Submitted Proposals – February 2025
Principal Investigator: Alyson Adams (STL)
Co-PI: Elayne Colón (SESPECS, Deans Office), Nancy Waldron (SESPECS)
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Proposal Title: Teaching Apprenticeships – Amendment 3
Requested Amount: $325,000
Principal Investigator: Anthony Botelho (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Exploring the Ecological Validity of LLMs for Content Generation
Requested Amount: $485,955
Principal Investigator: Anthony Botelho (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Florida State University (Subcontract – Spencer Foundation Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Transforming Adaptive Instruction Through AI: Empowering Underserved Classrooms
Requested Amount: $8,116
Principal Investigator: Tyran Butler (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: City of Jacksonville
Proposal Title: KHA Accelerating Literacy Outcomes 2025 – Supplement
Requested Amount: $60,000
Principal Investigator: Catherine Corbin (SESPECS)
Co-PI: Veronica Seals (SESPECS), Megan Worth (SESPECS)
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Investigating Teachers’ Emotion Regulation Strategy Use as a Target to Improve Instructional Quality and Reduce Discipline Disproportionality
Requested Amount: $484,477
Principal Investigator: Frank Curran (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Southern Education Foundation
Proposal Title: Supporting Data-Informed Implementation of Revised School Discipline Codes of Conduct
Requested Amount: $21,512
Principal Investigator: Elliot Douglas
Co-PI: David Therriault (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Proposal Title: Research: Exploring Engineering Ambiguity Categories: Student and Expert Responses to Problem Ambiguity
Requested Amount: $415,588
Principal Investigator: Carla Fisher
Co-PI: Jason Arnold (ETC), Carma Bylund-Lincoln, Karen Daily Weinstein, Larry Forthun, Yi Guo, Erin Mobley, Leigh Neumayer, Tracy Onega, Deidre Pereira, Lisa Spiguel
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health
Proposal Title: Improving Communication and Health Outcomes for Young-Adult Caregiving Daughters & Mothers Living with Breast Cancer: Randomized Control Trial of the Healthy Communication Practice Online Intervention (HCP)
Requested Amount: $3,801,096
Principal Investigator: Christy Gabbard (PKY)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Proposal Title: Improving Student Outcomes in Mathematics-Instructional Materials
Requested Amount: $1,507
Principal Investigator: Dwight Irvin (SESPECS)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Ohio State University (Subcontract – National Institutes of Health Flow Through)
Proposal Title: Leveraging Peers to Improve Outcomes of Children with Developmental Language Disorder: An Impact Study
Requested Amount: $1,197,047
Principal Investigator: Carla Jagger
Co-PI: Pavlo Antonenko (STL), James Bunch
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Proposal Title: Collaborative Research: Explorations: Leveraging Agriscience Networks for Energy Education (LANEE) and Workforce Development
Requested Amount: $578,235
Principal Investigator: Hyo Kang
Co-PI: Pavlo Antonenko (STL), Navid Zanjani Asadi
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Proposal Title: Adaptive Contextual Learning in Microelectronics through Immersive Virtual Reality
Requested Amount: $996,539
Principal Investigator: Walter Leite (STL)
Co-PI: Angelo Barmpoutis, Tracy Centanni, Stephanie Snidarich
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Proposal Title: Project InSPIRE – Intelligent Support for Personalized Individual Reading Experiences
Requested Amount: $948,363
Principal Investigator: Brady Nash (STL)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: The Borderzones Digital Literacy Collective: A School, University, and Youth Partnership to Develop Culturally Sustaining Digital Literacy Curricula in the Age of Algorithms and AI
Requested Amount: $244,926
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Shenkman
Co-PI: Albert Ritzhaupt (STL), Jaclyn Hall, Keith Muller, Aaron Saguil, Ryan Theis
Funding Agency: Agency for Health Care Administration
Proposal Title: AHCA TEACH Program
Requested Amount: $2,457,584
Principal Investigator: Sara Smith
Co-PI: Wei Li (SHDOSE), Aileen Choo
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health
Proposal Title: Exploring English Speech and Language Development Trajectories Among Spanish-English Emerging Bilingual Children and Associations with EF and Language Proficiency.
Requested Amount: $410,159
Principal Investigator: Sara Smith
Co-PI: Eunjin Shin (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health
Proposal Title: Exploring Linguistic Synchrony between Emergent Bilingual Children and Instructors: Associations with English Language Learning Outcomes
Requested Amount: $419,375
Principal Investigator: Jue Wu (SHDOSE)
Co-PI: Karina Alvina, David Julian
Funding Agency: Spencer Foundation
Proposal Title: Dissecting the Effectiveness of Different Undergraduate Research Experiences on the Success of Diverse Students in Florida
Requested Amount: $374,532
Principal Investigator: Wanli Xing (STL)
Co-PI: Zandra De Araujo (Lastinger Center), My Thai
Funding Agency: Google
Proposal Title: MAGICAL-Math: Multimodal Artificial Generative Intelligence Championing Advanced Learning Sciences for Math Education
Requested Amount: $1,500,000