How do I acquire a Florida certificate?
The Social Studies Education program is a nationally accredited and state-approved program. Completion of the program is also completion of state certification requirements. However, an application for a certificate must be submitted to the Florida Department of Education.
How do I get a letter stating that I’ve met the requirements for a teaching certificate?
Contact Robin Rossie in the Office of Student Services in the College of Education.
What happens if I’ve not completed all of the Florida Teacher Certification tests?
You will not graduate.
Can I teach in other states?
Because the program is also nationally accredited, usually students can become certified in other states without completing additional coursework. However, each state has different standards, and requirements change. Therefore, students are advised to make appropriate inquiries to determine whether or not they have to meet additional requirements to become certified in a state other than Florida.
What are the completion requirements for this program?
The program requires that students take 18 credits, in addition to the certification requirements of the Florida Department of Education: (1) successful completion of Florida Teacher Certification Exams and (2) competence in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs).
What is the application deadline?
Faculty members recommend that application materials be submitted by March 1. However, applications will be considered after this date as space is available.
After admission, read the admission letter to learn about registering for courses, the conditions (if any) of your admission, and the process for getting clearance to work in public schools.