Reminder UF COE: College Research Incentive Fund 2021-22 Applications Due April 19

All tenured and tenure-track faculty who are not, at the time of the CRIF submission, serving as principal investigator (PI) or Co-PI of a federally funded project are eligible to apply. Each eligible faculty may be an applicant on only one CRIF application. Please submit an application electronically in a single-file PDF to by 5 pm on April 19, 2021.

The College of Education (COE) College Research Incentive Fund (CRIF) award was created (using returned indirect cost returns from projects) to support faculty efforts to develop programmatic research that contributes to the college’s mission. The primary purpose of the CRIF is to provide seed funding that will lead to a strong proposal for external funding. One CRIF award (up to $25,000) is offered to supplement other sources of support for research. Priority will be given to projects that clearly support the pursuit of external funding. Preference will also be given to proposals that include one or more of the following: (a) interdisciplinary collaboration, (b) specific and viable plans for obtaining external funding, (c) junior and senior faculty collaboration, (d) attention to socially significant issues with implications for education. Special attention will be given to proposals that address issues of race and racism in black and brown communities.