the fiscal possibilities of collaborating with SFC. The capacity, people to do it, is it
    profitable, energy well spent, what would be the organizational plan if it were in place to pull this off?
    Final Resolution: to establish a fact finding committee that will report back to the FPC. Report back at
    their earliest convenience. One person from each school. I will ask heads to suggest a volunteer.
    Committee of four. 

    All in favor say Aye? No ayes

    Motion that Jamie put on the table did not pass. No votes cast. No one abstained.

    Alyson made a friendly amendment to the motion suggesting a callout
    for those interested in forming an
    ad hoc committee to explore the collaboration with SFC.
    Seconded by Mary
    Final Resolution: Put a callout
    to people interested in serving on this committee, meet at a certain time,
    have feedback by the end of the year, the April meeting.
    Ayes have it
    Two abstentions.

  2. Review of policy/practices related to mentoring of Fellows – RAC
    David M. made a motion that the review of the policies and practices relating the mentoring of Fellows
    be assigned to RAC.
    Seconded by Tom O.
    Question whether or not collegewide
    or program level guidelines in place. Explore what is already out
    Ayes have it
  3. Formation of committee to propose policy for summer compensation – BAC
    Standing fallback position, Dean’s prerogative. Addressed in Dean’s report above.
  4. RCM, COE, and School budgets – FPC
    Transparency and openness continue.
  5. Update on Associate Dean for Research Search
    Combined with the Productivity Task Force
  6. Productivity Task Force
    Next step is getting the approval for the Associate Dean Research position
    Move to get a final description of the position. New description will be circulated and voted on at the
    special meeting. Questions include, funding source, tenured position, job responsibilities.
    The PTF is meeting on the 18th to draft a suggested plan for FPC and a report completed by March 15.
  7. Committee Reports

    a. Budgetary Affairs – Cyndy Griffin
    BAC met with Catherine and Marsha – presentation on the budget. Out of that grew a
    smaller group to deal with the summer compensation issue. Have not scheduled another
    b. College Curriculum Committee – Tina SmithBonahue
    Nothing new
    c. Diversity Committee – David Miller
    Working on a policy for retention and bringing people in but not completed yet
    d. Faculty Affairs Committee – Alyson Adams

    i. Review thirdyear
    review Procedures
    This has been done. The committee discussed the 3rd year review in place but not
    followed consistently
    ii. College Climate Consultant
    Finished interviews with 3 external consultants. Report will be drafted with details
    presented at the special meeting. Report to include pool of consultants and
    information about each consultant.

    e. Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee – Tom Oakland
    Rolling along, big work load in the next month
    f. Long Range Planning
    Committee met and voted Hazel Jones as chair. Discussion whether assignments were core
    or relevant to LRP. Counter recommendations made. Differential load is not central to LRP,
    sympathetic to FAC, but that differential load be ad hoc under FAC, and someone volunteered
    from LRP to chair that, but does not belong under LRP. Name will be passed onto to Alyson.
    Productivity Task Force should meet with LRP and that PTF under LPR rather than ad hoc to
    g. Research Advisory Committee – Troy Sadler
    Will be meeting in the next couple of weeks – next item applications for UFRF
    Harry: we assigned the practice of reviewing the mentoring of fellows to RAC.
    h. Technology & Distance Education Committee – Cathy Cavanaugh
    No report at this time.

  8. Other
  9. none

    Action items

    Comments from the floor

    FPC members
    Harry thanked everyone for what they do
    COE faculty and students
    No comments


    Next meeting: Monday, March 15, 2010 at 2pm


11 Jan, 2010 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
January 11, 2010

Present: Catherine Cavanaugh, David Therriault, Tina SmithBonahue,
Troy Sadler, Cynthia
Griffin, Harry Daniels, Alyson Adams, Mary Brownell, James Algina, Thomas Oakland, Cirecie
David Miller, Tom Dana, Anne Ogg

Not Present: Catherine Emihovich

Agenda and minutes

  1. Approval of the agenda
    Motion to move the Dean’s report down,
    Mary made the motion
    Seconded by Cathy
  2. Approval of December 14 minutes
    Mary made the motion
    Seconded by Jamie


  1. Faculty Salary Equity Program

a. Initiated by individual faculty, similar to T&P dossier
b. Reviewed by School Director
c. Reviewed by COE T&P Committee
d. Reviewed by Dean
e. Either goes across the street or not
f. Line of appeal, first Catherine, last Provost

Old Business

1. Status of FPC Resolution
Resolution was reviewed by Academic Policy Council, modifications made to the
language, got legalized, put to a vote by the council and supported unanimously; now it
will be reported out by APC, becomes an actionable item for the faculty senate, either
this month or February.

New Business
Discussion items

1. Differential Load Policy
After a lengthy discussion about the origin of the differential load policy and a
discussion about the committee best suited to examine the documents related to the
matter, the Long Range Planning Committee agreed to step in.
2. Rank and Productivity Task Force
3. Associate Dean for Research
The two committee reports were combined. A document of objectives are being
drafted to include benchmarks for success. Middle of February will be the last task
force meeting. BAC to be involved in ADR search. FPC will check with the Dean’s
office to determine which dean is the liaison to the BAC. Contingency plans will be
put into place for the ADR.

4. Committee Reports

a. Budgetary Affairs – Cyndy Griffin
BAC will communicate with the Dean’s office about meeting to ensure faculty
input in the process. RCM professional development in the works.
b. College Curriculum Committee – Tina SmithBonahue
No meeting since the last FPC meeting
c. Diversity Committee – David Miller
Discussions on identifying people for lectures/seminars but no formal plans, yet.
d. Faculty Affairs Committee – Alyson Adams

i. College Climate Consultant
List of six or seven individuals for college climate consultant and estimate
of cost will be forthcoming. This is a college investigation, including
administration, faculty, and staff, if they want to participate. Goal: have
Jan/Feb for finalizing candidate choice, Mar and April for work following
NCATE. Organizational in nature and emphasis on looking forward.
ii. Review thirdyear
review Procedures
Third year review guidelines were reviewed and determined clear. Issue
may be implementation and communication.

Sabbatical applications due at the end of this week, meeting next week for review
and recommendations
Evaluating guidelines for clinical assistant professor line.
e. Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee – Tom Oakland
No meeting since last FPC meeting. Collecting data for review of nominees of
various awards
f. Long Range PlanningCirecie
Final two names have been contacted. Will have a meeting shortly and report.
g. Research Advisory Committee – Troy Sadler
No meeting since last FPC meeting. Working on semester calendar for meetings
h. Technology & Distance Education Committee – Cathy Cavanaugh
Working on guidelines for student computer use, social media use, working with
new assistance director of distance ed office for faculty outreach initiatives.
5. Other none

Dean’s Report

Spring enrollment – up 3% in total enrollment but down 8% in grad2, doctoral
level. NCATE Dept of Ed visit most important thing coming up in the college. Unitwide.
Feb 7 reception and showcase. Each coordinator of program area has been
asked to put together a small display. On Feb 8 and 9, everyone in the college is
asked to be available. Classes that are held on those days are subject to be visited.
Four DOE reviewers and 4 NCATE reviewers and multiple reviewers because we are
the first school to be streamlined. Off sight review report just came in – not great but
better than getting the questions the day NCATE arrives.
Market equity, sabbatical applications, third review reviews, post tenure review
all coming up. College T&P has left the college; questions may be coming from
across the street about that. CPED from Carnegie presentation will be coming up.
Doctoral fellowship allocation coming up, and the way in which they are distributed
is changing.
SUS Deans called together by State Senator Lynn –to reduce redundancy and
increase efficiency across the system. Board of governors will get together to
determine what might be combined. There is much reluctance from the Deans. Each
university is going through some kind of process to determine what we want to be
where we want to go. The Deans have been talking about the implications of the
Research position, and drafting responsibilities of that position.

Action items
1. Establishing date to conduct COE Deans’ Evaluations

a. Dean of the College
b. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
c. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

A motion was made to evaluate Catherine, Tom and Theresa using the same instruments
as the past, with an opportunity for faculty to respond will be 2/24 to 3/5. Survey will be
done online.
David M. made the motion
Seconded by David T.
All agreed

Comments from the floor


Tom O. made a motion to adjourn
Seconded by David T.

Next meeting: Monday, February 15, 2010 at 2pm


14 December, 2009 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
December 14, 2009

Present: Tina Smith-Bonahue, Troy Sadler, Cynthia Griffin, Harry Daniels, Alyson Adams, Cirecie West-Olatunji, Mary Brownell, James Algina, Thomas Oakland, David Miller, Catherine Emihovich, Tom Dana, Anne Ogg
Not Present: Catherine Cavanaugh, David Therriault
Agenda and minutes

1. Approval of the agenda
Tom Oakland moved, Jamie seconded
2. Approval of November 9 minutes
Alyson moved, Tina seconded

Dean’s Report
It appears the state budget is stabilizing, somewhat. At the University level, RCM budget about to be rolled out; they are still working on it. When I get what appears to be the final version, I’ll meet with BAC about moving forward, allocations in the future. There are some important decisions where BAC plays an important role such as how we want to think about cost shifting, people on state lines to non recurring moneys, people on annual contracts; how do we want to create salary savings, tuition return money and IDC money, whether it is to support college-wide goals, or not.

I want to pass out a poster that is going to be in the Chronicle Jan 8. President Machen is being aggressive about this because UF has gone through 3 years of budget reductions, while other universities remain struggling, haven’t done hard decisions about thinking about reducing budgets and layoffs, UF has already gone through this. Also, UF will get substantial revenue base with tuition increase, partly because tuition was low to begin with, and we now have the legislature approval to raise tuition. Other universities don’t have this option because their tuition is already high to begin with. President Machen wants us to be aggressive about seeking out new faculty.

How we are funding the positions in College of Ed:
• STEM – funded by tuition differential, positions bid by Deans to get permission for new lines from administration
• Alliance – funded by Provost money – independent of college budget
• Early Childhood Studies – funded by the Director’s decision in each of the schools from ops money – will be covered by ops and expense – could be a number of things, tuition return $, salary savings, IDC, decision made internally, freed up money for a faculty hire
• Teacher Ed and Professional Development – half money funded by Lastinger Center, co-sharing the position
• Ed Tech- vacated line we are allowed to keep
• Director of HDOS – vacated line we are able to keep

We’ve hired a senior development director, Matt Hodge, formerly VP for advancement Seminole Community College. He will head up the entire Development office. He raised 11M for buildings at SCC. We want to do renovations to Norman Hall, build an Experiential Learning Complex for teaching and learning in the 21st century, and an early childhood center, his expertise in that kind of fundraising is valuable. Half of his salary is paid out of foundation, half out of what we raise. He is expected to raise 1M a year. Nakita has done a good job but Matt is a senior position, good mentor.

Money for Summer AC is now a separate allocation, but as of July 1, money for summer B and C has to be carved out of budget we receive. In the past we get allocation from Provost and separate allocation for the summer. That will no longer be the case. Summer will be carved out of the entire moneys we receive. July 1, I’ll know what my RCM Budget is. There is a Union issue about summer pay. Minimum will be $5000, and could float up 12.5 % of faculty salary’s nine month salary. Will involve careful planning of directors and faculty because Summer will have to pay for itself. If a faculty member wants to teach a course that is important to take, and the enrollment is low, the school will have to balance that against the revenue from another part of the college in order to be able to afford that. It is going to be different, and require planning.

Tom Dana: NCATE update

National accreditation and State program approval, important because it gives us the ability to offer programs that lead to certification in the State of Florida. NCATE institutional Report went to the committee, part of the offsite review, we’ll get a feedback report, we can produce a rejoinder so that the onsite visit is focused. We think we are OK in most areas. We don’t have the data from all of the programs. Those reports must be complete by each program area; we are submitting by the end of this week. Share reports with all faculty in the program. Have faculty sign off on reports, and chair will sign off. Elayne, Theresa and I will review the reports and send them on. Time for program to personalize so that people are aware of the names of forms we use. Feb 7-9- onsite visit. We are asking folks to reserve Monday the 7th for interviews.

Old Business

1. Status of FPC Resolution
Hopefully have something to report in January 2010

New Business
Discussion items

1. Tenure and Promotion Procedures Review
Charge to FAC:
Review College T & P document with special look at the inclusion of letters and statements about specific details about performance, striking a balance between hopefulness and candor, and 3rd year review policy, College’s mentoring policy, to provide to FPC any consideration for change or modification.

2. Deans’ Evaluations
Action item at January 2010 meeting to move the evaluation up so it is underway during the spring semester

3. Productivity Task Force –Mary and Cyndy

• Notes from meeting with Deborah Ball, Dean of UMichigan will be posted online.
• Next task force meeting January 14, 2010, 12:00 pm.
• Completed document to include strategic plan for improving research
• Positioned as a priority for the College
• Discussions on funding the position to continue
• Cyndy to ask Dorene to resend the meeting date so that others can attend, i.e. Harry, Catherine
• Correct the acronym for SHDOSE in Associate Dean for Research position

4. Committee Reports
a. Budgetary Affairs – Cyndy Griffin

• BAC to make contact with the Dean so that RCM can start planning for next fiscal year, include the chairs in the meeting
• Make request from CFO office for Professional development for BAC to understand RCM

b. College Curriculum Committee – Tina Smith-Bonahue
Status quo
c. Diversity Committee – David Miller

• Looking up a past FPC policy about diversity to review
• Talking about a survey to faculty and students about diversity climate in the college
• Locating funds for a speaker on diversity.

d. Faculty Affairs Committee – Alyson Adams

• There is consensus for an external consultant.
• Ongoing investigative work on who that consultant might be.
• Next meeting is Jan 5, 11:00am in room 105
• Additionally, FAC has sabbaticals, FEO’s are on hold from the fall, but hope this will open up, define the clinical line, clarify the promotion criteria for that, and given the charge to look at the 3rd year review guidelines.

e. Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee – Tom Oakland

• International educator award awarded
• The major work of this committee takes place in the spring.
• Harry: Diversity committee is seeking funds for a speaker, you might contact
• Five nominees for doctorate mentoring award made and forwarded onto John.

f. Long Range Planning – Cirecie

• Names from 2 of the 3 schools.
• Need to get third, pick a chair and move forward

g. Research Advisory Committee – Troy Sadler

• Involved in conversations with PTF in drafting Dean search.
• MaryAnn Clark is chair
• Steve Pape is cochair
• Competition sponsored by DSR, forward two proposals.

h. Technology & Distance Education Committee – Cathy Cavanaugh
Cathy is absent

5. Other – none

Action items

Comments from the floor
Harry: I want to thank everyone on great work, the energy expended by this group is amazing. I wish you every success and have best of holidays

Cirecie made a motion to adjourn
Seconded by Jamie

Next meeting: Monday, January 11, 2009 at 2pm


9 November, 2009 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
Abbreviated Minutes
November 9, 2009

Present: Tina Smith-Bonahue, Troy Sadler, Catherine Cavanaugh, Cynthia Griffin, Harry Daniels, David Therriault, Alyson Adams, Tom Dana, Catherine Emihovich, Cirecie West-Olatunji, Mary Brownell, Thomas Oakland, Anne Ogg
Not Present: David Miller, James Algina,
Agenda and minutes

  1. Approval of the agenda
    Adams motioned to approve
    David seconded
    All agreed
  2. Approval of October 12 minutes
    Cathy motioned to approve
    Troy seconded
    All agreed


  1. Tom Dana monthly update on NCATE – program visits will be in Feb, finalizing documents. Department approves the program, NCATE approves the unit as a whole.
    Activity now – getting everyone on the same page.
    a. Series of 15-20 minute presentations – different parts of NCATE expectations, invite people to present, sometime in January we need to get faculty together to discuss some of the parameters
    b. Focus on candidate performance, measured in terms of their impact on learner
    Determined through formal means – ability to assess students, collect data, after intervention
  2. Dean:
    a. International Educator Awards – Edil Torres Riveras senior level award, Cirecie West-Olatunji, junior level award – will be honored at a reception next week.
    b. Faculty colloquium Monday, Nov 16, 11am-1pm– for faculty interested in internationalizing the curriculum. Wednesday, Nov 18, international day celebration with Dean Sammons (new dean of International Center) as the speaker.
    Faculty panel in place to discuss what they are engaged in, push to get more involved in international activities

Dean’s Report

Budget – no additional information, State and University continue to be in a holding pattern, offshore drilling leases, if they are approved by the legislature, will change the budget picture substantially, no RCM budget yet – discussion on how that will be implemented, and there has been another change in how the budget will be put together.

Searches – all positions have been posted except HDOS director, working with search committee on refining the position description and hope to get it posted next week.
Assoc Dean for Research – working out the details with Productivity Rankings group and RAC on November 19 to get their sense on what kind of person we need, and how the search ought to proceed.
No update on union negotiations with administration.
Innovation grant meetings with Dr. Sandy Cho – next step, joint meeting of all participants – discuss some commonalities Dr. Cho saw in some of the proposals.

Development – will exceed second campaign of 20 million – target will move. Most of the money is earmarked for special programs. Some is tied up in bequests so it may not be immediately visible, but shows support.

US News rankings – asked for faculty feedback, none yet…needed to send in to contribute to the rankings. This is an opportunity to add to the information, to let them know whether or not we think we have the top programs.
Second round of renovations begin in the spring. First round furniture will be in by Thanksgiving. All first round of faculty moves completed by Dec 22.

State level – Last year, Senator Evelyn Lynn, who controls appropriations – SUS Colleges of Education – asked what are we doing to improve education in the state of Florida – last year she asked for a coordinated statewide

plan – who is doing what, where – Deans did not respond – not clear what she wanted. She has brought it up again. This time we will respond; how we articulate our role, vis-à-vis the community colleges. We think she is interested in teacher production. We are trying to give her the bigger picture. We are trying to get her and legislature to realize the broad role that colleges of ed play.

Informational items

  1. Status of FPC Resolution
    Presented to faculty senate steering committee – generally well respected, some questions – word choice questioned by legal counsel, expediency and exigency – refer the committee to the academic policy council – subcommittee of the faculty senate to look at the way we use the words, will be submitted to but general tone was positive.
  2. Discussion about the RCM model
    Faculty senate has a budgetary affairs committee – working with CFO to come up with RCM model

Discussion items

  1. Rank and Productivity Task Force
    Identified top ten colleges of education and developed guiding questions. Information collected will be available on a website available to interested persons.

Committee Reports

a. Budgetary Affairs – Cyndy Griffin
Nancy Waldron has nothing to report – needs to get back to the committee about scheduling a meeting with chairs – will do in November

b. College Curriculum Committee – Tina Smith-Bonahue
University has not publicized change. Special topic courses need to be formalized

c. Diversity Committee – David Miller
Absent – David has a class at the time of the FPC meeting.

d. Faculty Affairs Committee – Alyson Adams
No decision about FEO’s because they are not allowed
Two main topics – define clinical professor, promotion criteria, and college ecology.
Holly was tasked to find names of consultants.
After much discussion, a motion was made to formalize the charge for FAC to pursue the study with the faculty, investigate getting a consultant to assist with the study the ecology of the college and the formulation of a strategic plan to move forward, and report back to FPC with its findings and the potential cost for such a consultant. Subsequent addition to the motion was to be sure language is clear when talking with the consultants. FAC will report back at the December 14 meeting.
Cathy made the motion
Seconded by Cyndy

e. Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee – Tom Oakland
Six nominees considered for the dissertation award.
Committee will discuss its role in the selection of lecturers at the College.

f. Research Advisory Committee – Troy Sadler
Recommended approval to eliminate edf 7639 as a required course
Research requirements for the EdD program allow for substitutions
Faculty involved supported the move (read the request)

The College’s current research requirement is appropriately aligned with the research doctorate but not the professional practice doctorate. The request regarding the research requirement for professional doctorate programs awarded via the EdD is a follows:
1. Adhere to the current 12-credit research minimum with acknowledgement that any program may require additional research credits
2. Allow students the following option (set of 4 courses) to satisfy the minimum research requirement:
a. Quant 1: Foundations of Research Methodology for Practicing Professionals I (3 credits)
b. Quant 2: Foundations of Research Methodology for Practicing Professionals II (3 credits)
c.Reading, Designing and Conducting Qualitative Research (3 credits)
d. Program specific course (3 credits)
The first three courses are relatively new courses developed by Research Methodology faculty. It is expected that the courses will be vetted for college and university approval in the near future.

One abstained, the rest of the committee voted to accept the motion from RAC’s report. Tina will send the recommendation to John Kranzler.

A suggestion was made for RAC to focus on what is meant by the need for support for infrastructure. A summary will be provided in the year-end report.

g. Technology & Distance Education Committee – Cathy Cavanaugh
Responded to request from faculty for systems for web conferences that are available.
Updated computer policy for students may include a social media section.

Action items

  1. None

Cirecie moved to adjourn
Thomas seconded

Next meeting: Monday, December 14, 2009 at 2pm


17 March, 2008 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
Abbreviated Draft Minutes: March 17, 2008

Members present: Jean Crockett, Rick Ferdig, David Miller, Elizabeth Yeager, Sondra Smith, Diane Ryndak, David Quinn, John Kranzler, Edil Torres-Rivera, Ester de Jong (alternate).
Members absent: Ruth Lowery, Bernie Oliver
Non-Members present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Fran Vandiver, Dale Campbell, Jade Coutts

Meeting began at 2:06pm.

1. Approval of the agenda: Yeager asked for a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was approved and seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.

2. Approval of February minutes: The motion was approved with minor adjustments and seconded. The minutes from February were approved.

Information Item: FPC elections update

  • Elections committee has been established (Dixon, Dawson, Sadler) and names have been submitted for the election. We needed 6 nominations, but we currently have 3 to run that have been forwarded to the senate. The committee is working to get departments to get people for the FPC slots. In April, more specific information will be available about voting.

Information Item: COE Spring Faculty Meeting update

  • The Spring Faculty Meeting will take place on April 14, 2-4pm in the Terrace room. Ferdig will chair this meeting in Yeager’s absence. The Deans and department chairs will give presentations on main issues and events from the past year and we are also asking FPC liaisons to be prepared to talk at the meeting about their committee accomplishments.

Discussion Item: Role of PK Yonge in COE shared governance (Fran Vandiver)

  • Currently there is one person from PKY who sits on the senate. PKY does not feel they need to be involved in how the departments are making decisions. PKY has separate governance through UFF and COE. The current relationship is collaborative and they are happy with that type of relationship. The two seats at faculty senate designated for PKY will not always be filled but it was discussed that PKY keep one seat and the other be allocated to COE.

Dean’s Report/Discussion and Action Items: (Dean Emihovich)

  • Last Friday an announcement was made that Janie Fouke, the Provost was resigning on June 30th of this year.
  • The Dean proposed that the COE add more faculty members (those with better understanding of money flow) to the budget discussions with the BAC for now and possibly for next year. All of the 5 members are members of FPC (Oliver, Crockett, de Jong, Torres, and Kranzler). Each of the members (excluding Oliver who was not present at the meeting) accepted this temporary membership. The meeting will take place this Friday from 11:30-1pm and lunch will be served.
  • >>Action requested: Ask FPC to approve additional members on ad hoc basis: there was a motion to approve the additional of ad hoc members to the discussions with the BAC regarding budget issues. The motion was approved and seconded. It was discussed whether these members will not be voting members and will be asked only for guidance during the discussions or if the five elected members are considered voting members and will continue their roles and the ad hoc members role beyond this year will be reconsidered. It was decided that the ad hoc members will attend the May meeting and then some people will be carried forward on the committee beyond that meeting. Guidelines for next year need to be established and there are at least two current members who are willing to serve again next year. There was a motion to approve the addition of five ad hoc members for BAC until 2008. The motion was approved, seconded, and unanimously approved.
  • At this time, the Dean cannot discuss any plans for reductions in writing or verbally. The College of Education 2008/2009 Allocation/Proposed Budget sheet was distributed. This Friday there will be a meeting and more information will be given regarding the budget. Potential ways to work with the current budget deficit were discussed. The President said SCH (student credit hours) cannot drop because we are a formula funded university and if SCH drops, they will cut us even more. Consolidating departments could save money. There are not a lot of good options but these discussions do not have to lead to decision-making right now. Next year there will be more discussions and different recommendations will be made.
  • The Dean proposed a new task force focused on departmental review (as specified by UF and FPC Constitutions): Once every five years, the departments must be reviewed. The task force should include some elected members and some appointed after the elections by the Dean. The FPC should decide the processes to occur and discussions that should take place among the task force. This does not have to be decided by this Friday’s meeting with BAC. The Shared Governance Committee suggested that all the departments should come back with plans to address money issues. The Shared Governance Committee also recommended “Each Department be charged with forming a faculty committee to explore strategies to address the projected budget shortages including exploring departmental mergers, eliminating programs and other options and present their recommendations to FPC by October 1st.” This was shared in a handout from Campbell. Sometime next year an FPC task force will look at this issue and the information will be presented to the Dean. There was a motion to approve what the Shared Governance Committee proposed. The motion was approved and seconded. The motion was unanimously approved with minor changes including that the departmental information be decided by the October FPC meeting (not
  • October 1st) and that there will be an additional open discussion college wide either at the October FPC meeting or in a special meeting. It will be determined in August which format will work best.
  • >>Action requested: Ask FPC to approve creation of task force: This will be presented to Faculty Affairs to get a better plan for how to progress. No voting will take place.
  • FPC Constitution, Article 4, Section 1(C): The work of the departments shall be reviewed and evaluated at least once every five years, in accord with Article VI, Section 3(D) of the University Constitution, which states: “Because the department is the fundamental unit of academic and administrative organization within the University, periodic evaluations of each department shall be conducted.”

Committee Reports

  • CCC (Ferdig)- Educational Administration and Policy petitioned to remove the seven-year recency policy on transferring credits for Ed.D. students. CCC reps have been asked to seek feedback. Departmental feedback will be discussed at the next CCC meeting in a couple weeks and then presented to FPC in April.”
  • The other committee reports and the faculty senate report were postponed and will be discussed in April.

Motion to adjourn. Motion was approved and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:58pm.

Next Meeting: Monday, April 14, 2pm in the Terrace Room (Spring COE Meeting)


11 February, 2008 FPC Meeting Minutes

Faculty Policy Council
Abbreviated Draft Minutes
February 11, 2008

Members Present: Jean Crockett, Rick Ferdig, David Miller, Elizabeth Yeager, Sondra Smith, Diane Ryndak, David Quinn, John Kranzler, Bernie Oliver, Edil Torres-Rivera, Ester de Jong
Members absent: Ruth Lowery, Stephen Pape
Non-Members Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Jade Coutts

Meeting began at 2:05 pm.

Yeager asked for a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was approved and seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Motion to approve minutes. The motion was approved and seconded. The minutes from January were approved.

Dean’s Report
UF Budget- there are no updates currently because the meetings are all tomorrow. Updates from Jane Adams will possibly be announced after the meeting. The summer budget was received and it cannot carry forward. The chairs have been informed about their summer school offerings and have been given roughly about the same budget that they had last summer. Faculty members have submitted 5 proposals for additional courses and these faculty will be contacted at a later date. These courses are hoped to attract new students through distance education and to encourage students to take summer courses. There was a special funding meeting for renovations for Norman Hall and it is moving forward. The ELC is not going to part of the proposal. There are some renovations monies that have been received so that money might be used to renovate space on the third floor. Currently there are 3 classrooms that are assigned to the ELL program and the college is asking that those classrooms on the third floor be reassigned back to the College of Education. These classrooms would likely be relocated near Turlington.

Action Item – COE Tenure and Promotion Rotation Plan
The ad-hoc committee (John Kranzler, David Miller, and Elizabeth Yeager) drafted a proposal. A motion to approve the proposal was made and it was approved and seconded. The X’s refer to and it was stated that the X’s on the proposal are the selected departments where voting will take place during the current year. The representatives would be from a college wide vote and those two people would continue and the other departments would have elections in the years following. Each elected person would serve three years. Current members will continue to serve through this year. The three-year commitment was decided ultimately to prevent small mistakes that would not likely be made by long-term serving committee members. The proposal was approved and will now be part of the policy effective Fall 2008.

Discussion Item – COE policy on the GRE
The policy that was approved was sent to Thomasenia Adams and she sent a reply to Yeager. The parts of the policy that were approved included the introduction and the two sections on minimum requirements. The fourth and final paragraph was removed after the final vote. Education scores that would be used.

Discussion Item – Additional issues on T&P process raised by FAC
The ad-hoc committee created a document on T&P Criteria Revision and some of these things have been or are being discussed at the Chair meetings. The mentoring policy is fairly new and was approved last year.

Information Item – Upcoming FPC Elections
The voting system will be online and new FPC reps will be voted on. Names will be referred for UF Senate. The elections committee will be in touch with department chairs. Kara Dawson is heading up this committee. The COE needs to decide if they are electing two or three senators.

Information Item – Role of PKY in COE shared governance
Fran Vandiver (director at PKY) will attend FPC in March to discuss where PKY faculty want to be involved in COE shared governance.

Committee Reports

Curriculum Rick Ferdig

• The committee has moved electronic. Things are working out now but because it is electronic and it’s easy to send stuff back. A bunch of stuff has been return with minor mistakes. The CCC forms are more descriptive and they want a new form. The new CCC form will be sent out in the next few days. This is for undergrad and grad. The website will reflect these changes.

Budgetary Affairs Sondra Smith

• The committee sought information from the Dean Emihovich, Benson and Paul about current budget practices. They are now waiting for answers on what faculty want to know and how they want to be involved in budgetary affairs. The discussion is still ongoing. These two items are being asked within departments by the committee members. There should be a representative from each department. Jane Townsend (STL replacement for Tom Dana) and David Honeyman (EAP) missed the last meeting. Next meeting on February 25th. De Jong proposed reaching out to the faculty via email to get more responses and to give more information about the process. The committee created questions for certain parts of the budget process.

Faculty Affairs John Kranzler

• In the process of reviewing sabbatical applications. They are currently being ranked. The sabbatical is funded through the college or department level. Last year, the university was funding them but now it is through the college.

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Ruth Lowery

• Ruth was not present and her alternate did not have anything to report.

Distance Education Task Force David Quinn

• Have not met. Nothing to report currently. Chris Sessums job is being redefined and the team is currently in flux. Those earlier discussions will continue once things settle.

Research Advisory Diane Ryndak

• The B.O. Smith recipients were announced. UFRF (March 3) and CRIF (April) research grant funding information is out.

Shared Governance Task Force David Miller

• Both surveys are moving forward. The dean survey has been slowed so she can make a statement. Crockett asked if information would be available. Yeager will follow up to see how results will be out and disseminated.

Technology Edil Torres-Rivera

• Times and meetings have been set for the committee. A hired consultant (Tues and Wed) is coming in. Three candidates for Uzma’s job have been selected for interviews. One is internal, two are external. They are looking for someone to work with faculty and are restructuring in DE to hire someone to work only with the budget. The DE workshops are 4:15 not 1:15 and one-on-one workshops can be arranged. The DE office is very busy and most courses that are being developed have been graduate level. The committee will meet 1 time per month and by next meeting they hope to have charges. There have been issues with how the DE money is generated and how much they make. It is not clear now.

UF Faculty Senate Report Jean Crockett

• There were three discussion items, three action items, and information items. The President talked about a reduction of $16 million between Jan-June but Spring money had been spoken for. There will be $48 million less next year in funding than this year. Reductions will start in July. The Deans have to propose cuts and those with minimal impact on academics will be favored. The Healthy Gators Initiative, which uses federal dollars to target a set of national health objectives designed to promote health and prevent disease in the UF community, was described. The Civil Safe and Open Environment Committee was put together (4 faculty members and 4 students) and this committee will look at the taser incident as well as 1st and 4th amendment issues. A report and recommendations will be made. A draft forum will take place to get feedback. Turf Grass Management has had a name change and the motion was passed. The language of the constitution was approved and will be updated to reflect T&P information. The meetings are 1 time per month (3rd R of every month 3-5pm).

Motion to adjourn. Motion approved and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:41pm.

Next Meeting: Monday, March 17, 2008 at 2pm


14 January, 2008 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Draft Abbreviated Faculty Policy Council Minutes
January 14, 2008

Members Present: Jean Crockett, Rick Ferdig, David Miller, Edil Torres-Rivera, Elizabeth Yeager, Sondra Smith, Diane Ryndak, David Quinn, John Kranzler, Bernie Oliver, Stephen Pape

Members absent: Ruth Lowery

Non-Members Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Thomasenia Adams, Tom Dana, Jade Coutts, Tom Dana, Luis Ponjuan, Ester de Jong

Meeting began at 2:04 pm.

Yeager asked for a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was approved and seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Yeager motioned to approve the abbreviated version of the December 10, 2007 FPC meeting minutes. The motion was approved and seconded. The abbreviated minutes were unanimously approved.

Action Items

COE Tenure and Promotion Committee (Elizabeth Yeager): Since 2005, the senate has required that the faculty elect half of the composition and the other half be appointed by the Dean. We need a more systematic way of getting elected/appointed and to have some sense of the staggered terms. This matter needs to be decided before elections in late spring. An ad-hoc committee was proposed and Elizabeth Yeager, David Miller, and John Kranzler all volunteered to serve.
COE Tenure and Promotion Criteria (Luis Ponjuan and Ester de Jong): The committee was comprised of tenure ranked and department. It has been over a year that the document was reviewed. The document identifies what criteria are looked at when reviewing tenure packets. The FPC unanimously approved the document.
COE Policy on the GRE (Thomasenia Adams): University policy no longer uses the 1000 language for the GRE requirements. It has been decided that the GRE cannot be the only criteria for rejecting an applicant. The FPC is being asked if the college wants a college wide standard. John Kranzler is working on a revised version of the wording for the college policy. The discussion ended before a motion was approved.

Dean’s Report (Dean Emihovich)

• PECO list is almost done so faculty and others can help plan renovations for the building. We are expected to take another cut but the college is not sure how much or how it will impact. Summer school cut is one idea for a plan. For
faculty, the cut means they need to think about developing distance education courses to get summer monies. Cut will happen this year but it will be deferred until next year. Additionally, Tom Dana was hired as the associate dean.

Discussion Items

UF Alliance (Bernie Oliver): A copy of the document was sent out and the focus is on outreach in low performing schools. The alliance is trying to bond with schools and provide resources for success. Please contact Bernie if you have questions or if you are interested in participating. There is some money for travel and the schools are in Miami, Jacksonville, and Orlando.
Shared Governance and PKY (David Miller): The task force is doing a report and using a survey from last year. There was some concern that PKY was not on the list for shared governance.

Committee Reports

Curriculum (Rick Ferdig): The committee has had a few meetings; there is nothing new to report.
Budgetary (Sondra Smith): Currently looking at faculty participation. They have not met yet but the next meeting is scheduled. The current budget practice data is being collected although no policies have been made.
Faculty Affairs (John Kranzler): The committee met in December and discussed the criteria for sabbatical. There is a plan to continue in February.
Lectures, Seminars, and Awards (Ruth Lowery): No report.
Distance Education (David Quinn): No meeting yet.
Research Advisory (Diane Ryndak): The committee has reviewed applications.
Shared Governance (David Miller): Nothing new to report.
Technology (Edil Torres-Rivera): No meeting yet.

UF Faculty Senate Report (Jean Crockett)

• A financial group has been hired to assist the president on budgetary matters for the University. The Senate is currently revising the constitution to update the terminology used within the document.

**Meeting adjourned at 3:53 pm **
**Next Meeting: February 11, 2008 at 2pm**


10 December, 2007 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Draft Faculty Policy Council Minutes
December 10, 2007

Members Present: Jean Crockett, Rick Ferdig, David Miller, Edil Torres-Rivera, Elizabeth Yeager, Sondra Smith, Ruth Lowery, Diane Ryndak, Bernard Oliver, David Quinn, John Kranzler,

Members absent: None

Non-Members Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Nancy Dana, Thomasenia Adams, Jade Coutts

Meeting began at 2:04 pm.

Yeager asked for a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was approved and seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Yeager motioned to approve the November 5, 2007 FPC meeting minutes. Crockett asked that her name be spelled correctly at the end of the minutes and that changes be made under the UF Faculty senate to reflect that she reported. Dean Emihovich proposed that the minutes be revised in a more formal format for publishing on the website and Yeager proposed that she, Ferdig and Jade would discuss it further. Ryndak moved to approve the minutes and Ferdig seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Information Item- Update on Associate Dean search (Dean Emihovich)

• Dean Emihovich said the committee has presented findings and she is expecting to make a decision before the holidays.

Information Item- Update on panel discussion (Edil Torres-Rivera)

• Regarding hate crimes, an email was sent to the psychology department, anthropology department, and law school in an effort to prevent hate crimes on campus and in order to tie this to education and research. It will also help to make it more cross disciplinary. Many people have said they will participate but planning is difficult. Ryndak asked if a representative was being sent to represent the college. Torres-Rivera chose a representative and the discussion was recorded. Copies are available upon request.

Discussion items

Center for School Improvement, Nancy Dana

• Dana passed around two handouts. One on the Center for School Improvement and another with the mission, staffing and other important information regarding the
Center for School Improvement. Dana introduced the core staff and COE faculty who have worked with the center. Faculty have worked with the center through grants and to enhance teaching. Districts who have worked with the center were noted as were funding sources including North East Florida Educational Consortium and Fred Shewey Excellence in Middle School Education Endowment. It was also noted that the proposal for the NBCT Center has not yet been approved. Dan acknowledged that other funding sources that were not awarded were not listed on the handout. It was explained that On STAAR is an online system to support teachers and provides a resource storehouse so knowledge is shared and used to build on. The difficulty is that the state Dept of Education requires them to provide documentation of professional development and this is one of the places where districts are struggling. Dana stated that they are working on it. The center works mostly with the development of workshops delivered over the school year (see handout for example). Additionally, workshops are offered online and the money from NEFEC has supported these workshops. The teaching, inquiry and innovation showcase will be a 2-day event and it will be Friday night (April 18, 2007) or Saturday morning (April 19, 2007) or both. The Inquiry Institute is new this year. Currently they charge a registration fee and hope to generate money for the Center in future years. Each year they publish a monograph that will be out in February. Dana discussed the CSI database, which has a lot of data and is one of the few searchable websites in the nation of its kind. The database can be searched by school, topic, grade level and many other indicators. The other items on the handout that were briefly mentioned included the partnership with Lastinger Center, recent awards, current research projects, and the many opportunities for faculty and graduate students at the CSI. Yeager asked if there were questions and Ryndak looked at the secure letters and asked about the process for a grant template and mentioned that she is writing a grant where she wants to add a teacher inquiry component. Quinn wants to support the collaboration between the faculty and students so they see research happen and break down barriers between departments.

Dean’s Report, Catherine Emihovich

• Next year’s budget: passed out document on the budget to overview. The document is the 2007-2008 budget to show what was done. Starting with page 3, Dean Emihovich discussed the totals for the departments. Dean Emihovich reported that departments were cut across about $267,000. The alliance is not included because they have their own budget line. CSI and Lastinger were noted as receiving no operation money from the college. Miller asks if there is any logic for why some departments decrease or increase. Dean Emihovich says it has to do with where the cuts are made; instruction, expenses, etc. STL got hit hard with expense money getting cut but they are getting distance education money to balance it out. If the state side is cut, they may get money through other ways. Quinn asked if it includes lines. Dean Emihovich says no. The total budget cut was 4.26%. Kranzler wanted clarification of the differences. Dean said the reason is to ensure that all departments have operational funds to keep going. Someone mentioned that this information would have been more helpful previously to make connections to the conclusions. Dean Emihovich said she will provide a rational if she is presented with questions but
that cannot be done in a spreadsheet. She knows of resources (grants, foundation money, distance education) to take into account to release and to take back. Quinn said that his department also would like to have the clarification. It was explained that departments who have brought in more external money have been cut less and that this is a trend for this current budget cycle. Ryndak clarified that we need to find external funds now because of budget cuts. Dean Emihovich added that we cannot look to the state now (68% is on state support; COE in Oregon is 32%, UVA is 11%). It is a trend around the country. Ferdig asked for total for UF and Dean Emihovich estimated about 40-50% total. If you look at national rankings you can see the differences quickly. In the chair meeting it was said that there is a need to make reductions and all chairs were there. The discussion moved to page 4. Dean Emihovich pointed out two errors. The first is that on page 3, EP reflects a negative difference therefore the Increase/Decrease column should say “decrease” rather than “increase.” The second error is that there are two copies of page 4 reflecting allocations and budgets. On page 4, the first column is salary distributed 16 million. The carry forward balance was $454,000, which saved the college. Dean Emihovich stated that the college was already faced with making up deficit. Next year, we start with reduction in base budget by 678,000. Then, the impact of a further cut of 4.26% was projected (could be more), which equals $1.2 million. If expenses are the same, we will end up with an additional $350,000 in the hole. Ferdig asks if 4.26% will be same cut over next year. Dean Emihovich said that this is an estimate and that the numbers aren’t known but that there will most likely be another cut. All state institutions have been told to expect another cut. The only place left to get money with the deficit is in the salary line because nothing else can be cut from OPS or other expenses. All cuts have been done this year in that area. Salary line does include resignations and retirements if there are any. Retirements are already built in but are not reflected on the chart on page 4. Known resignations include Associate Dean Jeri Benson, Mary Kay Dykes and Rod Webb but there are other potential retirements to include. The second place for funds can come from staff moving to grant budgets. Another place to hold the line is in distance education. Also on the non-tenure track side some people are leaving. Dean Emihovich does not see faculty who are tenured being impacted because we are becoming proficient in distance education budget lines. Money for hiring is from the provost dealing with class size. It is like a gift that wasn’t expected with plans to hire a faculty member for elementary math. The hired faculty must be from critical shortage area. This is where we are now. Ferdig asks where grants fit in. Dean Emihovich says grants produce indirect revenue for PIs and produce salary savings at departmental levels. All chairs are aware if a real crisis happens, that money from salary savings would come back to the Dean’s office. Grants for faculty are an advantage for travel and supply as well as GA funds which have been cut. Funding for fellows are independent from this. Dean Emihovich explains that the college had some surplus from last year to cushion us. Distance education is really helping and is growing in two, possibly three departments. Not a happy picture but it could be worse. Dean Emihovich will be presenting for a possible donor who has expressed an interest in disabilities research. The research in COE is receiving great attention from corporations and individuals. The message that is coming across is that we need to move toward “floating your own boat” model.
Crockett said UF is a land grant institution and she wants to know what that has to do with our outreach mission and our activities. She asked how this situates us and Dean Emihovich responded that public universities are feeling the accountability that they are responsive to communities and schools. Accountability in higher education is a pressure stemming from the federal government to the states. Foundations are also shifting fund raising in that direction and are asking what impact is coming from funding. Publication is not what they are looking for.

• UF policy on fellowships: We have a new grad dean from UNC who was associate dean for the graduate school there for 10 years. Henry Frierson is nationally known for his ability to secure funding for increasing graduate enrollment. He has been charged to look at alumni fellowship awards. This is the first time they have been pegged to graduation rates. He met with all deans and presented data. It only refers to PhD not EdD because these are for full-time students only. Adams will share information on how this will be implemented but she wants to wait until she meets with all graduate coordinators. Adams will entertain questions to take. There are two questions currently. First, overall UF has the lowest rate of doctoral graduates than any other AAU school. This is the total number of actual PhDs across UF. Also, the time to degree issue is a problem because it is taking a great period of time for graduate students to graduate. Adams added that the time for our college ranges up to 7 years. Torres-Rivera asks where it starts and Adams said upon admission. Ryndak asked for clarification if they are a Master’s students and Adams said it starts when they are admitted as a doctoral student. In some departments, admission is counted after Bachelor’s rather than after Master’s. Grad 2 is first 32 hours. Quinn asks if we can change the admission time. Adams will ask at the meeting. It is noted that not all new doctoral students have their Bachelor’s and that programs with higher year averages may have outliers who are a result of not asking for progress/production. Oliver asks for departmental differences. Adams says there are departmental differences. Kranzler said there are big differences. Torres-Rivera wants this information. Dean Emihovich added that students who are covered on grants can get more money in this model. Ryndak asked about distributing assistantships across and Kranzler said you can add the top-ups. Ryndak wants to know this information before to recruitment. Adams said these conversations are happening in departments whether or not to give full fellowships or top-ups. Adams said 2002 was a good year so we need to stay at higher levels. Dean Emihovich said that there will be a meeting with chairs on Dec 20 to look at data and FPC should map out directions to be opened in January. What they are looking at are applicants, admission and enrolled students in COE graduate school. Adams stated that an application is considered to be an application when the fee is received. The data state that the college loses 50% in admissions. Adams proposes that we need to look at this and find out why students don’t enroll so we can increase enrollments. We are losing students. We need to question why students aren’t getting admitted and what criteria are denying students. For some programs it is criteria that is not flexible (counseling criteria characteristics). But, what are the reasons why for other programs? With the recent relaxation of the GRE, this is something we need to look at. Ryndak asks for clarification of special education data and state that they don’t match her recall of her students and other students enrolled. Dean Emihovich said this is data from the
departments. Ferdig asks about educational technology and whether is reflects online or face-to-face. Adams said it is just for doctoral students in the areas that were submitted from graduate coordinators. Dean Emihovich said that this data needs to be accurate at the departmental levels because that is where applications are. There has been some thinking about a centralized admission program to make it right. Yeager asks who to talk to in order to fix the discrepancies in the data. Adams said to talk with the graduate coordinator. Torres-Rivera asks if there is a breakdown of ethnicity, race, gender and Dean Emihovich said the graduate coordinator should have this data. Soon this data will be tracked. If we take distance education out, we would be in deep trouble for graduate enrollment for the past two years. The papers passed out do not include DE. SCH dropped by 400 without DE. ProTEACH at the graduate level is has been the bread and butter but some students are leaving after 4th year and we need to worry about this shift. Oliver asks Adams about goals that are set for students to admit by capacity. Adams states that some programs have capacity limits (school psych and ProTEACH) based on faculty and accreditation. Quinn says educational leadership is having discussions about high FTEs and low faculty support numbers. Yeager asks for a wrap up. Dean Emihovich said this is one piece of data and discussion on Dec 20th will move to how we do what we are doing in the context of the current budget scenario and whether or not we need to make changes with less resources or get leverage to create new resources and or configurations. She will return in January with an update to share where we are going next and what role FPC should play and how. Dean Emihovich will be here for the Jan 14th meeting. Kranzler added that his department expressed concern about a focus on quantity rather than quality of training and Dean Emihovich added that professional practice doctoral students and research doctoral students need specific curricula items and we need to decide if they are different. Dean Emihovich also asked if we can we sustain large numbers in both if they are.

Action Item- COE policy on the GRE

• Adams said in October the graduate school sent an email with policy changes. The new GRE language score minimum has changed because the ETS position is that it is an inaccurate way to use GRE. UF’s policy is to use and publish minimums for program admissions. The graduate school left it open for programs to have multiple criteria to admit students so we don’t rely on piece of data. In regard to minimum, we have a range of 450 on both verbal and quantitative sections within departments however higher minimum have been proposed CE (550 for both) and research methodology (500 verbal and700 quantitative). For the college as a whole we can ask for 450 minimums on both but in program should scores be higher? Adams’ concern is that without something we will have everything (for example scores of 300). Do we want this for doctoral students? Ryndak asks if we differentiate between Master’s and PhD. Adams said STL minimum is 450, 450. Crockett asked if there is a petition function. Miller questioned where these numbers came from and Adams said it came from Grad coordinators. Quinn said the presented data from his department is old. Adams stated that this information should be put on websites for potential students. Yeager said not to go below 450 minimums. Ryndak is hesitant to vote because she is unsure of where the data is coming from. It was said that SE is waiting to see what college is doing. Ferdig asked again about petition process. Adams said it is still standing but that college will decide how low. Torres-Rivera said we should make individual cases and Adams said departments can do that. Oliver asked about range for the college and Adams said range doesn’t make sense because we don’t want to create maximums. The college minimum is not published and it should save time with applicants sent to departments. Kranzler reminded that the graduate school level was 1000 and that the level was minimized to 900 unless special circumstances were presented. Yeager asks if this is ok and if we can vote or if it will be put off until the next meeting. Miller said that discussion may not happen by next meeting. It is stated that this minimum only impacts departments if they try to go lower. Torres-Rivera says that anything below 500 on each section will affect national rankings. Yeager addresses scheduling again and restates that this cannot be put off for two months. Yeager asks if this can happen via another format? Miller suggests to proceed with it now because of time constraints. Ryndak said that resubmission may be looked upon poorly. Torres-Rivera brings up professional practice and PhD issues that will be looked at later on and states that this will be revisited later anyhow. Miller says below 450 is too low. Oliver asks if we can submit a pending decision. Adams said it is always changeable. Kranzler said what is in place is OK now we have a chance to change it and that we should get input. Torres-Rivera motions to postpone this vote pending discussion in departments. Lowery seconds. Postponement of voting pending discussion within departments is unanimously approved.

Action Item- Composition of COE Market Equity Committee

  • Yeager if others discussed the Market Equity Committee. Kranzler said he did and they wanted to know what would go to committee. Yeager stated she doesn’t know. Kranzler asks to ask Dean Emihovich. STL feedback was that COE tenure committee could be tasked with this and the policy could be that departments have flexibility with those members of that committee. The thinking was that promotion work could be done in the Fall and market equity matters done in the Spring so it would balance the tasks out. Lowery confirmed this summary. It was mentioned that Associate Dean Jeri Benson wants to proceed because there is a deadline soon for applicants to be considered after the break. Oliver said last year there were 4 cases. Yeager asks if giving responsibility to tenure and promotion committee is approved. Torres-Rivera is on the committee and wants to know why this is their responsibility and not the Dean’s. Miller commented that committees were not department wide, rather the Merritt committee looked at it in his department. It is not clear who is deciding. Yeager asks if we should recommend that the Dean would decide who is on the committee with one representative from each department. Ferdig said that T&P is decided by election (3 members) and appointment (2 members) with a rotation. Miller said not all rights should be given back to Dean. Miller motions that COE T&P be given this task this year only and that in the future a formal process is put together to use from now on at the department and college level. Kranzler and Crocket second. Ferdig asks if the FPC should further discuss and Miller said yes. Motion carries all accept, with the exception of Torres-Rivera.

There was a motion by Yeager to address the discussion item below as well as committee reports at the next meeting in January. The motion was seconded. The motion was unanimously approved

Discussion Item- Do we need a COE policy on the definition of a course release at various levels for grant application?

Meeting adjourned at 4:15- motion by Yeager. Torres-Rivera seconded the motion.

Next meeting: January 14, 2-4pm


5 November, 2007 FPC Meeting Minutes

College of Education (COE)
Draft Faculty Policy Council Minutes
November 5, 2007

Members Present: Jean Crockett, Rick Ferdig, John Kranzler, David Miller, Edil Torres-Rivera, Elizabeth Yeager, Sondra Smith

Members absent: David Quinn, Ruth Lowery, Bernard Oliver, Diane Ryndak

Non-Members Present: Associate Dean Jeri Benson, Steven Pape (for Ruth Lowery), Alyson Adams, Jade Coutts
Meeting began at 2:03 pm.

Yeager asked for a motion to approve the agenda with one correction to the budgetary affair. The motion was approved and seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Yeager motioned to approve the September 10 FPC meeting minutes. Miller moved to approve the minutes and Ferdig seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Action Item– COE policy on the GRE (Dean Benson)

• Adams cannot be here today. She forwarded information on the GRE policy changes. Benson passed out a requirements sheet for the FPC to review and asked if there should be a 1000 score minimum. Currently, the college has no policy in place and individual programs can choose ranges for subpart requirements. If exemptions occur, the college wouldn’t know about them. Following a short discussion on exemption, Benson that programs need to think about how useful the subscores are to use as a screening system. She also questioned if the campus become too trusting of total score and if this works against our minority students. Benson said Thomasenia urges the committee to think about the college viewpoint. Miller said the interpretation is that the college does have exemptions. Benson says entrance into college should be more than one score on one day. Benson as if the FPC wants to think about a college point-of-view so we know what each department is doing. Yeager asks if this has been mentioned in departmental meetings. Torres-Rivera discussed how it effects rankings and confirms that it has been discussed at the departmental meetings. Kranzler says the GRE only comes into play on the college rankings. Yeager is struggling with a proposal for a specific policy because we are not sure what the Office of Graduate Studies is proposing. Benson proposed that each program profiles what students need to make application. Yeager thinks this is a good next step. We need this additional data to make any further decisions. Benson asks if it has been discussed. All members say that it has been discussed at departmental meetings. Yeager states that there isn’t any thing need to vote on yet and that the FPC will plan to look at the minutes and talk with Thomasenia. Benson and Miller say we need to discuss what the next step is. Benson says we should see
what the departments are saying about GRE scores and sources for criteria for application process. Pape mentions that his department has discussed new policies and that Colleen Swain has the document. Ferdig states that the action item is that we need to map out the levels and see what our programs are doing. Benson asks where we can get this information and states that websites need to be accurate for prospective students. The Dean’s office reports that the college should have some notion of what is going on. The graduate school is trying to open the door to look at the whole candidacy of the applicant. Crockett seconds that we need the acceptance information. Benson asks who is approving applicants and using what criteria. Additionally, who writes acceptance or denial letters? Benson states that the GRE is one of the pieces and that we need to open it up and look at the other criteria. Miller states that he doesn’t know if any minimum requirements can be set as a college using the requirements stated by the Graduate Council. He would like to know if we can set up minimum requirements and he personally would like to see something with respect to the different aspects of criteria. His department is concerned and wants sectional criteria but he isn’t sure if the wording is too restrictive. The Graduate Admissions requirements language is too loose referring to the cut off. We need provision and clarity of what can and cant be done. Follow up question for Thomasenia and the graduate deans were proposed. We need clarity in the language used on the admissions requirements. Torres-Rivera wants some clarity on boundaries. Ferdig points out that he is nervous about the wording as well. Benson states that we need appropriate reasons why we are turning students away. Yeager will take this information to Thomasenia for clarification and will help move things along if this is the next step.

Dean’s report

• Associate Dean Benson reported on the budget cuts and the market equity review. Dean Emihovich sent out an email stating we don’t have money now but that faculty are eligible through the contract with the union. The process is same as last year. Applications are due Dec 15, 2007. Currently there is not a standing committee to review these applications and FPC needs to decide if there should be a committee starting the spring. Yeager asked if departments and the Dean should appoint the council. Benson states that we need people who know what is marketable to sit on the committee. The committee last year was selected by Dean Emihovich and were full professors (Algina, Loesch, Steven Smith, Oliver). Kranzler says that this puts faculty in a difficult position and that the committee should be deans and chairs. This idea was rejected because chairs are considered in the union. The standing committee cannot be out of unit people and must be faculty members. Yeager proposes that voting takes place next meeting and that the team should be Dean appointed and department elected combined. Benson states that departments should discuss this matter. Benson asks if an FPC member should always be included. Yeager asks if everyone is OK with dealing with this as an action item at the next meeting after discussing. The FPC agrees.

• Benson confirms that the associate dean search applications are due today. Committee meetings are set and things are going. Crockett is a member and states
that there is a meeting Thursday. Benson assumes that there will be an announcement soon to meet with applicants.

UF Faculty Senate Report

• Crockett reported that they held a meeting at the Phillips center and the nature of the meeting was to talk about the museums and performing arts centers. Some name changes in departments were decided upon.

Discussion items

Budgetary affairs survey for faculty senate

• Smith passed out a handout that summarized the survey. She needs to know if there is a fair assignment and if the FPC approves it. Faculty senate has asked for FPC response to the survey. Yeager asks for questions or concerns. The council has none and recommends that it get passed back to the senate.
• Kranzler stated that it puts a positive spin on the spending and Smith stated that it represents what the FBACK did last year. Ferdig asks if we need to discuss implications for the college. Kranzler said his concern is that the problems are not being recognized and that the faculty isn’t having a say. Members are concerned that departments do not have a say in some budgetary concerns and that they have a more passive than active role. For example, Kranzler stated that faculty are not asked on how to spend discretionary funds. Yeager recommends that the passive nature of the faculty role should be included and that it is common across departments. Yeager suggests that revisions to the language be completed to reflect the FPC’s discussion and that the revised draft be sent to the FPC and this be discussed with departments. Miller proposes that the language get more concise.

Lastinger Center Resources and Budget

• Alyson Adams presented information to departments (special education, counselor education, and STL) to increase visibility and to invite people to play. Summary sheet was passed out. The mission is whole school reform centered on improving teaching, learning and leadership and child well being. The center has grant funding to support programs and is also a self-sustaining center. The biggest growth is in Miami-Dade with the Kellogg Grant. They are using a business model in Pinellas that is funded by the country and funded by them. There is high interest in Collier with low funding. Collier is the only county with middle school approach as well. Centers range from prek to 12. The center wants faculty help and has collaboration opportunities. They are welcoming anyone to come in and work. A handout was also provided on TLSI (Teacher Leadership for School Improvement) with some outdated criteria (GRE scores).

Follow-up on COE Day Away

• A matrix was provided with information added. Benson brings up the Center in Early Childhood and the funding activities. Dean Emihovich has been talking about
bringing people together across the college to bring ideas together that are similar that may lead to additional proposals.

Teachers College incident and racism on campus

• A Columbia University newspaper article was passed out. Torres-Rivera brought this up to see if this is something that we should respond to as a college. Yeager brings up a discussion that has taken place in counseling department on how to deal with this issue. Torres-Rivera states that we need to educate faculty and students on this matter and that we have a great deal of expertise on this matter at this college. Yeager asks if a brown bag lunch discussion should be sponsored and that Torres-Rivera could lead it. Kranzler agrees with an open forum. Ferdig agrees that a brown bag is a good idea and that we need to also explore research and find people in the college who are doing this work. Pape asks about the inclusion of gay/lesbian/transgender issues. Yeager will follow up with these ideas and see what type of forum can be put together. She will update the FPC at next meeting.

Action Item – FPC liaisons to FPC committees

Curriculum Rick Ferdig

• The CCC needs help with paperless forms for the CCC website. The Graduate Curriculum has put in place a new electronic method for graduate level forms and will shortly for undergraduate forms. If you need to do CC1 or CC2, you go online. CCC was bypassed this last October and some proposals were pushed over to the Graduate CC. Now, a new policy has been implemented so that the Dean will not go forward unless a memo is given from the CCC. Kranzler asked who would be moving the undergraduate system online. Ferdig stated that Dean Wubah would be doing so. Later this week, Ferdig will send out an email to the college regarding the new policy. Undergraduate is still paper-based. Instructions coming this week via email. Ferdig asks that FPC members will help to answer questions regarding this policy within their departments.

Faculty Affairs John Kranzler

• They are following tenure promotion meetings. The will finalize the draft and ship to FPC for approval. Kranzler says right now they are not looking at faculty load. They are considering concerns with non-tenure track review and other aspects. Smith said that load was something that was discussed last year and Kranzler said currently it is not on the agenda. Yeager received a report last year that has some information about load and she will check if that information was forwarded to Louise.

Budgetary Affairs Sondra Smith

• They met last week and had two charges. The first is what is the committee and the roles of the committee because it is new. The second is to respond to the survey regarding budget review and input. Initial conversations have been held.

Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Stephen Pape (Alt. for Ruth Lowery)

• No information given to pass along

Distance Education Task Force David Quinn

• David could not attend. No alternate present.

Shared Governance Task Force David Miller

• They discussed evaluating shared governance and what it is. They found that last year there were surveys developed to look at shared governance and are looking at these. They plan on using the same format used for the spring to evaluate the Dean. Ferdig asks if this is the same as the email they received. A response was not noted.

Research Advisory Jean Crockett (alt. for Diane Ryndak)

• Diane wanted to notify FPC that 2 of 4 programs are up and running. B.O. Smith and Opportunity Research Fund (Jan 4th, 4pm deadline). Paul’s office is resurrecting the Research Task force to look at the research doctorate to get a better sense of our current doctoral pathways.

Technology Edil Torres-Rivera

• Torres-Rivera hasn’t been able to meet with everyone. People are not answering their email.

FPC rep to Agenda Committee Jean Crockett

• No notes were taken.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40- motion by Yeager, Crockett seconded the motion.

Next meeting: COE Fall Faculty Meeting, December 10, 2-4pm


8 October, 2007 FPC Faculty Meeting Minutes

College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting
October 8, 2007

  • Welcome and introduction of new faculty members – Catherine Emihovich, Fran Vandiver
  • Recognition of promotions – Catherine Emihovich
  • Message from Rick Yost, UF Senate President
  • Message from Jim Gorske, UF Disability Resource Center
  • Update on Tenure and Promotion Criteria from Ester de Jong and Mirka Koro-Ljungberg
  • Updates on COE task forces, projects, and initiatives
    • Chris Sessums, Distance Learning
    • Troy Sadler, HHMI Grant
    • Catherine Emihovich, COE Annual Report
    • Linda Hagedorn, Carnegie Professional Practice Doctorate Initiative
    • Tom Dana, Colleen Swain, and Kutura Watson, STL Workshop on Issues of Race in the COE
  • Report on COE Day Away – Catherine Emihovich and Paul Sindelar
  • Dean’s report and discussion of COE budget