New Year, New Beginnings
A Message from Dean Glenn Good
With the band practicing on Norman Field, Panhellenic members coursing through Norman Village, and new students hesitantly seeking directions, we knew it was coming — fall semester is here.
What an exciting time to be at UF. The start of the semester is always full of life and energy and the momentum at the College of Education is greater than ever before. The intellectual leadership of our faculty burns brightly, student experience begins anew and our dedicated staff tirelessly support it all.
However, this year we will collective reach for new heights as the University of Florida launches it largest capital campaign to date. The college welcomes this opportunity to elevate our shared ambitions. And, as you’ll read below, the long-awaited rehabilitation to historic Norman Hall is imminent. The coming months will certainly be representative of extensive planning, preparation and perseverance.
I’m sure you share our excitement about the future, and I welcome Fall 2017 with open arms!