Submitted Proposals – December 2024
Principal Investigator: Taryrn Brown (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Adolescent Girls’ Menstrual Health Education through Research to Practice Partnerships in Zimbabwe: Futurecasting Freedom and Educational Opportunity
Requested Amount: $49,893
Principal Investigator: Anthony Botelho (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Teachley (Subcontract — Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Tech-Enabled Teacher Supports: Teachley
Requested Amount: $149,983
Principal Investigator: Matthew Burns (SESPECS)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Combining Culturally Responsive Decodable and Thematic (CreDIT) Reading Passages for Reading Fluency and Comprehension
Requested Amount: $49,775
Principal Investigator: Avery Closser (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences
Proposal Title: Closser IES Supplemental Funds- Now I See It
Requested Amount: $227,932
Principal Investigator: Chonika Coleman King (STL)
Co-PI: Mary Bratsch-Hines (Lastinger Center)
Funding Agency: Texas A&M University at Galveston (Subcontract — National Science Foundation Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Empowering Students with Choice through Equitable and Interactive Mathematical Modeling (EIM2)
Requested Amount: $343,232
Principal Investigator: Shaunté Duggins (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: New Worlds Reading: Supporting Engagement Among Striving Readers with the Kibeam WandTM Screenless Technology
Requested Amount: $50,000
Principal Investigator: Maria Giani (SESPECS), Mentor: Christopher Redding (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: American Education Research Association
Proposal Title: Students in Disciplinary Alternative Schools
Requested Amount: $24,000
Principal Investigator: Michael Johnson, Mentor: Maya Israel (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Proposal Title: STEM Ed IPRF Postdoctoral Fellowship: CS Educational Technologies for Teachers
Requested Amount: $170,000
Principal Investigator: Nigel Newbutt (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: City University of New York (Subcontract – National Science Foundation Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Tackling the Double Empathy Problem in Collaboration with Nonspeaking Autistic People
Requested Amount: $319,640
Principal Investigator: Larisa Olesova (STL)
Co-PI: Swapna Kumar (STL), Bojan Lazarevic (STL)
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Examination of GPT Large Language Models Integration to Guide College Students Cognitive Presence in Asynchronous Online Discussions
Requested Amount: $59,773
Principal Investigator: Mark Pacheco (STL)
Co-PI: Christopher Anthony (SESPECS)
Funding Agency: Abigail Adams Institute (Subcontract – John Templeton Foundation)
Proposal Title: Wisdom at Work: Revitalizing Formative School Leadership
Requested Amount: $248,719
Principal Investigator: Christopher Redding (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Class in Session: A National Study of the Socioeconomic Background of American Teachers
Requested Amount: $47,098
Principal Investigator: Wanli Xing (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Texas Tech University (Subcontract – National Science Foundation Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Automatic Assessment of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Questioning Using Artificial Intelligence
Requested Amount: $234,948