Submitted Projects for May 2022
Best wishes to Anthony Botelho, Wanli Xing, Walter Leite, Philip Poekert, Catherine Cavanaugh, and Zandra de Araujofor their proposal to the Schimdt Futures – Futures Action Network; Herman Knopf and Elizabeth Shenkman for their subcontract Administration for Children and Families flow through proposal to Florida’s Office of Early Learning; Erica McCray, Margaret Kamman, and Melinda Leko for their proposal to the U.S. Department of Education/OSEP; Philip Poekertand Zandra de Araujo for their subcontract U.S. Department of Education flow through proposal to the Alabama State Department of Education; Paige Pullen for her proposal to the Chester County School District; Matthew Schmidt for his subcontract NIH flow through proposal to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Darbianne Shannon for her proposal to Tulsa Educare; Ross van Boven for his two proposals to the Florida Department of Education; and Wanli Xing for his subcontract NSF flow through proposal to the University of Georgia.
College of Education Submitted Projects May 2022 |
Principal Investigator: Anthony Botelho (STL) |
Co-PI: Wanli Xing (STL), Walter Leite (SHDOSE), Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center), Catherine Cavanaugh (Lastinger Center), and Zandra de Araujo (Lastinger Center) |
Funding Agency: Schmidt Futures – Futures Action Network |
Proposal Title: VIABLE: Helping Teachers Optimize Their Time in the Classroom |
Requested Amount: $12,500,000 |
Principal Investigator: Herman Knopf (AZCEECS) |
Co-PI: Elizabeth Shenkman (Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics) |
Funding Agency: Florida’s Office of Early Learning (Subcontract – ACF Flow Through) |
Proposal Title: Sunshine Portal Year 3 Budget |
Requested Amount: $787,543 |
Principal Investigator: Erica McCray (Dean’s Area) |
Co-PI: Margaret Kamman (SESPECS) & Melinda Leko (SESPECS) |
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education/OSEP |
Proposal Title: Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center (CEEDAR 3.0) |
Requested Amount: $17,500,000 |
Principal Investigator: Philip Poekert (Lastinger Center) |
Co-PI: Zandra de Araujo (Lastinger Center) |
Funding Agency: Alabama State Department of Education (Subcontract – U.S. Department of Education Flow Through) |
Proposal Title: Alabama Math Nation |
Requested Amount: $6,000,000 |
Principal Investigator: Paige Pullen (Lastinger Center) |
Co-PI: N/A |
Funding Agency: Chester County School District |
Proposal Title: Chester County Schools – Flamingo Reading App |
Requested Amount: $1,000 |
Principal Investigator: Matthew Schmidt (STL) |
Co-PI: N/A |
Funding Agency: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Subcontract – NIH Flow Through) |
Proposal Title: An eHealth Problem-Solving Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Underserved Pediatric Brian Tumor Survivors |
Requested Amount: $249,794 |
Principal Investigator: Darbianne Shannon (AZCEECS) |
Co-PI: N/A |
Funding Agency: Tulsa Educare |
Proposal Title: Practice-Based Coaching Technical Assistance for Tulsa EDUCARE |
Requested Amount: $104,745 |
Principal Investigator: Ross van Boven (PKY) |
Co-PI: N/A |
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education |
Proposal Title: Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction |
Requested Amount: $29,874 |
Principal Investigator: Ross van Boven (PKY) |
Co-PI: N/A |
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education |
Proposal Title: Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) |
Requested Amount: $10,765 |
Principal Investigator: Wanli Xing (STL) |
Co-PI: N/A |
Funding Agency: University of Georgia (Subcontract – NSF Flow Through) |
Proposal Title: Theme 6A: Promoting STEM Learning for All Through AI-Augmented Learning |
Requested Amount: $399,926 |