Newly Funded Awards – November 2024
Principal Investigator: Tyran Butler (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: School District of Manatee County
Project Title: Manatee SG PL 2024
Project Period: 10/08/2024–12/31/2024
Award Amount: $48,455
Principal Investigator: Tyran Butler (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Lake Wales Charter Polk Ave Elementary
Project Title: Polk Ave Elementary Small Group January 2025
Project Period: 01/01/2025–01/31/2025
Award Amount: $20,000
Principal Investigator: Avery Closser (STL)
Co-PI: Anthony Botelho (STL)
Funding Agency: Institute of Education Sciences
Project Title: Now I See It: Supporting Flexible Problem Solving in Mathematics through Perceptual Scaffolding in ASSISTments
Project Period: 11/07/2024–11/07/2025
Award Amount: $34,662
Principal Investigator: Zandra De Araujo (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: Eunjin Shin (SHDOSE)
Funding Agency: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Project Title: Florida Math Language Routines Design and Dissemination
Project Period: 10/19/2024–06/30/2026
Award Amount: $500,000
Principal Investigator: Zandra De Araujo (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Marion County Public Schools
Project Title: Marion County Flamingo FY 24–25
Project Period: 11/04/2024–06/30/2025
Award Amount: $145,000
Principal Investigator: Zandra De Araujo (Lastinger Center)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Project Title: Math Matrix Refinement
Project Period: 11/14/2024–05/31/2026
Award Amount: $873,092
Principal Investigator: Alice Emery (SESPECS)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education
Project Title: Working With the Experts 2024–2025
Project Period: 08/01/2024–07/31/2025
Award Amount: $252,000
Principal Investigator: Christie McElroy (PKY)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education
Project Title: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, (PerkinsV), University Developmental Research Schools, Secondary Career and Technical Education Programs
Project Period: 07/29/2024–06/30/2025
Award Amount: $113,077
Principal Investigator: Seyedahmad Rahimi (STL)
Co-PI: Anthony Botelho (STL), Avery Closser (STL)
Funding Agency: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Project Title: PRODUCTIVE: AI Math Problem-Solving Platform for Productive Failure
Project Period: 10/31/2024–09/30/2025
Award Amount: $451,563
Principal Investigator: Wanli Xing (STL)
Co-PI: Zhihui Fang (STL), Anthony Botelho (STL), Catherine Cavanaugh (Lastinger Center), Zandra De Araujo (Lastinger Center), Walter Leite (HDOSE), Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center)
Funding Agency: Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Project Title: ALTER-Math: AI-augmented Learning-by-Teaching to Enhance and Renovate Math Learning
Project Period: 09/01/2024–08/31/2025
Award Amount: $1,000,000
Principal Investigator: Wanli Xing (STL)
Co-PI: Anthony Botelho (STL), Catherine Cavanaugh (Lastinger Center), Zandra De Araujo (Lastinger Center), Walter Leite (HDOSE), Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center)
Funding Agency: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Project Title: LEVI & Education R&D Ecosystem Support
Project Period: 11/13/2024–09/30/2027
Award Amount: $3,000,000