
Dr. Kristina DePue joins the Counselor Education faculty

DePueDr. DePue received her doctoral degree in Counselor Education from the University of Central Florida. Prior to attending UCF, Dr. DePue graduated from Vanderbilt University for both her master and bachelor degrees. Helping individuals struggling with dependence from alcohol and other drugs (AODs) has been a personal mission of Dr. DePue’s for 9 years. She has worked in many roles in treatment settings and strives to increase community awareness of recovery and substance dependence. As an academic, Dr. DePue has spent the last 5 years researching in the area of addiction and change behaviors, and the chronic nature of addiction is central in her previous and future research. Dr. DePue’s dissertation examined the relationship between the bottoming out experience, the turning point, and early recovery using structural equation modeling, which was a continuation of her master’s thesis research. Dr. DePue has a high interest in research methodology and advanced statistical procedures in the human science field. At the University of Central Florida (UCF), Dr. DePue led a multi-year study in the Community Counseling Clinic that focused on counselor development and the supervisory relationship. Dr. DePue also serves as an “ad hoc” reviewer for the Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling and an invited reviewer for the Annual Review of Best Practices in Addictions and Offender Counseling. Dr. DePue is actively involved in both the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the International Association of Addiction and Offender Counselors (IAAOC) and has served as the IAAOC Collegiate Addiction Committee Chair for the past two years. Currently Dr. DePue is working to increase research connecting family and social systems with youth addicted to AODs, as well as working on grant proposals connecting neurobiology to both addiction counseling and lifespan developmental theory.


Saey participates in "A Counselor's View of Italy"

67428_440620539370343_808568948_n(1)Sierra Saey, University of Florida M.Ed./Ed.S. counselor education student joined counseling students and counselor educators across the country to venture out of the country for two weeks to study counseling in Italy. This was the first time Saey had traveled beyond the United States and she embraced the opportunity to learn about the Italian culture and expand her knowledge about the counseling profession. She attended workshops on various counseling topics presented by Italian counseling professionals, as well as counseling professionals from the United States. She also had the opportunity to explore the culture and history of Italy. Saey remarked that her experience in Italy has helped enhance her cultural awareness and hopes to use what she has learned in working as a future school counselor.


CACREP Accreditation Renewed

Congratulations to the University of Florida’s Counselor Education program for receiving renewal of their accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)! The UF Counselor Education program has accreditation for all of their master’s/Ed.S. level programs (Clinical Mental Health Counseling; Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling; and School Counseling) and for their Ph.D./Ed.D. program in Counselor Education and Supervision.


"My Therapist is a Pitch": Counseling Students Join Together for Some Summer Fun

UF master’s/Ed.S. and doctoral students joined together to form an intramural softball team to have some fun during the summer. Their team name is: “My Therapist is a Pitch.”photo(10)

Yoon recieves national award and scholarship


Eunhui Yoon a doctoral student in the counselor education program received the 2013 American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) Graduate Student of the Year award and the Donald Mattson Scholarship at the AMHCA 2013 conference in Washington, D. C. Yoon was recognized for her superior leadership and interpersonal qualities and her varied research and publications on multicultural issues including: disaster and crisis counseling, girls as math and science learners, bullying, and counselor burnout.


Varney awarded the AARC 2013 Master's Exemplary Research and Practice Award

Melanie_HeadShotMelanie Varney is the recipient of the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC) 2013 Master’s Exemplary Research and Practice Award. This award recognizes the contributions a master’s student has made in the areas of scholarship and service that align with the mission of AARC.

Counselor Education Students Receive Scholarships

Fifteen students in the Counselor Education program were awarded scholarships at the College of Education annual Scholarship Recognition Dinner on April 19, 2013. Congratulations to all of the recipients!

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CSI Welcomes New Members and Honors Students and Faculty

The Beta chapter of Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society initiated 26 new members on April 5, 2013. Additionally, the following students and faculty were recognized for receiving CSI Beta chapter awards: Outstanding Entry Level Student Award – Melanie Varney; Outstanding Doctoral Level Student Award- Kacy Mixon; Outstanding Service to Chapter Award- Lucy DiBrigida; Outstanding Practitioner Award- Karin Fields; Outstanding Research Award – Dr. Jacqueline Swank; and Outstanding Practitioner Supervisor Award – Dr. Lesley Hull. The chapter also recognized Dr. Edil Torres-Rivera with a certificate of sincere gratitude and appreciation for his commitment to the counseling profession.

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Henesy Receives Presidential Service Award

ACA(2)Rachel Henesy, EdS student in Counselor Education, recently received a Presidential Service Award. This awards honors students who have dedicated their time to promoting social justice, civic engagement, and community awareness on the UF campus and in the community. Students must complete at least 100 hours of community service during the year to be eligible for the award. Ms. Henesy commitment to service includes leadership positions in both Chi Sigma Iota (Counselor Education National Honor Society) and Counselors for Social Justice, and involvement in the community at the Alachua County Crisis Center and the Southwest Advocacy Group (SWAG). Congratulations Rachel!

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Students, Faculty, and Alum attend the 2013 ACA Conference in Cincinnati

Master’s and doctoral students, faculty, and alum attended the 2013 ACA conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. Faculty and students presented, attended educational sessions, networked with others, and enjoyed some fun in Ohio.

Shannon, Rachel, Sang Min

Group shot with ACA President Brad Erford and an ACA past president Lynn Linde

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