UF Office of Research Provides Support of Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences
It is highly desirable for faculty to participate in the organization of national meetings that are sponsored by the University of Florida. To recognize the importance of these activities, the UF Office of Research will entertain requests for a modest level of cost sharing from the university to assist (for example) with travel expenses of an invited guest, student registration, an honorarium, preparation of materials for the program, etc. The source of support must be acknowledged in material related to the meeting.
The UF Office of Research has established guidelines that cap support for meetings in the range of $1,000 to $3,000 with the possibility of deviation from this level in exceptional circumstances. Only one allocation will be made in a fiscal year.
To apply, submit the form Support of Meeting, Workshops and Conferences to Dr. David P. Norton, Vice President for Research, P.O. Box 115500, 223 Grinter Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611-5500.
Professional meetings bring distinction to the programs that support them, recognize the leadership role of UF faculty, and introduce significant groups of scholars to UF. Professional meetings are also valuable in providing an informal venue for graduate and undergraduate students to meet leaders in their fields and to gain experience in presenting their own work to a specialized audience.