
17 November, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present:     Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Linda Lamme, Terry Scott, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Danling Fu (alternate for Elizabeth Yeager)

Members Absent:      Elizabeth Yeager, James Archer

Others Present:          Dean Kranzler

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

Approval of agenda for November 17, 2003

Lamme made a motion to approve the November 17, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron.  Echevarria-Doan seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the November 10, 2003 minutes

Lamme, Campbell, and Wood made several corrections to the minutes. Campbell made a motion to approve the November 10, 2003 minutes with the changes requested.  Lamme seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes as amended.


1.  FPC Agenda Committee Meeting

The next Agenda Committee meeting is December 1, 2003, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.

2.  College Conversation Hour

Dean Emihovich will hold a College Conversation Hour on December 8th from 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee

Conroy was delayed in arriving at the meeting so no report was given.  The next meeting is scheduled for November 24, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room.

2. Faculty & Budgetary Affairs Committee

The Faculty & Budgetary Affairs Committee met on 11/17/03. Echevarria-Doan reported that the committee is discussing the voting rights of non-tenured faculty.  The committee is considering a two-tiered system:

a. Full time, non-tenured accruing and department affiliated faculty, which includes clinical faculty, lecturers, and assistant scholars. These individuals are more clearly aligned with departments. A faculty wide vote would occur for approval.

b.  Professional track faculty, which includes PK Yonge, Dean Affiliated faculty, Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and visiting scholars. This change would be considered in the second phase. A rationale would be developed explaining how these individuals are part of the faculty.

Campbell suggested that the committee limit their recommendation to UF lecturer lines only initially pending review by the college for appropriate positon classifications or titles.

Kranzler clarified that currently voting rights were based on whether the faculty member is eligible for graduate faculty status.

Waldron stated that sufficient time needs to be allowed for this process to occur since it would require two meetings, approval of faculty, and a constitutional change.

Kranzler suggested that in-unit and out-of-unit faculty may need to be considered.

Wood asked for clarification as to what these faculty would earn access to (i.e., what voting rights).

Waldron stated that they would be able to participate as equal members in the College wide votes and faculty governance committee participation.

Waldron asked that committee develop a recommendation for the full FPC to consider.

3. Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee

Asmus stated that the Committee is currently waiting for doctoral dissertation mentoring information.  Dr. Webb has been asked to clarify the committee’s role relative to lectures and seminars.

4. Long Range Planning Committee

Lamme stated that the Committee is developing a proposal to share at the December 1st meeting.

5. Research Advisory Committee

Wood stated that the Committee is meeting electronically. The committee will be meeting with the Dean to begin the process of searching for the director of the OERI. The Research Advisory Committee approved the position for the coordinator and the director.

Wood expressed concern that the director search was not connected with the revenue generating effort.

6. Student Recruitment, Admissions& Petitions Committee

The next meeting is December 5, 2003.  The Committee will look at graduate enrollment and recruitment.

7. Technology Committee

The committee is proposing a set of technology security procedures for the College.  The current policies need to be more secure so that use of the web can be restricted to those using it for University business and those currently employed by the University.  It was suggested that John Donaldson, the College of Education Webmaster, be consulted for ideas.

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements

Koro-Ljungberg reported that the committee discussed the possibility of eliminating the doctoral research tracks. There would be two sets of courses: qualitative research and quantitative research. All doctoral students (i.e., Ed.D. & Ph.D.) would be included. All doctoral students would have to complete 12 hours. Substitutions would be approved by Kranzler’s office. The committee will try to finalize the document at the 11/18/03 meeting.

Report from the Dean

No report

New Business

1.  Constitutional requirement for annual review of Dean Emihovich

COE Constitution, Article III, Section 1

“The service of the Dean shall be reviewed annually by the faculty.”

Waldron stated that there has not been an annual review of the Dean in the past several years. As stated in the Constitution, the performance of the Dean should be reviewed annually. This review is not intended to be a formalized personnel review. The review should provide the faculty an opportunity to give feedback and information to the Dean about the College and her performance in fulfilling the dean’s responsibilities. The scope of the review and the process and procedures need to be developed prior to completing the review.

Wood suggested that a faculty survey be completed.  It was thought that the results should be brought back to FPC and that it be determined at that time what should be done with the results.

Lamme asked what has been done in the past.  Kranzler stated that Dean McDavis was not evaluated and a vote of no confidence was given to Dean Gonzalez before he left.  The results of the Associate Deans’ evaluations are currently not shared.   This review would be different from a personnel review since the Provost would do that type of evaluation of the Dean.

In the Agenda Committee the Dean had stated that she welcomed the review.  Currently the review would only come from faculty, but the FPC would be able to ask the Dean’s office staff for feedback.  Most other Colleges at the University of Florida have no constitution so there would likely not be a procedure for evaluating and reviewing of Deans that would be available from other Colleges.

Wood stated that sharing the results with the provost would be an option.  Lamme stated that the next step should be to decide what FPC wanted to achieve from this evaluation and the way it should be done.

A Committee was formed to discuss this review and how it should be handled.  Members of the committee are Linda Lamme, Nancy Waldron, Maureen Conroy, Craig Wood, Jim Archer, and Dale Campbell (chair).

Asmus made a motion for the formation of this committee to consider options and procedures for the evaluation of the College of Education Dean. Koro-Ljungher seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved.

2.  Holiday Proposal

A proposed policy was distributed suggesting that the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which is the high holy day of the Jewish religion, be recommended to the University as a University holiday.  Lamme suggested that the College would work to urge the community at the University level who develop the calendar to reconsider the holy day of Yom Kipper. Scott asked for clarification for how the process would work. There was a discussion that included whether this was a good idea due to the issue of separation of church and state. In addition, a point was made that the winter break is not considered a religious holiday even though it always includes Christmas. There was also a discussion regarding the number of other religions on campus that have religious holidays that are not honored by the UF calendar.  Campbell recommended that this issue be referred to a committee to determine the appropriate avenue for consideration. Waldron decided to table the issue until she could determine the appropriate committee and process for considering this proposal.

3.  Follow up to Dean’s Budget Report

Conroy stated that she has not heard back from the Dean at this point.


A motion was made by Echevarria-Doan for adjournment and seconded by Wood.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.


10 November, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present:        Jamie Algina (alternate for Jennifer Asmus), Dale Campbell, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Maureen Conroy, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Linda Lamme, Terry Scott, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent:        Jennifer Asmus, Nancy Waldron

Others Present:            Dean Emihovich, Dotti Delfino

Conroy called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of agenda for November 10, 2003

Echevarria-Doan made a motion to approve the November 10, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Conroy.  Algina seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the October 6, 2003 meeting

Algina made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2003 meeting. Campbell seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.

Dean’s Report

Dean Emihovich explained components of the budget. She explained there are 2 primary sources of funding for the College of Education (i.e., recurring and nonrecurring). The information she presented in the current budget is recurring. Most of this budget is state funds that are fixed, with approximately 90% of funding in salaries. Nonrecurring funds are funds that are obtained through research overhead accounts and foundation accounts and have restrictions according to how they can be spent (e.g., research overhead funds can only be spent on research activities).  She explained that the funds in the tuition waiver category have been overspent due to a number of factors including the significant increase in graduate tuition and lack of sufficient funding. Dean Emihovich explained that in several departments, such as Development and Alumni and the Lastinger Center, funds for salaries and operating expenses are paid through the foundation and do not come from the College of Education budget.

Conroy asked how the deficit in tuition waiver funds of $120,000 would impact faculty and students. Dean Emihovich stated that this was a university-wide problem. However, the University does not have any extra tuition waiver funds; therefore, this deficit could mean that the College will need to cut back on instruction or deliver instruction in a more efficient manner (e.g., web-based courses, increasing teaching loads). Algina asked how we could generate more tuition waiver funds so that we will not have to cut graduate assistants. The Dean is discussing this problem with the Chairs, but no decisions have been made.

Wood and Campbell asked how the budget links to the College’s long range plan as well as UF’s long range plan. Dean Emihovich responded by explaining that there is little discretionary funding in this current budget. However, the research account funding could be used to help develop innovative programs. In addition, she suggested that departments could use salary saving funds to develop innovative programs.

Lamme asked how the current budget deficit impacts summer salaries of faculty. Lamme said that in the past, data was provided by individual faculty members and Lamme agreed with the Dean that this would not be a good idea. This is especially problematic for faculty who are going to retire, because their retirement is based on their average salary over the 5 years prior to retirement. Dean Emihovich explained that state funds are declining and the summer budget is a place where budget cuts can be made. Dean Emihovich explained that she cannot guarantee summer budget for faculty due to deficits and suggested that faculty write grants or develop on line courses that generate “off book” funds to be used for summer salaries. Lamme stated that faculty salaries in the College of Education were lower than other comparable colleges on a national level and asked how administrator’s salaries in the College of Education compare to other Colleges of Education on a national level. Lamme asked for data comparing the amount of salary being spent on administrators as opposed to faculty. In addition, Lamme and Wood asked how a cut in summer courses would influence the College’s FTE. The Dean explained that if summer courses were cut, the loss in FTE could be made up in the following fall and spring or by teaching “off book” courses.

Wood explained that 45% of the expenditures in the current budget appear to be going to centers or departments that are not generating revenue and asked the Dean to explain how funds are generated in these departments. He added that the current budget as presented is difficult to understand because it does not clearly explain which departments are generating funds. The Dean explained that many of these departments are critical to the College, because they help support instruction and students within the College. Wood asked the Dean for further information about the overhead costs of the College. He suggested that providing a historical overview of the available funds generated by the College and how those funds were spent across the College would be useful information. The Dean stated that she is in the process of collecting this information. In addition, Wood suggested that more detailed information about nonrecurring budget and the current faculty, roles, and funding sources of related departments, such as Alliance, Lastinger Center and so forth, would be helpful to assist the FPC in further understanding the budget. Dean Emihovich will provide a short narrative of faculty, roles, and activities of each of these departments and their operating budgets.

Lamme suggested that we may want to consider presenting data on how individual faculty generate funding. Dean Emihovich stated that using this type of economic model would not be beneficial.

Dean Emihovich suggested that faculty should consider how we deliver our teacher training program. Presently, our teacher training program runs on an expensive model. She suggested that there may be more efficient service delivery models.

Algina asked the Dean to explain the faculty who made up the 8.25 FTE in administration on the current budget. The Dean did not have that information to present, but will include this information in the narrative.

Dean Emihovich explained that the budget is constantly changing and that she is working to generate additional funds that could be used to support faculty salaries in the summer. Conroy suggested that as changes in the budget occur and budgetary decisions are made, the Dean may want to consult with the Budget and Faculty Affairs Committee. Algina stated that the College’s constitution states that the role of the FPC is to provide feedback about how the Dean is spending funds.

Dean Emihovich explained that she is investing funds to help build an infrastructure for the College that will help to generate further funding. For example, the Dean has installed a new server for the College. This server will provide opportunities for generating more funds.

Campbell stated that we need to clarify how grant incentives are used and that a specific policy for grant incentives would be helpful information for faculty.

Wood suggested that the Dean consider cutting the budgets of resource units that do not generate funding prior to cutting the summer salaries of faculty and instructional departments.


A motion was made by Scott for adjournment and seconded by Campbell.  The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m.


6 October, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present:        Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Mary Ann Clark (alternate for Silvia Echevarria-Doan), Maureen Conroy, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Linda Lamme, Jeanne Repetto (alternate for Terry Scott), Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent:        Terry Scott, Silvia Echevarria-Doan

Others Present:            Dean Rod Webb

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

It was announced that Dean Emihovich would attend be present the next meeting to present the budget and answer questions.  If a special meeting is necessary, a message will be sent to all FPC members.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of agenda for October 6, 2003

Asmus made a motion to approve the October 6, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron.  Yeager seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the September 22, 2003 meeting

Lamme made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 22, 2003 meeting.  Repetto seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the minutes.


1.  Mary Ann Clark, John Gregory, and Jeanne Repetto have agreed to serve on the FPC Elections Committee. The election will be held in the Spring 2004.

2.  FPC Agenda Committee will meet on Monday, October 20, 2003. Items for the agenda should be forwarded to Nancy Waldron prior to the meeting.

3.  COE Fall Faculty Meeting will be Monday, October 20, 2003 from 3:00-5:00 p.m.  The location of the meeting will be announced.

4.  Dean Emihovich has scheduled times to meet informally with faculty to talk about issues in the College. These meetings will be held this fall on October 20th, November 10th, and December 8th from 11:45 a.m. -12:45 p.m. in the Dean’s Conference Room, 158 Norman Hall.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee

Conroy reported that the College Curriculum Committee met September 29, 2003.  Course changes were reviewed; however, the committee made a decision to table all changes until further information could be obtained about specific changes. A recommendation was made that departments submitting course changes should have a representative at the meeting in order to answer questions. The committee briefly discussed the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degree issue.  The reading courses were discussed, but tabled until the reading faculty has a chance to meet with Dean Emihovich.  The next meeting will be Monday, October 27, 2003  from 2:00-4:00 p.m.  in Room 158, Norman Hall.  Any course changes that need to be considered should be submitted one week prior to this meeting.

2. Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee

Allington has been elected as chair of this committee.  The committee discussed the involvement of non-tenured and reoccurring faculty in the FPC.  It was decided to meet with the faculty members who developed the College’s constitution to gain their input. In addition, the committee will develop a document that includes advantages and disadvantages of including non-tenured and reoccurring faculty in the FPC.  The next meeting will be Friday, October 20th from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the Special Ed Conference Room.

3. Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee

Asmus reported that the committee will meet Tuesday, October 7, 2003 at 1:00 pm in the Educational Psychology Conference Room.

4. Long Range Planning Committee

The next meeting will be on October 13th at 1:30 p.m. in the Special Ed Conference Room.

5. Research Advisory Committee

Stephen Smith has been elected chair of this committee.  The next meeting will be Thursday, October 9th from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. in Room 290.

6. Student Recruitment, Admissions & Petitions Committee

Yeager reported that the committee met on September 24th.  At this meeting, they reviewed  the  diversity policy that was  submitted by Dr. Vernetson. They recommended that this policy be implemented with changes in the diversity and minority language.   The committee also recommended a college-wide vote for waiving the GRE score at the doctoral level.  In addition, the committee discussed the possibility of FPC involvement in the COE Student Forum. No decision was made.

The Committee will have their next meeting Tuesday, October 28th at 10:00 a.m.

7. Technology Committee

No report.

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements

The committee will meet Tuesday, October 7,  2003 at 2:30 p.m. in 158 Norman Hall.  Bi-weekly meetings will follow.

Koro-Ljungberg reported that the committee discussed the content of research coursework, role of theory, what quantitative and qualitative research  skills are  expected from doctoral students, and who should be teaching these courses. This discussion will continue.

Dean’s Report

There was no Dean’s report at this meeting.

Unfinished Business

1.  Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan

This issue was tabled.

New Business

1.  Admission to Undergraduate Education Minors

Yeager made a motion that the procedures outlined in Dean Vernetson’s memo be approved as stated.  Campbell seconded the motion. This memo recommends that students should be required to declare their minors in education between 60 and 100 credit hours.

The FPC suggested a  handout would need to be printed stating these guidelines and stating that this guideline would supercede previous policies.  It was recommended that there be flexibility for implementing this policy to accommodate students as needed. The policy will need to appear in the proposed catalog copy.

The FPC unanimously approved the recommendation.

2.  DAC/FPC Retreat – Report & Next Steps

Dean Webb reported on the retreat. Eleven faculty members were in attendance representing all departments. All FPC members were invited as well as other faculty. The retreat was used to help develop the beginning of a strategic plan. The information discussed at the retreat is only the beginning of dialog that will continue throughout the year. One of the main issues discussed was the decline of graduate enrollment over the last several years. Given that UF’s strategic goal is to increase graduate enrollment, this is a concern because our funding is based on fulltime student head count. If the College has a decline in graduate enrollment, it may mean fewer resources. The retreat focused on discussion about what we as a college should do to increase enrollment. Several outcomes of the retreat was that the College should examine alternative forms of course delivery (e.g., distance education, on-line courses), interdisciplinary and certificate programs, and focus on programs that could enroll more graduate students if they had more resources. Wood suggested that the college consider calculating the percent of return on the funding generated over the years to help us make decisions. Webb agreed that this would be important information. In addition, further information is needed about how increases in graduate enrollment will help the college and programs.  Webb reported that the Dean’s office is looking at resources for helping develop programs that will help to increase graduate enrollment. Waldron summarized the discussion by suggesting that information be disseminated to faculty at the faculty meeting. In addition, departments need to discuss their goals and make decisions about their own programs. Budgets and resources should be considered in the planning and decision making as well.


A motion was made by Waldron for adjournment and seconded by Asmus.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.


22 September, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

September 22, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Linda Lamme, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager,

Members Absent: Terry Scott

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Associate Dean John Kranzler,  Dr. Tom Dana

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of agenda for September 22, 2003

Yeager made a motion to approve the September 22, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron.  Lamme seconded the motion.  The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the September 8, 2003 meeting

Lamme made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2003 meeting.  Campbell seconded the motion.  Dean Emihovich asked for several revisions to the minutes. The FPC unanimously approved the minutes with  the following two  changes: 1) Dr. Nancy Dana is the associate director for the Center for School Improvement;  and  2) the new president of UF may be announced as early as the end of the fall semester.


1.                  Barbara Yaney was introduced as the secretary assigned by Dean Emihovich to take minutes for the FPC meetings during the 2003-2004 academic year.

2.                  Silvia Echevarria-Doan was introduced as the alternate FPC member for Counselor Education. She will be replacing Jim Archer during the fall 2003semester.

3.                  The Dean’s Advisory Council will be holding a retreat on  Friday, September 26, 2003 from 8:00 am-4:00 pm at the Sweetwater Branch  Inn.

4.                  The College of Education Fall Faculty meeting will be held on Monday, October 20th from 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee

Conroy reported the College Curriculum Committee will meet Monday, September , 29, 2003 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Norman 158.

2.                  Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee

Waldron reported that Vivian Correa was asked to convene the first meeting of the committee due to the absence of an FPC representative. The committee will meet Monday, September 29, 2003 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the Special Ed Conference Room

3.                  Lectures, Seminars & Awards Committee

Asmus reported that the committee is presently scheduling a time to meet.

4.                  Long Range Planning Committee

Lamme reported that Cyndy Griffin will serve as chair of this committee. At their first meeting they reviewed  the activities from the previous year and the committee’s progress toward meeting their goals. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2003.

5.                  Research Advisory Committee

Wood reported that the Research Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, September 25, 2003 at 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. in Norman 290.

6.                  Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions Committee

Yeager reported that the Student Recruitment, Admissions, & Petitions committee will meet on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. in Norman 2411.

7. Technology Committee

Dean Kranzler reported for Terry Scott. Scott will serve as chair of this committee. They will be holding their meetings on-line.

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements

Coro-Ljungher  reported that Jamie Algina will chair this committee.  At their first meeting, they began the discussion about the requirements and the tasks for the committee.

Dean’s Report

Dean Emihovich reported that the budget will be presented at the FPC October 6the meeting. Dean Emihovich will be unable to attend; however, Dean Webb will present the report and be available to answer questions.

Dean Emihovich reported that graduate enrollment has significantly declined this year.  This decline will impact long-range plans for the college and impact the current budget. She suggested a contributing factor may be the competition by alternative providers for masters and doctoral degrees. This issue will be discussed further in Friday’s retreat and strategies for addressing declining enrollment will be developed.

New Business

1. Nominations for 2003-2004 Elections Committee

Waldron asked for nominations from FPC members for the Elections Committee. John Gregory, Jeanne Repetto, Phil Clark, Tracey Linderholm were nominated. This committee will continue to use web based voting procedures.

2. Reviews of Assistant Dean Vernetson and Associate Dean Kranzler

Waldron reviewed the process that was developed last year by the FPC for reviewing Deans in the College of Education. She suggested using the same procedures this year for reviewing Dr. Vernetson and Kranzler. Waldron asked for nominations for committee members, which will be forwarded to the Dean for final selection.

3. Admission to Undergraduate Education Minors

Dr. Vernetson has developed a process to assist students in declaring a minor within a timely manner. This document will be forwarded to the Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Petitions Committee for review.

4. Ed.D. Requirements

Waldron reported that the FPC has been asked to examine the requirements for the Ed.D. In spring 2002, the RAC presented a policy statement to the FPC and the policy was tabled. Dr. Kanzler presented a brief overview of the policy and the requirements for the Ed.D. and Ph.D. qualifying exam. Discussion followed and a suggestion was made that the College Curriculum Committee may be the appropriate committee to examine this issue. Dr. Waldron will obtain additional information and place this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

5.                  Participation of non-tenured faculty in college governance

Dr. Waldron reported that the FPC has been asked to examine the participation of non-tenured faculty in college governance. The Faculty and Budgetary Affairs will examine this issue.

6. Distribution of COE space

Dr. Waldron reported that Dean Emihovich requested that the FPC develop a policy for assigning and allocating space for faculty in the college. Waldron requested the  Long Range Planning Committee to examine this issue and develop a policy.



A motion was made by Echevarria-Doan for adjournment and seconded by Asmus. The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m.


8 September, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2003

Room 158 Norman hall

Members Present:     Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Linda Lamme, Terry Scott, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent: Jim Archer

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich, Associate Dean Rod Webb

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:11 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Approval of the agenda for September 8, 2003

Yeager made a motion to approve the September 8, 2003 meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron. Campbell seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the August 25, 2003 meeting

Campbell made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 25, 2003 meeting. Lamme seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Committee Reports

1. College Curriculum Committee

Conroy reported that the College Curriculum Committee will meet on September 29, 2003 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

2. Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee

No report

3. Lecture, Seminars, & Awards Committee

Asmus reported that they are in the process of scheduling the first meeting.

4. Long Range Planning Committee

Lamme reported that the first meeting will be held on 9/15/03 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Norman Hall 2005.

5. Research Advisory Committee

Wood reported that they are in the process of scheduling the first meeting.

6. Student Recruitment, Retention, & Petitions Committee

Yeager reported that the first meeting will be held on 9/24/03 at 3:00 p.m. in Norman 2411.

7. Technology Committee

Scott reported that they are in the process of scheduling the first meeting.

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements

Koro-Ljungberg reported that the first meeting will be held on 9/18/03 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Norman 158

Dean’s Report

1.         Report on 2002 – 2003 Academic Year

Dean Emihovich reported that the College received continuing accreditation from NCATE and the Florida Department of Education.

New faculty were hired and will be introduced at the fall faculty meeting including faculty from Baby Gator Child Development Center.

College development efforts have been very successful. The College was able to obtain approximately a million dollars in private funding. This money helps to provide financial support for extra activities that cannot be funded through state funds. Mary Driscoll will be contacting faculty to obtain ideas for requesting funds from private donors.

2. Report on Activities for the 2003 – 2004 Academic Year

Priorities for the 2003-2004 year will be assisting the University Center of Excellence planning grant, promoting early childhood initiatives, and supporting programs for national recognition.

The college will have a new computer internal infrastructure, which will result in a new server system. This system will work with both Macintosh and PC platforms. The reason for this change is to align the College with the technological changes in the University. The major change for faculty will be a change in the email system from Eudora to Outlook.

The College’s webpage will be redesigned in a more user-friendly format.

The Office of Evaluation Research and Inquiry (OERI) will be housed in Norman 137. Renovations are currently being completed. The Dean will be hiring a director for OERI in Spring 2004, which will be recruited from faculty within the College. A research coordinator will be hired during the Fall 2003. In addition, Dr. Nancy Dana was hired as the new associate director for the Center for School Improvement. Her position is to assist in coordinating work within the schools.

The College will continue to work on NCATE activities including the development of a unit-wide data assessment system.

The Dean reported that she is pursing the possibility of developing a program for using Foundation funds to provide stipends to support tenured, mid-career faculty to conduct research. The criteria for this award will be developed by FPC or a designated committee.

The Dean reported that the UF Presidential search committee will meet on 10/6/03 to decide on the finalists for the position. A new president may be announced as early as the end of the year.

Information Items

1. A Dean’s Retreat will be held on 9/26/03. The focus of the retreat will be to develop plans for the future vision of the College over the next 5 years. Members from the FPC will be invited as well as representatives from FPC committees. Information will be provided by the Dean’s office.

2. College of Education Fall Faculty Meeting is scheduled for 10/20/03 from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. The FPC will not meet that day. A tentative agenda will include updates from the FPC, introduction of new faculty and staff. The Agenda Committee will meet to set the agenda.

3. Support staff for FPC will be discussed with the Department chairs.

New Business

1. Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan

Waldron presented the “Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan” developed by Drs. Michael Bowie and Theresa Vernetson.

Lamme made a motion to approve the plan. Campbell seconded the motion.

Discussion of the plan followed and included questions regarding the availability of funds to support activities, concerns over the definition and use of the word “minority” and language included in the plan, the difference between this plan and existing supports available in the College for all faculty, emphasis on the potential of success for recruitment of graduate students, and relationship between the plan, Florida State rules and regulations, and NCATE requirements.  Campbell suggested that “community colleges” be added to the section on recruitment of graduate students.

Following discussion, Lamme moved to table the motion. Scott seconded the motion.

Additional feedback regarding the student recruitment and retention provisions will be obtained from the Student Admissions, Recruitment, & Petitions Committee. Feedback will also be obtained regarding the faculty recruitment and retention provisions, either from an FPC committee or from faculty interested in working on the document.


Yeager made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Asmus seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:58 p.m.


25 August, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2003

Room 158 Norman hall

Members Present: Jennifer Asmus, Dale Campbell, Maureen Conroy, Danling Fu,  Mirka Koro-Ljungber, Linda Lamme, Terry Scott, Nancy Waldron, Craig Wood, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent: Jim Archer

Others Present: None

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Approval of the agenda for August 25, 2003.

Conroy made a motion to approve the August 25 FPC meeting agenda as submitted by Waldron. Yeager seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the revised agenda.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the May 5, 2003 meeting.

Campbell made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 5 meeting. Conroy seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Action Items

  1. Election of FPC Secretary

Waldron reviewed the responsibilities of the FPC secretary and reported that Maureen Conroy has been nominated for this position. Waldron asked for nominations from the floor. Given that there were no new nominations, Waldron asked for a nomination from the floor. Woods made a motion to eliminate a secret ballot and Asmus seconded the motion. Yeager motioned to approve Conroy as secretary of the FPC. ? seconded the motion and the FPC unanimously approved. As FPC secretary, Conroy will serve as chair of the College Curriculum Committee.

Information Items

  1. Review of FPC structures and operating guidelines

Waldron reviewed the FPC structure and operating guidelines including the new committee structures and activities.

  1. Assignment of FPC members to committee

Waldron reviewed the assignment of FPC committee members to committees and the role of FPC members on these committees. Waldron requested a volunteer to serve on the Agenda Committee. Campbell volunteered to serve on the Agenda Committee. Wood moved to accept Campbell’s nomination and Conroy seconded. Asmus volunteered to serve on the Lectures, Seminars, and Awards Committee. Lamme volunteered to serve on the Long-Range Planning Committee. Wood volunteered to serve on the Research Advisory Committee. Scott volunteered to serve on the Technology Committee. Koro-Ljungber volunteered to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements. FPC members are responsible for calling the first meeting on the year for each committee that they represent. At the initial meeting, a chair should be elected.

  1. Discussion of Support Staff for FPC

Waldron reported that in the past the Dean’s office has provided support in the form of taking minutes to the FPC. This year,  the Dean’s office has indicated that support will be provided for the FPC webpage, but the FPC will no longer have support for taking minutes of the meeting. There was a lengthy discussion about the need for this support and FPC members requested that Waldron and Conroy discuss this issue with Dean Emihovich.

  1. Issues and activities for 2003-2004

Waldron reviewed a number of issues and activities to be addressed in the FPC for the 2003-2004 year. These included:

    • New committee structures and activities as outlined above.
    • Need for there to be collaboration between COE Faculty Senate Representatives and the FPC
    • The Ad hoc Committee on Doctoral Research Requirements
    • Need to conduct a review Associate Dean Kranzler & Assistant Dean Vernetson this year.
    • Need to conduct a review of Dean Emihovich this year.
    • Issue of considering participation of non-tenure accruing faculty in college governance.
  1. Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan

Waldron distributed the “Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan” developed by Dr. Michael Bowie. The FPC has been asked by Dr. Bowie to review this plan. Wood asked if University of Florida legal counsel had reviewed the plan. Waldron will ask Dr. Bowie about the status of legal review. FPC members are asked to review this document prior to the next meeting.


Asmus made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Yeager seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:21 p.m. (?).


5 May, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

May 5, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Bridget Franks, Paul Sindelar, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron

Members Absent: Jim Archer, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Lamont Flowers, Elizabeth Yeager

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich

Correa called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1.  Approval of the agenda for May 5, 2003.

Correa requested that two items be added to the agenda for today’s meeting: (a) the Associate Dean Evaluation, and (b) Summer Faculty Policy Council (FPC) Attendance at the Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) Meetings.

Clark made a motion to approve the amended May 5 FPC meeting agenda as submitted by Correa. Franks seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the revised agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the April 21, 2003 Meeting.

Sindelar made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 21 meeting. Clark seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Reports from FPC Committees

Committee chairpersons were asked to provide paper and electronic copies of the committee annual executive summaries to Correa by May 2. She reported that three of the executive summaries have been submitted. The executive summaries will be posted on the FPC Website when they are all received.

Report from the Dean

Dean Emihovich reported briefly about the successful NCATE and DOE accreditation review. She also indicated that budget information from the legislature had not yet been received.

She has asked the department chairpersons and unit directors to submit their annual budget requests to her. She will meet with the department chairpersons on May 22 to discuss the following two budget-related issues:

1. To determine a more equitable way of distributing College-wide funds that are allocated to the departments for student assistantships; and

2. How to allocate a portion of the money from salary savings to assist junior faculty members, including the provision of release time from teaching to pursue their research agendas.

She updated the FPC on the planned move of the Institute for Child and Adolescent Research and Evaluation (ICARE)-a new consortium of UF entities engaged in research on children-to Norman Hall. She reported that the Provost’s Office has provided funds to renovate the #134-E office suite, where ICARE and the College research/grants office will be located.

She also reported that the COE would receive a $250,000 federal grant for technology, a grant that has been awarded with the assistance of Congressman John Mica, a UF alumnus and U.S. Representative from Florida. She outlined several of the planned COE technology expenditures. A new (PC) technology staff person has been hired, and will begin employment with the College on May 19.

Unfinished Business

1. On-Line Elections for 2003-2004 FPC Members.

Correa indicated that John Gregory had raised concerns about the use of electronic ballots, as opposed to the printed ballots that had been used in the past. She has consulted with the technology staff members, and has ascertained that the electronic ballots would allow for the necessary accountability with regard to how many faculty members have voted from each department while maintaining anonymity. The FPC plans to continue to use the electronic ballots.

2. Update on New FPC Committees

The following documents were distributed and reviewed:

  • Selecting New Committees for 2003-2004 – update of faculty nominees for each FPC committeeo
  • FPC Standing Committee Membership by Department – update of faculty standing committee membership for the 2003-2004 academic yearo

New Business

1. Transition and Responsibilities of the Technology Committee

Correa distributed an e-mail message that was sent by Stuart Schwartz to the FPC on April 23, 2003. He requested direction with regard to the position taken by the existing Dean’s Technology Advisory Committee that it would be “most efficient for there to be one technology committee” in the College. Specifically, he asked for FPC clarification about the process of merging the existing Dean’s Technology Advisory Committee with the new FPC Technology Committee. He noted (a) a possible overlap of responsibilities and (b) differences between the purpose or mission of the existing committee (advising the Dean) and the new technology committee (fulfilling the mission of the FPC).

He also asked for FPC clarification about the official participation (voting) of technology staff members with regard to the Dean’s advisory role.

Waldron noted that the revised College Constitution outlines the responsibilities of the newly established FPC Technology Committee (for the 2003-2004 academic year) as the following:

F. Committees

(9) Technology Committee. This committee shall recommend and review policies regarding the purchase and use of technology for instructional and operational purposes.

After an extended discussion, it was decided that the FPC Technology Committee would forward policy matters to the FPC for consideration. The committee will handle operational issues without having to consult with the FPC. The FPC members and Dean Emihovich noted that it is important that Associate Dean John Kranzler maintain his involvement with the Technology Committee. It was agreed that technology staff members continue to be members of the Technology Committee because of their technical expertise. Correa indicated that the new committee would work collaboratively with Associate Dean Kranzler. The issues raised by Schwartz should not present problems with regard to the mission of the new technology committee. She recommended that these issues be revisited after the 2003 Fall Semester, when changes can be recommended if the FPC considers them necessary.

2. Department Chairperson Evaluations

The annual department chairperson evaluation process that is conducted by the Dean was discussed. Dean Emihovich reported on several changes that she plans to make in this process, including delineating specific criteria and working toward the development of administrative portfolios.

Townsend stated that it is important that faculty members have input in the chairperson evaluations.

3. Associate Dean Evaluation

The FPC committee that coordinates the evaluation of the assistant and associate deans has concluded its work and has met with Dean Emihovich about the evaluation results for Associate Dean Rodman Webb. The COE Constitution requires that the FPC report the evaluation results to the Dean. The FPC members recommended that there be some type of communication to the faculty members that the evaluation process has been completed as specified in the Constitution.

4. Summer Attendance at the Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) Meetings

The FPC chairperson and secretary are members of the DAC. Correa noted that FPC members serve nine-month terms (as opposed to the 12-month terms served by the other members of the DAC). She requested clarification about which FPC members are expected to attend DAC meetings during the summer. It was decided that at least one FPC member (who has served on the FPC for at least one year) should attend summer DAC meetings. The incoming FPC chairperson will coordinate summer attendance at the DAC meetings in order to ensure that an FPC representative attends each meeting.


Correa thanked FPC members for their participation and service to the FPC during the 2002-2003 academic year. Townsend commended Correa for her hard work and commitment to the FPC as chairperson during the past year.

Clark moved that the meeting be adjourned. Franks seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.


21 April, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Paul Sindelar, Dale Campbell (for Lamont Flowers), Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent: Bridget Franks

Others Present: Associate Dean John Kranzler

Correa called the meeting to order at 2 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1.  Approval of the agenda for April 21, 2003.

Yeager made a motion to approve the April 21 Faculty Policy Council (FPC) meeting agenda as submitted by Correa. Clark seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the April 7, 2003 Meeting.

Sindelar made a motion to approve the minutes. Conroy seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Reports from FPC Committees

College Curriculum Committee.

Waldron reported that the final CCC meeting of the 2002-2003 academic year would be held on April 28.

Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.

No report.

Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.

One incomplete petition is pending review by this committee.

Faculty Affairs Committee.

Townsend reported that the last meeting of the academic year for this committee would be held on April 28.

Research Advisory Committee.

Conroy indicated that the last meeting of the COE Research Advisory Committee was held on April 17. The committee has completed an Executive Summary of activities and recommendations for next year to Correa.

Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.

Yeager reported that the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee met on April 3. She indicated that the following three issues are scheduled for consideration at the beginning of the 2003-2004 academic year:

1. COE doctoral admissions policy

2. Doctoral admissions loophole identified by James Algina, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, related to the new COE graduate admission requirements. The SRAC will make recommendations to the FPC after reviewing this issue further and obtaining input from faculty.

3. Review and consideration of the College Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan draft document that was submitted to the SRAC for review by Michael Bowie, Director of the COE Office of Recruitment, Retention and Multicultural Affairs, and Theresa Vernetson, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.

Long-Range Planning Committee.

No report.

Executive summaries for each committee are due May 2. Committee chairpersons have been asked to provide both paper and electronic copies of the executive summaries to Correa.

Report from the Dean

No report was provided at this meeting.

New Business

Correa reported on the April 14 Faculty Meeting and the results of the votes on the COE constitutional amendments.

She indicated that the revised Constitution is posted on the FPC Website. The older versions are also available as archived documents.

Research Advisory Committee: Action Item #1: Doctoral Research Requirements

Conroy reported that – after receiving a substantial amount of faculty input regarding the issue of doctoral student research requirements – the COE Research Advisory Committee recommends that the FPC establish an ad hoc committee (with representatives from each department) to study this issue further. The task of the ad hoc committee will be to provide a formal recommendation concerning doctoral research requirements to the FPC for review and approval.

The data gathered by the RAC in response to the requests for faculty input were attached in order that faculty concerns could continue to be part of the process as the ad hoc committee moves forward on these issues.

A motion (as a report from a standing committee) was made to establish an ad hoc committee to address the COE doctoral research requirements. Clark seconded the motion.

The RAC recommended that the task force consist of the following members:

  • A faculty member from the Educational Psychology Department representing qualitative research methodology
  • A faculty member from the Educational Psychology Department representing quantitative research methodology
  • A representative from each department who has chaired multiple doctoral committees

Townsend expressed concern about the proposed membership of the ad hoc committee. She suggested that the committee needs a comprehensive view of research methodology, with adequate representation of different research paradigms. She also recommended that more than one faculty member from the School of Teaching and Learning be included on this committee.

Correa discussed the “culture” of committees, and suggested that there should be more open participation of non-members on College committees.

The FPC members discussed eliminating the first and second bullets of the action item, and expanding the third item. Kranzler explained the importance of the recommendation that faculty members representing both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies be included. Conroy stated that the task of the ad hoc committee would be to develop minimum requirements related to research requirements, and that these recommendations would be subject to FPC review and approval.

Yeager proposed a friendly amendment substituting the word “teaching” for “representing” in bullets one and two identifying the members of the ad hoc committee. Conroy and Clark accepted the friendly amendment, and the committee membership reads as follows:

  • A faculty member from the Educational Psychology Department teaching qualitative research methodology
  • A faculty member from the Educational Psychology Department teaching quantitative research methodology
  • A representative from each department who has chaired multiple doctoral committees

After an extended discussion, the FPC approved (eight votes for and one against) the action item, with the friendly amendment specified above.

Research Advisory Committee: Action Item #2: Submission of Thesis in the College of Education

Conroy reported that the RAC has recommended that the FPC apply the changes made to the Dissertation Submission Procedures that were adopted on March 24, 2003 to the procedures that address submitting a thesis. This recommendation was based on the same rationale that was used for amending the COE dissertation submission procedure.

Kranzler clarified the reasons for the changes that were made in the COE dissertation submission procedure. Specifically, he described how the elimination of the step that required review by the Office of the Graduate Studies and Research had made the COE dissertation submission procedures consistent with the University of Florida dissertation submission procedures.

He distributed copies of the current COE Masters Thesis Submission Procedure document for FPC review. Clark pointed out that the language in this action item refers to a procedure, not a policy. Waldron proposed that this would represent a change in the policy for Masters Thesis Submission and that the Office of Graduate Studies would be responsible for establishing procedures consistent with the policy.

As an action item submitted by a standing committee, the item serves as a motion for  approval. Clark seconded the motion.

This action item was voted on and passed unanimously by FPC members.

  • Selection Procedures of New FPC Committees

Correa distributed the following documents that provide information about the selection procedures for FPC committees:

  • COE Elections Committee Procedures Approved February 18, 2002
  • Calendar for nominations, elections, and announcement of new FPC members
  • Selecting New Committees for 2003-2004
  • New Slate for FPC Membership 2003-2004

There was an extended discussion about the various issues related to the selection of FPC members and FPC committee members.

Correa met with the Elections Committee (Loesch, Schwartz, Gregory) to set up procedures and timelines for college-wide election of new FPC members. A calendar for nominations, elections, and announcement of new FPC members was provided. Correa has asked the department chairs to submit three (or more) names of faculty members to the Elections Committee for the election of new FPC members. The nominations will close on May 9. Elections will take place from May 9 through May 20. The announcement of the newly elected FPC members for the 2003-2004 academic year will be made on May 21.

Due to different election requirements established by the UF Faculty Senate, election of COE Senate representatives will likely occur separately from FPC elections.

Correa will send a message to department chairs with information about the number of faculty from each department that are needed for FPC standing committees.  It was noted that faculty presently in the first year of a two year term as a result of college-wide elections last spring, will be asked to remain for another year on their respective committees. It is hoped that all committee memberships will be determined before the beginning of the new academic year.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.


7 April, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Vivian Correa, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Hazel Jones (for Paul Sindelar), Bridget Franks, Lamont Flowers, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Correa called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

The Faculty Policy Council met with members of the NCATE-DOE-DCU Review Team as part of the national and state continuing accreditation review of the UF educator-preparation Unit.

Agenda and Minutes

1.  Approval of the agenda for April 7, 2003.

Clark made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by Correa. Echevarria-Doan seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the March 24, 2003 Meeting.

Archer made a motion to approve the minutes. Yeager seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Reports from FPC Committees

· College Curriculum Committee.

Waldron reported that due to limited agenda items, the last meeting of the CCC was held using an e-mail discussion and voting format. The next scheduled meeting is April 28.

· Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.

This committee has not met since the last FPC meeting.

· Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.

Echevarria-Doan reported that the committee has been completing its work by passing around petition requests and files to committee members for review and vote. Due to the small number of petitions, the next meeting of the committee has not been scheduled.

· Faculty Affairs Committee.

Townsend reported that the FAC met last week and continued discussion of faculty load issues. There is a need for the committee to collect information from departments and individual faculty related to this topic. This cannot be accomplished by the end of the academic year, thus the committee recommends that the issue be addressed next year by FAC.

Concerns were expressed about committee membership and the need for stability from one year to the next. FAC will lose all but one member next year, and it would be helpful to have greater continuity of membership from one year to the next.

·  Research Advisory Committee.

This committee has not met since that last FPC meeting. In response to a question from Correa about the requested recommendations from the committee about COE indirect costs, Conroy indicated that the COE Research Advisory Committee would present a draft policy to the FPC about this issue after additional faculty input is received.

The next RAC meeting is scheduled for April 17.

· Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.

Yeager reported that the Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee met on April 3. She distributed information about a presentation that Dr. Terry Mills, UF Office of Graduate Minority Programs (OGMP), gave to the committee about the recruitment of graduate students and the activities of the OGMP. Dr. Mills addressed the following issues:

  • OGMP Diversity Guidelines
  • OGMP Recruiting Activities
  • Funding Opportunities Available for UF Graduate Students
  • Mentoring Advice
  • Recruitment Tips

Dr. Mills suggested that faculty members contact Ms. Denise Yates (at 392-6444), Coordinator of Recruitment and Retention, OGMP. Ms. Yates makes frequent recruiting trips, and is willing to take information from UF faculty members about their programs to disseminate on her trips. She will also provide names of potential students to faculty members and graduate programs.

Dr. Michael Bowie, Director of the COE Office of Recruitment, Retention and Multicultural Affairs, and Theresa Vernetson, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, distributed a document that they have drafted (Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan) for committee review. The SRAC will review the document carefully after soliciting and receiving faculty input about the proposed plan.

· Long-Range Planning Committee.

Archer reported that the Long-Range Planning Committee would attempt to schedule a meeting before the end of the academic year.

Report from the Dean

No report provided at this meeting.

Unfinished Business

·  Procedures for the Spring Faculty Meeting.

Procedures for the Spring Faculty Meeting that will be held on April 14 from 2:00- 4:00 p.m. were presented. The following meeting-related issues were discussed:

  • Communication to Faculty: Rationale for Revisions. Waldron distributed a draft document (COE Constitution – Proposed Revisions and Rationale) that lists the proposed amendments with the rationale for each and a chart that compares the current and proposed committee structures. This document will be posted on the FPC website for faculty review.
  • Voting Procedures. All faculty members will be encouraged to attend the Spring Faculty Meeting in order to ensure a quorum. Correa described how she plans to structure the voting procedures. She will present groups of amendments separately. A sign-in sheet will be provided to document attendance at the meeting and to confirm that a sufficient number of tenured and tenure-accruing faculty members are present to vote for the revisions.
  • Doctoral Research Requirements Report

Conroy reported that the COE Research Advisory Committee was in the process of developing a recommendation that it will submit to the FPC concerning doctoral research requirements. The committee will likely recommend that the FPC create a task force (possibly an ad hoc committee with representatives from each department) to study this issue further.

New Business

  • College Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan

Correa reported briefly about the development of the Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan by Michael Bowie and Theresa Vernetson. She expressed concern about the lack of faculty input in the development of the plan. She indicated that the SRAC would solicit and review faculty input carefully before making recommendations to the FPC about the plan.

·  Doctoral Admissions Loophole

Waldron reported that James Algina, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, has expressed concern about the new COE graduate admission requirements. He has asked Waldron (as the departmental representative to the FPC) to present this issue to the FPC for discussion.

Specifically, he indicated that the following standard might provide a way for students who do not meet COE doctoral admission requirements to enter a doctoral program:

Minimum requirements for certified teachers and undergraduate students in the Unified Early Childhood and Elementary programs leading to certification who are applying for degrees culminating in the MEd and EdS degrees in the COE will be either a minimum GPA of B for all upper-division undergraduate work or a minimum Verbal-Quantitative total score of 1000 on the General Test of the GRE for students with an earned bachelor’s degree only.

He indicated that departments could subsequently change the degree option from MEd or EdS to doctorate for students admitted under this standard. Such decisions could possibly raise serious issues about COE graduate admission requirements.

After an extended discussion about the new admission requirements and the concerns expressed by Algina, FPC members recommended asking the SRAC to study this issue further, and to make recommendations to the FPC after reviewing this issue and obtaining input from faculty. It was noted that departments could recommend higher admission criteria than the COE graduate admission criteria.


Archer moved that the meeting be adjourned. Franks seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:14 p.m.


24 March, 2003 FPC Meeting Minutes

March 24, 2003

Room 158 Norman Hall

Members Present: Jim Archer, Phil Clark, Maureen Conroy, Silvia Echevarria-Doan, Paul Sindelar, Bridget Franks, Jane Townsend, Nancy Waldron, Elizabeth Yeager

Members Absent: Vivian Correa, Lamont Flowers

Others Present: Dean Catherine Emihovich

Waldron called the meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.

Agenda and Minutes

1.  Approval of the agenda for March 24, 2003.

Clark made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted by Waldron. Sindelar seconded the motion. The FPC unanimously approved the agenda.

2. Approval of the minutes of the February 24, 2003 Meeting.

Conroy made a motion to approve the minutes. Sindelar seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Reports from FPC Committees

· College Curriculum Committee.

Waldron stated that the next CCC meeting is scheduled for March 31.

· Undergraduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.

This committee has not met since the last FPC meeting.

· Graduate Admissions/Petitions Committee.

The March 7 meeting was conducted through e-mail correspondence between committee members. The next meeting is scheduled for April 3rd .

· Faculty Affairs Committee.

Townsend reported that the committee is in the process of scheduling its next meeting.

·  Research Advisory Committee.

Conroy reported that the COE Research Advisory Committee met on March 20.  She announced that the committee was in the process of developing a recommendation that it will submit to the FPC concerning doctoral research requirements. The committee will recommend that the FPC create a task force (possibly an ad hoc committee with representatives from each department) to study this issue further.

The committee has met with Dean Emihovich to develop the position descriptions for the director and program manager of the new COE research office.

· Student Recruitment and Admissions Committee.

The committee will hold its next meeting on April 3 to consider alternatives to the GRE (for graduate admission) and recruitment initiatives.

· Long-Range Planning Committee.

Archer reported on the faculty forum that took place on March 3. At the forum, Kay Hughes, Interim Director of Educational Outreach and Communications, presented information to the faculty about COE public relations efforts and the services her office could provide to increase COE and faculty visibility. Program development and graduate student recruitment issues were also discussed. Archer noted that Hazel Jones would post information about the forum on the FPC website for faculty review.

Waldron reminded committee chairpersons that the 2002-2003 academic year executive summaries for their committees must be submitted to Correa by May 2, 2003.

Report from the Dean

  • Dean Catherine Emihovich reported that the UF budget situation was still uncertain. She noted that there have been no indications that callbacks would be necessary at this time.
  • She updated the FPC members about several faculty searches that are currently underway.
  • She has attended several alumni events, and noted that faculty members are well received at such events.
  • She requested nominations for the first Scholarship of Engagement awards that will be awarded to recipients in four categories: university, college (two awards, one for COE faculty and one for P.K. Yonge faculty), school district, and community. These awards will honor people who embody the principles of the scholarship of engagement. At the university level, the award can be either for a faculty member whose research meets the criteria, or an administrator who promotes the kind of environment that makes this type of scholarship possible. For faculty (including teacher researchers at PKY), the award will honor people who engage in research that benefits the public and leads to action that facilitates change. For school districts, the award will recognize the commitment to a sustained partnership with UF to promote and disseminate research that leads to action and the public good. At the community level, the award will recognize either an agency that meets the school district criteria or a person who exemplifies a commitment to UF and/or the COE in disseminating research to bring about sustained change and a more equitable society.

Because these awards are given on behalf of the College, Dean Emihovich will appoint a review committee to serve with her that consists of the three other deans, Fran Vandiver, Director of P.K. Yonge, and two faculty members (probably the chairperson of FPC and the chairperson of the Scholarship Committee).

More information about the concept of the scholarship of engagement and relevant award criteria can be found at the Scholarship of Engagement website.

  • Emihovich summarized the status of the Unit’s preparation for the NCATE-DOE-DCU accreditation review that is scheduled for April 5-9. She emphasized the review team’s focus on assessment, with particular emphasis on how data are used to make decisions for the continuous improvement of students, (educator preparation and advanced) programs, departments, colleges, and the overall Unit.

Unfinished Business

·  Procedures for the Spring Faculty Meeting.

Procedures for the Spring Faculty Meeting that will be held on April 14 from 2-3:30 PM were discussed. Updated information about the following meeting-related issues will be posted on the FPC website:

  • Rationale for Revisions to the COE Constitution
  • Revised Language to the COE Constitution
  • Voting Procedures

Waldron recommended that all faculty members be encouraged to attend. It is important that the meeting is well publicized and well attended by COE faculty members.

  • Tenure and Promotion Guidelines

The FPC recently approved college procedures for tenure and promotion decisions. Several FPC members inquired about when the new guidelines would take effect. After discussing the issues involved with these particular guidelines and FPC recommendations for other issues, Clark recommended that the T&P guidelines take effect at the beginning of the 2003-2004 academic year.

Sindelar recommended that the FPC establish a time frame for the effective date of all newly adopted policies. He moved that policy changes that are recommended by the FPC be implemented at the beginning of the following academic year, unless the FPC designates a specific time for implementation of the new policy. Archer seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously.

New Business

  • NCATE and FPC Interview: Monday, April 7, 2:00-3:00 PM

Dean Emihovich indicated that several accreditation review team members would attend the FPC meeting on April 7 from 2 to 3 PM. She recommended that all FPC members read the NCATE Institutional Report and become conversant with regard to the issues described in the report. She noted that review team members might want to understand the role of the FPC with regard to programs and college governance. Waldron noted that NCATE Standard 6 (Unit Governance and Resources) would be of particular significance for FPC members to review prior to the next meeting.

·  Doctoral Dissertation Reviews

Conroy summarized the recommendations of the Research Advisory Committee about the COE procedures for reviewing doctoral dissertations before they are submitted to the editorial office of the Graduate School. She indicated that the COE is the only UF college that has a two-tier procedure, requiring a review by the COE graduate dean before a dissertation can be submitted to the Graduate School for editorial review. Faculty input to the RAC has supported changing the COE procedure to eliminate the first step in this process. It was noted that the graduate dean could refuse to sign off on a dissertation, and could communicate specific concerns to the dissertation chair and/or the chair of the appropriate department.

After an extended discussion that addressed the history of this policy, Sindelar moved that the first step in the current COE doctoral dissertation review be eliminated. Townsend seconded the motion, and the motion was passed (with one abstention).

  • Annual Dean Evaluation

The COE Constitution (Article III, Section 1) specifies “the service of the Dean shall be reviewed annually by the faculty.”  FPC members discussed the advisability of determining a general process to provide feedback about the services of the Dean. Waldron suggested the consideration of an ad hoc group that would work collaboratively with the Dean with regard to this evaluation (or review) process.

Because the Provost is responsible for evaluating the Dean, Clark noted that the faculty review is a “formative” rather than a “summative” evaluation. After further discussion, Sindelar moved that the FPC annual review process of the Dean begin with the 2003-2004 academic year. Echevarria-Doan seconded his motion, and it was passed by the FPC.

  • Concerns about the College Curriculum Committee

Townsend inquired if the FPC should recommend that additional members from each department be assigned to the CCC because of the statement in the COE Constitution that non-CCC members may not cast a “proxy vote” for or against proposed curricular changes. She expressed concern about the importance of receiving input from faculty members whose program and/or departments might be impacted by a decision of the CCC.

Waldron noted that the “no proxy vote” language was in the old COE Constitution, and CCC is the only FPC committee that has this provision. FPC members recommended that this issue be addressed at the Spring Faculty Meeting, with a recommendation that this language be struck from the current constitution.


Conroy moved that the meeting be adjourned. Sindelar seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.