To meet this exponentially increasing demand Math Nation, a Lastinger Center innovation, accelerated the development and launch of the new On-Ramp to 6th Grade for teachers and students to use in Florida, Michigan, Mississippi and South Carolina. 13:16:262020-11-04 18:59:55Microsoft Support for Mathematics Innovation 11:29:222020-10-29 11:32:58UF Counselor Education Research Featured
The National Science Foundation has awarded $299,624 to Maya Israel, associate professor of educational technology, and a team of computer science education leaders to explore ways to expand inclusion in CS education for students with disabilities. 11:40:522020-09-23 11:46:41Educational technology professor awarded NSF grant to foster inclusive computer science education
As schools across the globe are adapting to varying levels of online learning, the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) has launched a Virtual Teaching Resource Hub to ease the transition for reading teachers.
The Institute of Higher Education (IHE) at the University of Florida received $600,000 from the National Science Foundation to enhance access and success among underrepresented students in community college Information Technology (IT) programs. 12:32:182020-08-10 20:11:30Team led by higher education professor receives NSF grant to improve access and success in Information Technology programs
Mary Brownell, professor of Special Education and director of the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR) Center, was named a University of Florida Distinguished Professor. 11:22:592021-01-25 10:40:50Mary Brownell named UF Distinguished Professor
A team from the UF College of Education hasn’t let a global pandemic slow progress working with administrators, staff and students at Terwilliger Elementary School toward school improvement. 14:19:232020-07-31 14:54:24UF Support for Local School Continues Through Pandemic
We have much to celebrate about the past year, but know there is much work to do aligned with our efforts to strengthen our society. Where education and reliance meet is where you will find EduGators. With students like these, we know that we are up to the task.
Congratulations to each of these scholars and thank you to all those who support them. 16:08:142020-07-15 10:46:02Seven Students Honored for Outstanding Scholarship
We are living in historic times in so many ways. Particular events in the past 30 days have etched a place in history that is sorrowful and crushing. As your dean and as a fellow human being, I want each of you to know that I stand in anguish with you and acknowledge the deep and seemingly unbearable pain that is being felt by people of color in the College of Education community and across our nation. 18:32:142020-06-02 18:32:14Hurt, Healing, Hope: A Turning Point for Change
Microsoft Support for Mathematics Innovation
To meet this exponentially increasing demand Math Nation, a Lastinger Center innovation, accelerated the development and launch of the new On-Ramp to 6th Grade for teachers and students to use in Florida, Michigan, Mississippi and South Carolina.
UF Counselor Education Research Featured
Research from members of the UF Counselor Education program featured in four articles in the October 2020 issue of Counseling and Values.
UF Dyslexia Graduate Certificate
Applications open in fall and spring, each year!
Educational technology professor awarded NSF grant to foster inclusive computer science education
The National Science Foundation has awarded $299,624 to Maya Israel, associate professor of educational technology, and a team of computer science education leaders to explore ways to expand inclusion in CS education for students with disabilities.
Innovations in Teaching Reading Online
As schools across the globe are adapting to varying levels of online learning, the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) has launched a Virtual Teaching Resource Hub to ease the transition for reading teachers.
Team led by higher education professor receives NSF grant to improve access and success in Information Technology programs
The Institute of Higher Education (IHE) at the University of Florida received $600,000 from the National Science Foundation to enhance access and success among underrepresented students in community college Information Technology (IT) programs.
Mary Brownell named UF Distinguished Professor
Mary Brownell, professor of Special Education and director of the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR) Center, was named a University of Florida Distinguished Professor.
UF Support for Local School Continues Through Pandemic
A team from the UF College of Education hasn’t let a global pandemic slow progress working with administrators, staff and students at Terwilliger Elementary School toward school improvement.
Seven Students Honored for Outstanding Scholarship
We have much to celebrate about the past year, but know there is much work to do aligned with our efforts to strengthen our society. Where education and reliance meet is where you will find EduGators. With students like these, we know that we are up to the task.
Congratulations to each of these scholars and thank you to all those who support them.
Hurt, Healing, Hope: A Turning Point for Change
We are living in historic times in so many ways. Particular events in the past 30 days have etched a place in history that is sorrowful and crushing. As your dean and as a fellow human being, I want each of you to know that I stand in anguish with you and acknowledge the deep and seemingly unbearable pain that is being felt by people of color in the College of Education community and across our nation.