- Algebra Nation
- California Early Learning Coaching and Communities of Practice
- CEEDAR Center
- ChANgE Chem: Transforming Chemistry with Cognitive Apprenticeship for Engineers
- Charleston Comprehensive Literacy Initiative
- Early Learning Florida
- Early Learning Louisiana
- Early Learning South Carolina
- Effectiveness Study of Tools for Getting Along: Teaching Students to Problem Solve
- Efficacy Trial of I Control: An Intensive Intervention to Improve Self-Regulation for Middle School Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems
- Embedded Instruction for Early Learning
- Embedded Practices and Intervention with Caregivers (EPIC)
- Enhancing School Resource Officers’ Effectiveness through Online Professional and Job Embedded Coaching
- Evaluating a Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum for Children at Risk for Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
- Evaluation of Preschool Special Education Practices
- Examining the Impact of Variations in Performance-Based Funding Policies on Student Outcomes
- Impact of Professional Development on Preschool Teachers’ Use of Embedded-Instruction Practices: An Efficacy Trial of Tools for Teachers
- The In/authentic Experiences of Black Engineers
- Interconnecting PBIS and School Mental Health to Improve School Safety: A Randomized Trial
- James Patterson Literacy Challenge
- Literacy Matrix
- Math Nation
- Precision Education: The Virtual Learning Lab
- Prime Online: Teacher Professional Development for Inclusive Elementary Mathematics Classrooms
- Project ADePT: Advancing the Development of Pre-service Teachers
- Project COORDINATE: Increasing Coordinated Use of Evidence-based Practices for Improving Word Study in an RTI Framework for Teams of 4th Grade Teachers
- Project INTEGRATE: Integrating School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and School Mental Health Services Using the Interconnected Systems Framework
- Project LENS: Leveraging Expertise in Neurotechnologies to Study Individual Differences in Multimedia Learning
- Project PLECSIS: Preparing Leaders in Early Childhood Studies and Implementation Science
- Project PREPARE: Preparation and Retention of Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Personnel: Preparing for Evidence-Based Practice in High Need Early Childhood Settings
- Project RIEL: Responsive Instruction for Emergent Bilingual Learners in Biology Classrooms
- Project STEEP: Studying Teacher Effectiveness, Education, and Policy
- Project STELLAR: Supporting Teachers of English Language Learners Across Rural Settings
- Project TIER: Teaching, Intervention, and Efficacy Research
- Research: Understanding Ambiguity in Engineering Problem Solving
- RET Site: Engineering for Biology: Multidisciplinary Research Experiences for Teachers in Elementary Grades
- STRATEGIES: Codebreakers: Cultivating Elementary Students’ Interest in Cryptography and Cybersecurity Education and Careers
- STRATEGIES: iDigFossils: Engaging K-12 Students in Integrated STEM via 3D Digitization, Printing and Exploration of Fossils
- Training Teachers to Teach Vocabulary (T3V): A Professional Development Model for Toddler and Preschool Teachers of Children at Risk for Communication Difficulties
- Trident United Way Reading by Third
- University of Florida Literacy Initiative
- Winning Reading Boost
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The Office Of Educational Research (research@coe.ufl.edu)