Graduate Student Funding: Fellowships, Assistantships & Scholarships
Many departments across the university offer Graduate Assistantships for both doctoral and master’s students with various benefits. You can search for them at the UF Jobs Site by clicking on Student Assistant under the Work Type filter. Common places include:
- UF Teaching Center– Hires GAs from a variety of disciplines as supplemental instruction leaders and coordinators of Teaching Center programs.
- The Hawkins Center– Hires content or strategy prep (time management, etc.) tutors for student-athletes. They also hire Assistant Learning Specialist Interns (which is often like a 2-year assistantship). Prefers education majors.
- Academic Advising Center– Hires year-round GAs. Previous grads have come from counselor ed, higher ed, SPHE, and educational leadership.
- Department of Housing – accepts all majors. Previous housing experience is preferred but not required.
- GatorWell Health Promotions – accepts all majors
- Counseling and Wellness Center– Occasionally has a position for a Crisis Intervention Consultant. Counseling major required.
- Education Psychology Graduate Teaching Assistantships: There are opportunities for students to teach courses related to life span development and educational psychology on a semester-by-semester basis. Eligible students will have a background in psychology or related field. Masters level and Doctoral level students who have had at least one semester of graduate course work are encouraged to apply. New graduate students who have had considerable teaching experience at the undergraduate level may also inquire. Contact Dr. Helena Mawdsley at for an application. The graduate teaching assistantship offers 9 credit tuition coverage, a stipend, and student health benefits. Students must be enrolled full time to be eligible for this assistantship.
- College of Education Scholarships: The College of Education awards scholarships annually to current students who will be enrolled in the coming fall semester or applicants who have been admitted to begin their studies in the coming fall semester. Applications are available through the College of Education’s Office of Student Services beginning in November and will be due in January or February (see their website for details).
- Graduate School Supplemental Retention Scholarships: This award is designed for UF doctoral students who are three or fewer semesters away from graduation, but are no longer eligible to receive a fellowship, assistantship, or other funding from their department or college.
- University Women’s Club Scholarship – In April a request is sent to Deans, Department Chairs and Directors of Graduate Studies for nominations for these awards. The nomination is sent to the UWC by the professor along with the student’s curriculum vitae and a short statement from the nominee. The deadline for receipt of the nomination is usually in mid-May.
Doctoral Fellowships
PhD Fellowship/Assistantship Applications are due at the time of your application. Please consult the specific Program Area websites for their application deadlines.
- Fill out the Fellowship/Assistantship Application Form and submit it to the coordinator of your program if you are applying for a fellowship or assistantship.
- The FAMU Feeder Fellowship affords FAMU students the opportunity to receive advanced study in graduate programs not available at FAMU. Within HDOSE, the Higher Education Administration, Counselor Education, and Research and Evaluation Methodology programs are eligible.
- McKnight Doctoral Fellowships: The Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives, in partnership with the Florida Education Fund, administers the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship for African-American and Hispanic students who have been admitted to begin their studies in the coming fall semester.
- Grinter Fellowships: Ph.D. students who have been admitted to begin their studies in the coming fall semester are eligible to be considered for these 3-year $2000-$4000 stipend awards.
Current Student Travel Awards
These awards support travel fees for research-related conferences and meetings.
- Graduate Student Council Travel Awards: The UF Graduate Student Council offers travel grants to help graduate students attend conferences and present their research.
- Graduate School Doctoral Research Travel Awards: These awards support research-related travel expenses for Ph.D. students in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. It is for students who have inadequate departmental funding to conduct doctoral dissertation research away from UF.
- Office of Research and Graduate Programs’ Graduate Student Travel Funds: Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy are eligible to apply for these awards that support travel to conferences, symposia, and special research opportunities.
Dissertation Support Awards
For these awards, you must be a doctoral candidate who has successfully passed your qualifying exams and proposed your dissertation topic.
- Graduate School Dissertation Awards: This award provides final term funding for UF Ph.D. candidates in selected majors in the humanities, arts, and social sciences to complete their dissertations through defense, final clearance by the Editorial Office, and graduation. This program is for students who have exhausted all funding and meant to allow recipients time and resources to focus exclusively on their dissertation.
- Delores Auzenne Dissertation Award: This award is designed to assist underrepresented minority students in completing their dissertation work. The program provides competitively awarded stipends to Ph.D. candidates who are in the advanced writing stages of their dissertations at UF.
- Madelyn Lockhart Dissertation Fellowship– The Association for Academic Women (AAW) at the University of Florida established the Madelyn Lockhart Fellowship to honor a PhD. Candidate who is both an outstanding researcher and who has contributed to creating a more inclusive and diverse community. One Fellowship in the amount of up to $2,000 will be awarded annually to assist in the dissertation phase of the doctoral degree. The recipient must be enrolled in dissertation credits the semester (or summer) s/he receives the fellowship.
- UF/Santa Fe College Faculty Development Project– The UF/Santa Fe College Faculty Development Project is a partnership between the University of Florida and local Santa Fe College that aims to increase faculty diversity at Santa Fe College while providing doctoral students at UF with valuable teaching experience. Participants teach two courses per year at SFC and assist in its recruitment and retention of minority and underrepresented students. The program provides a stipend of $15,000 for nine months, in-state tuition, fees, and health insurance for fall-spring semesters with an additional amount supplied by UF. Participants must have a master’s degree in an approved field, 18 credit hours of graduate level hours in an approved field completed, and have passed their qualifying exams.
Other Awards
- Graduate Student Mentoring Award (GSMA) is open to UF graduate students in a master’s, specialist, or doctoral program at the time of applying, who engaged in a mentor-mentee relationship over the past academic year with undergraduate students, graduate students, K-12 students, or K-12 teachers.
- International Students
- International Student Certificates of Excellence (5 COE students recognized/No monetary award) – International undergraduate or graduate students; minimum 3.5 GPA, exceptional scholarly research activity, outstanding participation in the department/college, and service to the University community. Students are eligible based on visa status – please contact your school Graduate Coordinator to verify eligibility. Nominations must come from their COE faculty advisor using the attached nomination form. Other required materials are a letter of support from the faculty advisor and the student’s curriculum vitae. The college will select 5 awardees from all nominations received and will forward the names to UFIC.
- Alec Courtelis Award (University-wide/3 monetary awards: 1 @ $3,000, 2 @ $1,500) International graduate students; eligibility criteria include demonstration of outstanding academic achievement, contribution to the department and college, exceptional contributions and service to campus life at UF, involvement in the Gainesville community. Students are eligible based on visa status – please contact your school Graduate Coordinator to verify eligibility. Nominations must come from their COE faculty advisor using the attached nomination form. Additional submission requirements are three letters of recommendation (one can be the advisor) and the student’s curriculum vitae. The college can nominate 2 students for review by the UFIC selection committee.
- Diane Fisher Award (University-wide/2 @ $500) Information about eligibility and submission requirements can be found at:
- Scarborough-Maud Fraser Award (University-wide 1 @ $1,000) Information about eligibility and submission requirements can be found at: