College Curriculum Committee
This committee considers various aspects of College of Education program and course offerings for both graduate and undergraduate catalog offerings.
Constitutional Responsibilities
The College Curriculum Committee shall act for the faculty in matters relating to undergraduate and graduate programs. Specific duties include consideration of new courses, course changes, program changes, and providing oversight of the quality of undergraduate and graduate course and program offerings. The committee shall meet monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters and as needed during the Summer terms. (Course changes, additions, and deletions must be approved by the University Curriculum Committee or University Graduate Curriculum Committee, as appropriate).
- Selection. The College Curriculum Committee shall be composed of the Secretary of the Faculty Policy Council who will serve as a non-voting Chair; two representatives from each school; and two voting members consisting of one graduate and one undergraduate student.
- Faculty Prerogatives. Any member of the faculty may attend meetings of the Curriculum Committee and is entitled to speak on any proposal. Only Committee members may vote. No proxy votes may be cast. Decisions of the Committee shall not become final until the close of the meeting following that in which they were originally passed. Minutes shall be distributed to the faculty and should a school or five faculty members question a decision, it may be appealed at the next meeting of the Committee. When five or more faculty still question a decision, they may appeal in writing to the Faculty Policy Council at its next meeting. No decisions will become final until after these appeals have been acted on and decided.
College Curriculum Committee Members
Chair: Benjamin Skinner
FPC Representative: Benjamin Skinner
Dean’s Office Representative: Elayne Colón
School of Human Development and Organizational Studies In Education
- Lindsay Lynch
- Amber Moss
School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies
- Alisa Hanson
- Alice Kay Emery
School of Teaching and Learning
- Kristen Apraiz
- Shelley Warm
Graduate Student Representative
- Olivia Morales
Undergraduate Student Representative
- Pending
End of Year Reports
Meeting Minutes
2022 - 2023 Meeting Minutes
2021-2022 Meeting Minutes
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (04-11-22)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (03-14-22)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (02-14-22)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (01-10-22)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (12-13-21)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (11-08-21)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (10-11-21)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (09-13-21)
2020-2021 Meeting Minutes
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (04-12-21)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (03-08-21)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (02-08-21)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (12-14-20)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (11-09-20)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (10-12-20)
- College Curriculum Committee Minutes (09-14-20)

2023-2024 Calendar
CCC meetings will be held on the following Mondays between 2-4PM via Zoom.
- Monday, September 11, 2023
- Monday, October 9, 2023
- Monday, November 13, 2023
- Monday, December 11, 2023
- Monday, January 8, 2024
- Monday, February 12, 2024
- Monday, March 25, 2024
- Monday, April 8, 2024
Guiding Questions for CCC Submitters and Reviewers to Develop an Inclusive Syllabus
In recognition of the powerful role curriculum can play in disrupting racism and in keeping with the college’s antiracism initiatives, these questions are intended to serve as a guide (rather than a pre-determined or required list of questions) for curriculum development and to promote conversation between course developers and the college curriculum committee during the COE curriculum approval process. Note, that this document does not replace the UF Course submission guidelines or university requirements for new syllabi and course submission.
- Does this course include readings representing a variety of viewpoints and cultural backgrounds?
- Does this course include assignments and activities that are culturally relevant and inclusive?
- Does this course include opportunities to explore how course content impacts individuals and communities, including those who have been historically marginalized (e.g., inviting guest speakers to the course or locating other media along with readings that represent diverse perspectives)?
- Do class session topics allow for discussion regarding how students from different cultural backgrounds may view the content?
- Does the course allow students opportunities to draw on their own experiences and culture?
- Does this course include assignments and activities that disrupt dominant, racialized norms? (e.g., assignments that help students identify implicit bias, recognize their own biases and/or privilege, or examine course-related data or readings with a critical lens)
- Are the course assignments equitable and attainable by all students regardless of income, location, cultural background, etc., without putting any students in distress while attempting to complete an assignment?
- Are student expectations clearly stated in the syllabus?
- Does the course syllabus include a statement regarding topics related to inclusive practices (i.e., inclusive communication in classroom discussions, respect for diversity, accessibility and accommodations, religious and cultural observances, attendance and participation) with accompanying information for accessing student services on campus? (see example statements below for ideas)
- Does the course syllabus include a statement about land acknowledgement?
Example Statements
UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering values broad diversity within our community and is committed to individual and group empowerment, inclusion, and the elimination of discrimination. It is expected that every person in this class will treat one another with dignity and respect regardless of gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture.
UF College of Journalism and Communications
The College of Journalism and Communications understands the importance of diversity as a contribution to the industries of journalism and communications in our increasingly multicultural nation and globalized marketplace. We value diversity and the development of competence in intercultural communication and behavior for all who are a part of our college, industry and society. Thus, we are committed to incorporating diversity and inclusiveness in our faculty, staff, student, curriculum, research, immersion properties and culture.
We embrace diversity as a shared responsibility among faculty, staff, and students and strive for tangible expressions of this responsibility. We are committed to fostering a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals of all races, genders, nationalities, religions, sexual orientations, identities and abilities, to express their culture and perspectives through the art and science of journalism and communications.
Colby College
Colby College is dedicated to the education of humane, thoughtful, and engaged persons prepared to respond to the challenges of an increasingly diverse and global society and to the issues of justice that arise therein. The College also is committed to fostering a fully inclusive campus community, enriched by persons of different races, gender identities, ethnicities, nationalities, economic backgrounds, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, political beliefs, and spiritual values. We strive to confront and overcome actions and attitudes that discourage the widest possible range of participation in our community, and we seek to deepen our understanding of diversity in our daily relationships and in our dealings as an institution.
Brown University
The Department of Sociology embraces a notion of intellectual community enriched and enhanced by diversity along a number of dimensions, including race, ethnicity and national origins, gender and gender identity, sexuality, class and religion. We are especially committed to increasing the representation of those populations that have been historically excluded from participation in U.S. higher education.
University of Iowa
It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups. In addition, if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please let me know so that we can make arrangements for you.
Procedures for Course Submission, Review, Modifications, and Proposals
To submit a new or modified course, an UF Academic Approval Tracking (AAT) request form must be completed:
An example of a standard Syllabus Template (Graduate OR Undergraduate) can be found on the AAT site and is required as part of any new Graduate course submission, or significant modifications to an existing Graduate or Undergraduate course.
Materials to be reviewed by the committee must be submitted to the AAT and approved by the School Director based on the below chart.
Submitters should refer to the Key Questions for New and Modified Course Requests to ensure the completeness of their submission. Submitters are also encouraged to review the materials for developing an inclusive syllabus prior to submission.
Submissions will be reviewed for completeness of required information and format. This review will determine the timing of inclusion in the upcoming College Curriculum Committee (CCC) meeting. Incomplete materials will be returned to submitter for revision and re-submission.
Agendas will be shared with COE faculty and the committee at least one week prior to a CCC meeting.
The faculty member who prepared the submission, or an appropriate representative, should attend the CCC meeting when the materials are reviewed.
CCC meeting minutes will be reviewed by the CCC Chair and Dean’s Representative and shared with all committee members and attendees of the meeting.
When a submission has been approved or conditionally approved with minor revisions by CCC, the submitter will make the recommended changes in the AAT and notify the CCC Chair and Dean’s Representative.
When a submission has been recycled by CCC, indicating the need for substantial changes, the submitter will consult with a CCC School Representative prior to re-submission.
Key Questions for New and Modified Course Requests
- Does the course title make sense in relation to the content?
- Is the course description clearly written such that overall purpose and focus is understood?
- Does the course description clearly identify it as a COE course?
- Is the course number at the right level – introductory, advanced?
- Do course objectives align with the course description and title?
- Are course objectives stated as student learning outcomes and written in behavioral terms that are measurable?
- Are course assignments/activities clearly described, and are they appropriate and rigorous for the course level?
- Are grading criteria clearly explained for each assignment/activity and course requirement?
- If attendance/participation is part of the grade, are expectations and criteria for evaluation clearly presented?
- Does this course need to be reviewed by other programs/departments due to possible overlap in content?
AAT Submission Deadline Dates | CCC Meeting Dates |
Monday, August 28, 2023 | Monday, September 11, 2023 |
Monday, September 25, 2023 | Monday, October 9, 2023 |
Monday, October 30, 2023 | Monday, November 13, 2023 |
Monday, November 27, 2023 | Monday, December 11, 2023 |
Monday, December 18, 2023 | Monday, January 8, 2024 |
Monday, January 29, 2024 | Monday, February 12, 2024 |
Monday, February 26, 2024 | Monday, March 25, 2024 |
Monday, March 25, 2024 | Monday, April 8, 2024 |