The college’s federally funded CEEDAR Center has selected the final five of 20 states that have joined together in a sweeping reform effort to vastly improve teaching and learning for students with disabilities. 16:47:402016-06-23 18:33:1020 states join UF's sweeping reform effort to boost teaching of students with disabilities
The College of Education has appointed Holly Lane, associate professor of special education, as the new director of its School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies. She succeeds Jean Crockett, who is leaving the post to resume her teaching and research responsibilities as a professor of special education. 11:00:252016-06-23 16:13:54New school director Holly Lane embraces tradition of ‘vigorous research’
Doctoral candidate Uttam Gaulee, a native of Nepal, has scaled some impressive peaks as he has pursued a doctorate in higher education administration at the UF College of Education. 22:54:372016-06-20 10:14:38Nepali PhD candidate cited for promoting global engagement
P.K. Yonge instructor recognized for research, teaching The Gainesville Sun June 10, 2016 The Sun wrote about Ross Van Boven, a sixth- and seventh-grade learning community leader at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, who received the 2015 Teacher as Researcher Award from the American Educational Research Association.
Globally recognized scholars will participate in the college’s international academic conference in Miami to explore the crucial role a new generation of “teacher leaders” can have in improving schools. 12:41:412016-05-26 15:46:10Acclaimed scholars to participate in UF’s first International Teacher Leadership Conference
Dawson took time to discuss her research and the ways incorporating technology and digital tools into traditional classrooms can help all types of learners to flourish. 13:02:272016-06-23 17:17:50Q & A with Kara Dawson on closing the 'digital divide'
Gainesville Sun: P.K. Yonge teachers noted ‘achievers’ The Gainesville Sun May 16, 2016 Five P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School teachers were highlighted in the newspaper’s Achievers blog: Jon Mundorf for receiving the Outstanding Young Alumni Award from the College of Education, and Cody Miller, George Pringle, Bill Steffens and Kate Yurko for being among the […]
The bottom line: To move forward, we must look back. That’s the foundation for UF College of Education doctoral candidate Kenneth Noble’s award-winning dissertation proposal. The UF Center for Humanities and Public Sphere, which promotes and funds research programs of UF humanities scholars, recently awarded Noble the Rothman Doctoral Fellowship based on his dissertation topic choice. […]
University of Florida education students are using technology to connect with educators and classrooms worldwide to learn about other cultures and education systems first-hand thanks to a new Global Classroom Initiative (GCI) developed by UF researchers. Swapna Kumar, a clinical associate professor of educational technology in the College of Education, said the program prepares preservice […]
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20 states join UF’s sweeping reform effort to boost teaching of students with disabilities
The college’s federally funded CEEDAR Center has selected the final five of 20 states that have joined together in a sweeping reform effort to vastly improve teaching and learning for students with disabilities.
New school director Holly Lane embraces tradition of ‘vigorous research’
The College of Education has appointed Holly Lane, associate professor of special education, as the new director of its School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies. She succeeds Jean Crockett, who is leaving the post to resume her teaching and research responsibilities as a professor of special education.
Nepali PhD candidate cited for promoting global engagement
Doctoral candidate Uttam Gaulee, a native of Nepal, has scaled some impressive peaks as he has pursued a doctorate in higher education administration at the UF College of Education.
Gainesville Sun: P.K. Yonge instructor recognized for research, teaching
P.K. Yonge instructor recognized for research, teaching The Gainesville Sun June 10, 2016 The Sun wrote about Ross Van Boven, a sixth- and seventh-grade learning community leader at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, who received the 2015 Teacher as Researcher Award from the American Educational Research Association.
Acclaimed scholars to participate in UF’s first International Teacher Leadership Conference
Globally recognized scholars will participate in the college’s international academic conference in Miami to explore the crucial role a new generation of “teacher leaders” can have in improving schools.
Q & A with Kara Dawson on closing the ‘digital divide’
Dawson took time to discuss her research and the ways incorporating technology and digital tools into traditional classrooms can help all types of learners to flourish.
Gainesville Sun: HIgh-achieving teachers
Gainesville Sun: P.K. Yonge teachers noted ‘achievers’ The Gainesville Sun May 16, 2016 Five P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School teachers were highlighted in the newspaper’s Achievers blog: Jon Mundorf for receiving the Outstanding Young Alumni Award from the College of Education, and Cody Miller, George Pringle, Bill Steffens and Kate Yurko for being among the […]
Dissertation proposal on police in schools earns Noble UF fellowship
The bottom line: To move forward, we must look back. That’s the foundation for UF College of Education doctoral candidate Kenneth Noble’s award-winning dissertation proposal. The UF Center for Humanities and Public Sphere, which promotes and funds research programs of UF humanities scholars, recently awarded Noble the Rothman Doctoral Fellowship based on his dissertation topic choice. […]
‘Global classrooms create worldly connections for future teachers
University of Florida education students are using technology to connect with educators and classrooms worldwide to learn about other cultures and education systems first-hand thanks to a new Global Classroom Initiative (GCI) developed by UF researchers. Swapna Kumar, a clinical associate professor of educational technology in the College of Education, said the program prepares preservice […]