Click Commerce to Replace Cayuse

The UF Office of Research continues to invest energy into the University of Florida Integrated Research Support Tool, UFIRST, a program to develop new business models and tools that can improve sponsored programs effectiveness at UF. The UFIRST team has determined that Click Commerce Grants management software “Click” meets the majority of the specifications needed by UF.

The implementation plan calls for the new proposal development, routing, and management tool to be implemented in March 2015 at which time proposal routing will be entirely done in Click.  Extended training is scheduled to take place January–March 2015. Click will replace Cayuse for submission of grants electronically to by October 2015. Additional phases of implementation for submission of grants and for setting up and viewing awards will be completed by March 2016. Watch for more announcements, updates, and invitations to help make the UF Click implementation a success.

A campus team has been formed to outline the details of the new system. They have designed a new proposal routing form and the budget building tool as well as outlined how streamlined routing and approval will function.  Details on each of these are and will continue to be posted under the Project Documents tab of the UFIRST website