Doctoral Student Conference Travel Support Guidelines

The School of Teaching & Learning remains committed to supporting doctoral student travel to present their research at professional conferences–a vital component of students’ growth as scholars.  STL is pleased to be accepting applications in the 2024-2025 academic year to support travel to conferences in which the student is presenting.

Who is eligible?
Any STL doctoral student who is attending or presenting at a conference will be considered for STL funding. Priority will be given to students who have reached candidacy, students who are presenting as lead authors, and students participating in national or international conferences.

What is the amount of the travel support?
Awards typically range between $150 – $300 per travel request.

How often can a doctoral student receive support?
Students are welcome to apply once in each semester (Fall and Spring) but if funds are limited, we cannot guarantee that we can fund you twice.

When are applications due?
Fall Conferences: Applications are due before 5pm on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Spring Conferences: All applications are due before 5pm on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Where do I ask questions?
Direct your questions to Dr. Kara Dawson,

What is the review process?
The School of Teaching & Learning’s Graduate Studies Committee will review all travel applications at meetings that follow each semester deadline, and recipients will be notified via e-mail.  Decisions will be communicated to doctoral students within a week of the decision.

How do I apply for travel support?

Fill out the following application for STL Travel Funding. You can only apply for one conference per academic semester. Please also consider the following options below for additional travel funding sources.

Option 1: You should also consider applying for funding from the Graduate Student Council. Obtain and complete the application for the University of Florida Graduate Student Council’s grant application. You do not have to be a doctoral candidate* to apply for this funding source. Please note that deadlines to apply are quite early:  roughly 2-3 months before your scheduled travel.  You can receive a printed confirmation of your Graduate Student Council application by sending an e-mail request to:  Be sure to include your name, department (School of Teaching & Learning), and month of travel. Please note that you are only allowed to apply for GSC funding once in an academic year.

Option 2: If you are a doctoral candidate*, you are also eligible to apply for the Office of Research and Graduate Programs’ Graduate Student Travel Funds application. (Scroll down to Graduate Student Travel Funds). This application requires signatures from your dissertation supervisor, the department chair (see the STL Graduate Coordinator for this signature), and a representative from the College of Education Dean’s Office. Please note that this award requires matching funds from STL, thus you must wait until STL awards are announced before you can apply for these funds.

*Doctoral candidates are doctoral students who have passed their doctoral qualifying exams.