Submitted Projects for October 2015

College of Education
Submitted Projects
October 2015
Principal Investigator: Michelina MacDonald (P.K. Yonge)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Lowes
Proposal Title: PKY Community Garden Renewal and Expansion
Requested Amount: $4,800
Principal Investigator: Ashley MacSuga-Gage (SSESPECS)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: University of South Florida (Subcontract – US Dept of Ed/OSERS flow-through)
Proposal Title: University of South Florida’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (FLPBIS) Project School Climate Grant Partner
Requested Amount: $53,745
Principal Investigator: Donald Pemberton (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Funding Agency: Florida’s Office of Early Learning
Proposal Title: 2016 Early Learning Florida
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center for Learning)
Co-PI: N/A
Funding Agency: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Proposal Title: Florida Teacher Leader Fellowship
Requested Amount: $764,553