Publication: Featured in Florida Association for Staff Development

Adams, A. (2010). University Partnerships for powerful professional development. Florida Association of Staff Development, 20 (2), 3-8.


Publication (Doctoral Dissertation): Professional Development on Teacher Practice

Poekert, P. (2008). Ready Schools Miami: The impact of a collaborative professional development initiative on teacher practice. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Florida, United States.

Publication (Book): Successful Professional Development

Ross, D.D., Dodman, S., Vescio, V., Adams, A., & Humphries, E. (2011).   Secrets of Successful Professional Development: Lessons from award-winning teachers.  Gainesville, FL: Lastinger Center for Learning.


Publication (Article): Perceptions of a Job Embedded Teacher Preparation Program

Ross, D.D., Adams, A., Bondy, E., Dana, N, Dodman, S., Swain, C. (2011).  Preparing teacher leaders: Perceptions of the impact of a cohort-based, job embedded, blended teacher leadership program. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27 (8), 1213-1222. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.06.005



Publication (Article): The Professor as Coach

Poekert, P., Boynton, S., Castaneda, M., Diaz, R.M., Grosland, T.J., & Spillman, C. (2011). The Professor as Coach. Educational Leadership, 69 (2), online only