Register for the 2018 UF Undergraduate Research Expo
Registration is open for faculty interested in attending the 2018 Undergraduate Research Expo.
The purpose of the expo is to provide an informal setting for undergraduate students to talk with research faculty. Faculty and graduate students from all fields are invited to this meet and greet.
The expo is an excellent place to recruit undergraduate researchers while providing an opportunity for students to learn about research at UF and to network with research faculty members.
This year’s event will be held September 24 from 5 pm – 7 pm in the Reitz Rion Ballroom.
Click here to register.
The 2018 Undergraduate Research Expo is a collaboration between the Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students (CURBS) and the UF Student Government (SG).
Opportunities for students to interact with faculty outside of the classroom are beneficial. A sample of noted benefits includes the following:
- Promotes high level of satisfaction with the institution
- Can impact freshmen academic performance
- Positive perceptions of college quality
- Enhanced retention
- Educational aspirations