A DSP Reminder: Budget Control Levels

Effective Oct. 15, 2015, Contracts and Grants (C&G) Accounting was given the responsibility for determining the Budget Control (KK) Level to be used with grant or contract funds at the time of project set-up, rather than the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) at the time of NOA. The Budget Control KK Level has been removed from DSP’s NOA.

In summary,

  • Budget Control Level 3 (KK Level 3) will be assigned to awards (federal or non-federal) where terms DO NOT impose re-budgeting restrictions. Budget Control KK Level 3 allows spending at a direct cost level without the requirement to re-budget funds.
  • Budget Control Level 5 (KK Level 5) will be assigned to awards (federal or non-federal) where terms DO impose re-budgeting restrictions. Budget Control KK Level 5 will require re-budgeting approvals be obtained from the Sponsor or C&G Accounting, as appropriate, prior to allowing grant funds be used for the expenditure in question.

The project’s Budget Control KK Level is displayed in myInvestigator. If you have any questions regarding the Budget Control KK Level assigned to your project, please contact the C&G Grant Accountant assigned to your award.