UF Office of Research Launches New Website

The UF Office of Research launched its new website on November 14. It features a modern, responsive design that aims to ease navigation for both internal and external users on any device from a desktop to a smartphone. The website contains simplified menus, no redundant pages, and provides many quick-access buttons.

As part of this major overhaul, many of the previous URLs have changed, but automatic redirects have been included to the most-used pages. The Office of Research recommends finding the pages you are looking for from the new homepage, and then creating new bookmarks. The IT department is working to simplify the process for anyone who uses an old bookmark that doesn’t redirect.

The Office of Research team is ready to respond immediately to any problems you should encounter. Please contact Jewel Midelis at jmidelis@ufl.edu if you have any trouble finding a page you need.

Websites are constant works in progress, so if you’ve got suggestions for additional improvements please feel free to send them to Jewel.