A DSP Reminder: Effort Commitment Entry into UFIRST or not into UFIRST?
An effort commitment is reflective of the promise made to the sponsor of the key personnel that will be working on the project. It is DSP’s role to ensure this promise of effort commitments of all key personnel has been entered correctly in a UFIRST Award. Once approved this initial entry becomes the baseline commitment of each key person and is maintained for the life of the award in UFIRST.
- No changes are made in UFIRST, unless sponsor approved. In the case of a sponsor-approved change, a UFIRST Award Modification, using the type Personnel, is the correct tool to use to modify and reflect the new baseline commitment.
- Any other changes to effort commitments of key personnel that do not require sponsor approval, such as term-by-term adjustments or reductions within allowable sponsor tolerances are made using the myUFL>Effort Reporting>Effort Commitments and not UFIRST when making adjustments to effort commitments of the key personnel.
For a detailed look at Effort Commitment Entry Guidance, visit the DSP Effort Reporting & Management webpage and the Cost Analysis Effort Certification webpage and read the Commitment Entry Guidelines document.