
Research Spotlight: Hakeem Hasan

Q & A with Hakeem Hasan, J. D., Senior Researcher at the P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School

What research are you currently working on?

I am currently looking into COVID-19’s impact on public education grades 9-12. Many have hypothesized that the three-year pandemic is going to have long-term effects on student learning. I am attempting to unpack the extent of this so that educators nationwide can have more to think through when delivering instruction at the high school grade levels.

What is the broader impact of your research?

A follow-up piece to my research deals with post-secondary institutions in the state of Florida. There are 40 postsecondary institutions in Florida (28 state colleges and 12 state universities). My research here looks at accommodations made in learning to address concerns raised by the pandemic. In other words, do students who matriculated into any of the 40 state institutions since the start of the pandemic have advantages, disadvantages, or maybe a mix of both?

What other research topics are you interested in?

All of this is to say that there is so much unknown due to the pandemic. The more researchers are willing to study it and its impacts, the more we can learn.