10 October, 2005 FPC Meeting Minutes
Faculty Policy Council Minutes
October 10, 2005
Members Present: Ellen Amatea, Buffy Bondy, Mary Brownell,
Mary Ann Clark, Ester de Jong, Cyndy Griffin,
Hazel Jones, Tracy Linderholm, Rod Webb
Members Absent: Kathy Gratto, Dave Honeyman
Others Present: Jeri Benson
Jones called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm.
Agenda and Minutes
1. Approval of the agenda for October 10, 2005
Linderholm moved to approve the agenda. Brownell seconded the motion. The
FPC unanimously approved the agenda.
2. Approval of the minutes from the September 12, 2005 meeting
Name misspellings were corrected. Amatea made a motion to approve the September 12, 2005 minutes as amended. Griffin seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as amended.
1. Upcoming Meetings
Agenda Committee meetings scheduled for Oct. 17, 2005 and Nov. 21, 2005 at 11:00 am. There is no December meeting.
Dean’s Report (Jeri Benson)
1. Faculty Searches
Educational Psychology – chair
Special Education – associate or full professor, preference for a person with specialization in the area of mild disabilities
School of Teaching and Learning – assistant or associate professor in mathematics education; assistant professor in reading education
Counselor Education – assistant or associate professor in family – school counseling
Fien Professorship – Paul Sindelar is chairing this search2. Keynote Speakers
- Gloria Ladson-Billings in February
- Dean Emihovich is working on a January speaker for kick-off
3. Howard Hughes Grant
Partnering with medical, science, and engineering faculty
4. Dean’s 3 Meetings with Provost
1 – vision, challenges, points of pride
2 – budget, enrollment, plans for increasing graduate programs
3 – still not defined
5. Restructuring in Dean’s area
Handout distributed
Committee Reports
1. Bondy – College Curriculum Committee
September meeting held. New Education Minor approved (with deletion of General Education and Secondary Education Minors) and new Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Studies approved. October meeting is scheduled for 10/17/05 (note: this meeting was later canceled due to lack of business).
2. de Jong – Faculty and Budget Affairs (Nancy Waldron, chair)
- Merit/discretionary funds for dean – removed from agenda
- Promotion guidelines – ad hoc committee to make recommendations for promotion of non-tenure line faculty
- Faculty load – no action as yet
- New item – budget – what might the committee responsibility be regarding the COE budget
3. Amatea – Lectures, Seminars, & Awards (William Conwill, chair)
- Graduate teaching award criteria and process
- Schedule of awards and their criteria
- Nominations of speakers
- Develop processes for selecting Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award and International Educator Award
4. Griffin – Long-Range Planning (Danling Fu, chair)
- Reconsidering the surveys for Dean’s and Associate Deans’ evaluations
- Considering COE’s 3 priorities
5. Clark – Research Advisory Committee (Stephen Smith, chair)
- Interviewed for director of Office of Research
- Looking into B. O. Smith professorship
6. Linderholm-Student Recruitment (Penny Cox, chair)
- Michael Bowie will create database on all students who apply to COE programs
- Researching department needs for recruitment and outreach
7. Webb-Technology (Dawn-Elise Snipes, chair)
No report
Report from Faculty Senate (Cyndy Griffin)
1. COE senators will take turns sending COE and PKY reports of senate business
2. Attendance will be taken at senate meetings
Discussion Items
1. Fran Vandiver – developing more formal collaborations around research at PKY
- Perhaps link to long-range planning or research advisory committee
- Issue #4 out of 9/30 Research Retreat addressed this problem of sharing research interests
- PKY’s issues of interest include working with struggling students, development of professional learning communities, best instructional practices in literacy and in math, science, and technology
- Action steps – develop one-page handout on research applications at PKY, plan for mentoring relationships between PKY teachers and researchers, have PKY and Baby Gator representative(s) on issue #4 committee
2. Creating a structure to link the FPC and UF Faculty Senators
- Have COE faculty on UF committees
- Send Faculty Senate information to COE faculty (already doing this)
- Bring discussion items from UF Faculty Senate to COE FPC
Amatea makes motion to adjourn. Clark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.