Grants & Projects

A Mixed Methods Comparison of Universal Screening and School Referral

Principal Investigator: Joni Splett

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: Society for the Study of School Psychology

Project Period: 07/01/2017–06/30/2020

Award Amount: $19,919

BEST in CLASS Elementary – Efficacy Trial

Principal Investigator: Maureen Conroy

Co-PI(s): James Algina

Funding Agency: Virginia Commonwealth University (Subcontract – IES Flow Through)

Project Period: 7/1/2018 – 6/30/2022

Award Amount: $1,649,754

BEST in CLASS Web: A Web-based Intervention Supporting Early Childhood Teachers’ Use of Evidence-based Practices with Young Children at Risk for Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Principal Investigator: Maureen Conroy

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: US Department of Education/IES

Project Period: 08/01/2016–07/31/2019

Award Amount: $1,500,000

Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR 2.0) Center

Principal Investigator: Mary Brownell

Co-PI(s): Margaret “Meg” Kamman, Erica McCray

Funding Agency: US Department of Education/OSEP

Project Period: 01/01/2018–12/31/2022

Award Amount: $21,250,000


Effectiveness Study of Tools for Getting Along: Teaching Students to Problem Solve

Principal Investigator:  Stephen Smith

Co-PI(s):  Ann Daunic

Funding Agency:  SRI International (Subcontract:  IES Flow Through)

Project Period:  09/01/2016–08/31/2021

Award Amount:  $590,971.00

Efficacy Trial of I Control: An Intensive Intervention to Improve Self-Regulation for Middle School Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Principal Investigator: Stephen Smith

Co-PI(s): Joni Splett, Ann Daunic

Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences

Project Period: 7/1/2018 – 6/30/2022

Award Amount: $3,292,300

Efficacy of Prime Online: Teacher Professional Development for Inclusive Elementary Mathematics Classrooms

Principal Investigator: Cynthia Griffin

Co-PI(s): James Algina, Nancy Dana, Walter Leite

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education/IES

Project Period: 08/15/2018 – 08/14/2022

Award Amount: $3,276,003.


Evaluating A Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum For (SELF) Children At Risk for Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Principal Investigator:  Ann Daunic

Co-PI(s):  Nancy Corbett, Stephen Smith, James Algina

Funding Agency:  US Department of Education/Institute of Education Sciences

Project Period:  07/01/2016–06/31/2020

Award Amount:  $3,499,958.00

Evaluation of Preschool Special Education Practices

Principal Investigator: Patricia Snyder

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: Mathematica Policy Research

Project Period: 11/23/2013–11/21/2021

Award Amount: $243,633.00

Impact of Professional Development on Preschool Teachers’ Use of Embedded-Instruction Practices: An Efficacy Trial of Tools for Teachers

Principle Investigator:  Patricia Snyder

Co-PI(s):  James Algina and Mary McLean

Funding Agency:  US Department of Education/IES

Project Period:  06/01/2015–06/30/2020

Award Amount:  $3,498,113.00

Interconnecting PBIS and School Mental Health to Improve School Safety: A Randomized Trial

Principal Investigator:  Joni Splett

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency:  University of South Carolina (Subcontract:  US DOJ Flow-Through)

Project Period:  01/01/2016–12/31/2019

Award Amount:  $630,338.00

Infant-Toddler/Early Language Development Project for the Florida Grade Level Reading Campaign Administered through the Florida Children’s Council

Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert

Co-PI(s): Page Pullen

Funding Agency: Children’s Services Council of Florida, Inc.

Project Period: 5/1/2018 – 3/15/2021

Award Amount: $75,000

James Patterson Literacy Challenge

Principal Investigator: Holly Lane

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: UF Foundation (James Patterson Family Foundation Flow Through)

Project Period: 11/7/2017 – 11/6/2020

Award Amount: $2,999,200


OR-DRPD-ROF2017: Reducing Relational Aggression Among Middle School Girls: Investigation of Referral, Professional Development, and Intervention Protocols

Principal Investigator:  Joni Splett

Co-PI(s):  Stephen Smith, Sarah Lynne Landsman

Funding Agency:  UF Office of Research

Project Period:  08/15/2017–08/14/2019

Award Amount:  $98,824.00

Preparation and Retention of Early Intervention/ Early Childhood Special Education Personnel: Preparing for Evidence-Based Practice in High Need Early Childhood Settings (Project Prepare)

Principal Investigator: Mary McLean

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs

Project Period: 01/02/2015–12/31/2019

Award Amount: $1,232,603

Preparing Leaders in Early Childhood Studies and Implementation Science – Project PLECS-IS

Principal Investigator:  Maureen Conroy

Co-PI(s):  Patricia Snyder, Mary McLean, Brian Reichow

Funding Agency:  US Department of Education/OSEP

Project Period:  01/1/2016–12/31/2020

Award Amount:  $995,218.00


Project Coordinate: Increasing Coordinated Use of Evidence-based Practice for Improving Word Study in an RTI Framework for Teams of 4th Grade Teachers

Principal Investigator:  Mary Brownell

Co-PI(s):  Amber Benedict

Funding Agency:  U.S. Department of Education/IES

Project Period:  07/01/2017–06/30/2020

Award Amount:  $1,399,999.00

Project STEEP: Studying Teacher Effectiveness, Education, and Policy

Principal Investigator:  Mary Brownell

Co-PI(s):  Paul Sindelar, Erica McCray

Funding Agency:  U.S. Department of Education

Project Period:  09/01/2014–08/31/2019

Award Amount:  $1,250,000.00


Project TIER: Teaching, Intervention, and Efficacy Research

Principal Investigator:  Holly Lane

Co-PI(s):  Nicholas Gage

Funding Agency:  US Department of Education/Office of Special Education Programs

Project Period:  01/01/2017–12/31/2021

Award Amount:  $1,250,000.00


Reading by Third Innovation Demonstration Project - Berkeley

Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert

Co-PI(s): Holly Lane (SSESPECS), Shaunte Duggins (Lastinger Center for Learning)

Funding Agency: Berkeley County School District (Subcontract – Trident United Way Flow Though)

Project Period: 07/15/2017–07/14/2020

Award Amount: $201,250

Reading by Third Innovation Demonstration Project – CCSD Years 2-3

Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert

Co-PI(s): Paige Pullen

Funding Agency: Charleston County School District

Project Period: 7/1/2018 – 6/30/2020

Award Amount: $122,200

Reading by Third Innovation Demonstration Project – DD2

Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert

Co-PI(s): Holly Lane (SSESPECS)

Funding Agency: Dorchester School District Two (Subcontract – Trident United Way Flow Through)

Project Period: 07/15/2017–07/14/2020

Award Amount: $198,750

Reading by Third Innovation Demonstration Project – DD4

Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert

Co-PI(s): Holly Lane (SSESPECS)

Funding Agency: Dorchester School District Four (Subcontract – Trident United Way Flow Through)

Project Period: 07/15/2017–07/14/2020

Award Amount: $166,250

Teacher Knowledge of Dyslexia: One Potential Cause of the Poor Academic Achievement of Children with Learning Disabilities

Principal Investigator: Holly Lane

Co-PI(s): Sunshine Moss

Funding Agency: Learning Disabilities Foundation of America

Project Period: 12/1/2018 – 11/30/2019

Award Amount: $2,100

The In/authentic Experiences of Black Engineers

Principal Investigator: Elliot Douglas (Engineering Education Collaborative)

Co-PI(s): Erica McCray

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation

Project Period: 8/1/2018 – 7/31/2021

Award Amount: $70,640

Training Teachers to Teach Vocabulary (T3V): A Professional Development Model for Toddler and Preschool Teachers of Children at Risk for Communication Difficulties

Principal Investigator: Patricia Snyder

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: Temple University (Subcontract – IES Flow Through)

Project Period: 7/1/2018 – 6/30/2022

Award Amount: $217,046

Validating an Observation Protocol for the Evaluation of Special Educators

Principal Investigator:  Mary Brownell 

Co-PI(s):  N/A 

Funding Agency:  Boston University (Subcontract–IES Flow-Through)

Project Period:  07/01/2015–06/30/2019

Award Amount:  $200,058.00

Working with the Experts 2018-2019

Principal Investigator: Alice Kaye Emery

Co-PI(s): N/A

Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education

Project Period: 08/01/2018–07/31/2019

Award Amount: $240,000