CASE recognizes Anita Zucker with James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education
Global businesswoman, philanthropist and College of Education alumna (B.A.E. '72) Anita Zucker was recently honored with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
July 19, 2019/by crdennard
Patricia Snyder Named UF Distinguished Professor
The University of Florida has awarded Patricia Snyder with the rare honor of Distinguished Professor. Snyder is only the seventh College of Education professor to ever receive this distinction.
June 27, 2019/by labellebrittany
Triple Gators receive AACTE 2019 Outstanding Article Award
Triple gators Melanie Acosta (B.S. ‘02, M.Ed. ‘09, Ph.D. ‘13) and Diedre Houchen (B.S. ‘05, M.A.E. ‘09, Ph.D. ‘15) recently received the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 2019 Outstanding Article Award in recognition of their collaborative work published in the Journal of Teacher Education.
June 26, 2019/by crdennard
National Higher Education Day | 2019
The College of Education at the University of Florida would like to observe National Higher Education Day by celebrating the graduates who have decided to return to school to help other students in higher education.
June 6, 2019/by labellebrittany
Inspiring the next generation of Gators
A caravan of 30 fourth, fifth and sixth grade girls a part of Girlfriends of Pinellas County travelled to the University of Florida College of Education eager to experience a day in the life of a Florida Gator.
May 29, 2019/by crdennard
Students Honored at 2019 Recognition Dinner
The College of Education recently hosted it's 17th annual Recognition Dinner, honoring those who have contributed to the success of this past year.
May 2, 2019/by labellebrittany
UF Teacher Preparation Program Receives NAME Recognition
In recognition of its academic innovation, the UF Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Program has been honored with the Rose Duhon-Sells Award.
Graduate Student Awarded for Excellence in Ed Tech
Instruction and Curriculum graduate student Gabriella Haire was awarded with the Fanchon F. Funk Scholars Award at the Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) annual conference for her educational technology research.
UF Prepares Exemplary Educators Through Online Learning
UF has once again demonstrated strength and leadership in teaching and learning as one of the nation’s Best Online Education Programs.
Christopher Thomas deciphers education law on the Chalk and Gavel Podcast
Assistant professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Christopher Thomas, Ph.D., shares his passion for the intersection of the law and education as co-host of Chalk and Gavel podcast.
Parker Van Hart selected for national entrepreneurship and policy fellowship
UF doctoral student Parker Van Hart received the 2023 Entrepreneurship Policy Fellowship from the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management.
University of Florida’s College of Education to expand undergraduate research and transform math learning statewide
With support from University of Florida President Ben Sasse’s strategic funding initiative, two projects are taking shape in the College of Education: one to accelerate undergraduate research and another to transform mathematics education in Florida.
SEC Mathematics Teacher Summit Hosted at the College of Education
Driven by the goal of increasing the number of mathematics teachers nationwide, mathematics education faculty from across the SEC held their second annual in-person summit at the University of Florida College of Education.
Students Honored at Scholarship and Awards Dinner
Donors and supporters of the college gathered to recognize the determination of our 2023 scholarship and award recipients.
UF Associate Professor Hyunyi Jung honored with AMTE Early Career Award
UF College of Education’s Hyunyi Jung, Ph.D., was honored with the 2024 Early Career Award from the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
EduGators Alumni in Higher Education