EduGator Insider – October 2018 – COE News
  • EduGator Insider

    October 2018

New Faculty Reception


The College of Education is delighted to welcome 20 new faculty to our EduGator community, bringing with them fresh perspective and new expertise in the areas including: bilingual education, counselor education, early childhood, educational psychology, education technology, higher education, school psychology, special education and teacher education.

Help us to extend a warm welcome as we work together toward Building A Brighter Future!

Century Tower at Night

Tackling Society’s Biggest Challenges

The University of Florida is spearheading the search for solutions to society’s most ever-present challenges through its latest initiative. Not surprisingly, the college is leading the way on several of the projects.

Angela Flavin and student

P.K. Yonge Teacher of the Year – Angie Flavin

Congratulations to Angie Flavin (M.Ed. ’02), P.K. Yonge’s Teacher of the Year for 2020.

According to the news release, “…Flavin’s career has been characterized by a commitment to earning student trust, building student confidence, and developing their capacity to learn.”

Building A Better Norman

SITE Program Receives Esteemed Award

The Site-based Implementation of Teacher Education (SITE) Program was selected to receive the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators (SRATE) Innovation in Teacher Education Award.

Recognition of Excellence and Service

SRATE has recognized UF student Alayna Calhoun as a David Watts Scholar, for her dedication as a student teacher and her passion for students and the art of teaching.

Inaugural Graduate Student Scholarship Opportunity

Donielle Geoffrion is the recipient of the Florida Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (FACES) Scholarship, which provides funding to attend the Florida Counseling Association (FCA) conference.