From the IES Director: IES Plays the Long Game

More than a year ago, when the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) began to think about the Standards for Excellence in Education Research (SEER), no one imagined SEER would define characteristics of how IES structures so much of its work. Most of the SEER principles just seemed like good science and essential for good policy.

Over the coming weeks, the IES Director Mark Schneider plans a series of blogs starting with four components of SEER—with coverage of the other SEER domains likely. The first four are as follows:

  • Long-term outcomes
  • Costs
  • Core components
  • Common measures

For more information, see Dr. Schneider’s July 22, 2020 blog IES Plays the Long Game

This blog will report on the progress IES has made in supporting the study of long-term outcomes.