Entries by desireefarnum

Students and Faculty Attend SACES

UF students and faculty attended the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) conference in Birmingham, Alabama the second weekend in October 2014. Five of the students made the roadtrip in the college van with Dr. Swank. What a great roadtrip!
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In Memory of Dr. Joe Wittmer

The UF Counselor Education program grieves the loss of Dr. Joe Wittmer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Counseling at the University of Florida, who worked in the UF Counselor Education Department for 37 years, including being Department Chair for 18 years. Under his leadership and guidance, UF’s counselor education program was consistently ranked in the top […]

Students and Faculty attend ACA Conference in Hawaii

UF students and faculty made the long journey to Honolulu, Hawaii to participate in the 2014 American Counseling Association (ACA) annual conference. Five students and two faculty presented at the conference, an outstanding achievement due to only 16% of submitted proposals being accepted for presentations. Students who presented at the conference included Rachel Henesy, Nadine […]