NSF EHR Directorate Identifies Priorities for the Future of STEM Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Education and Human Resources (EHR) Directorate has released a report STEM Education for the Future: A Visioning Report identifying three priorities for the future of STEM education. The report also includes challenges and action recommendations for addressing each priority. To be successful, the nation will need to invest in new research and innovation infrastructures. Additionally, investments must be made that include all people, regardless of their backgrounds, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and income levels.

The priorities will ensure learners are prepared for 21st century STEM careers.

Priority 1: All learners at all stages of their educational pathways must have access to and opportunities to choose STEM careers and contribute to the innovation economy.

Priority 2: We must build an ethical workforce with future-proof skills.

Priority 3: We must ensure that the appropriate technological innovations make it into learning spaces, whether face-to-face classrooms or not, guided by educators who understand how modern technology can affect learning, and how to use technology to enhance context and enrich learning experiences for students.