EduGator Insider – June 2018 – COE News
  • EduGator Insider

    June 2018

Summer may be slower but it’s not slow

With daily rain, soaring temperatures and buzzing insects, it’s clearly summer in Gainesville. And while it may be slower, with fewer students around, by no means have we slowed down. In fact, we’re ramping up and we want to hear from you about our communications.

Ever wonder what’s in the lockers in Norman Hall?

Before any construction could start, we had to move everything out… EVERYTHING.

Gerardo Gonzalez

Triple-Gator Honored As Distinguished Alumni

UF selected, Dr. Gerardo Gonzalez, to receive its 2018 UF Distinguished Alumni Award.

Allen Lastinger

Citizen of the Year

UF’s Bob Graham Center recognized Allen Lastinger for contributions to the state.


Impacting Others Through Service in Education

Two EduGators were recently named 2018 Outstanding Young Alumni


Recognition of Excellence

Six students were recently recognized for their scholarship and achievement

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