Wednesday Update for September 17, 2014

*Announcements for the COE Wednesday Important Information newsletter can be sent to by 2pm on the Tuesday prior; confirmation that your announcement has been received will be provided.


 General Announcements

FEA Workshop – TONIGHT – Community Building in the Classroom
Hello Edugators!  Don’t forget we will be having our first fall workshop Wednesday September 17th at 7:30 pm in the Terrace Room!! Our workshop series this semester will focus on community building in the classroom!  We will be having two guest speakers that will be discussing positive behavior management strategies. This workshop could be extremely helpful to all aspiring educators especially those that are nearing the end of their time hear at UF!  So please come out next Wednesday night at7:30 pm in the Terrace Room so we can enjoy some refreshments and can get some insight on some helpful strategies that we can use in the classroom!  Can’t wait to see all current and new members at the meeting!

Upcoming ECC Workshop Dates!
October 8th ~ November 5th ~ December 3rd
All workshops are held in the Norman Terrace Room at 7 PM!  As always there will be snacks and prizes!

If you are completing a Secondary full-time internship in the Spring 2015 term applications are due by Wednesday, October 1st. Please submit signed applications to Student Services, G416 Norman Hall by 5:00 PM on the due date.

Honors Program Lateral Admission
First-year students who started summer B or fall 2014 are invited to apply for the UF Honors Program through lateral admissions. Those interested in applying are required to attend an information session in September. Note, this is the last opportunity to apply for the UF Honors Program. For more information, visit

The 2015 Clinton Global Initiative Conference is now accepting applications
This year’s conference will be held at the University of Miami in Coral Gables March 6-8, 2015.  The early decision deadline is October 17th.  See for information.

Fall 2014 Commencement ceremonies for the College of Education
Doctoral Degrees: O’Connell Center, Friday, December 19, 4:00 pm (assemble at 2:30 pm)
Masters Specialist, Bachelor Degrees: O’Connell Center, Saturday, December 20, 2:00 pm (assemble at 12:30 pm)
More information at

Fall 2014 Degree Application
If you will be completing you degree requirements in Fall 2014, applications for award of the degree are being accepted through ONE.UF under the My Record menu> degree application from the ONE.UF left menu. The application deadline is September 19th by 5:00pm.  Education minors and undergraduate students can stop by the Office of Student Services to complete a graduation check before completing their degree applications.   Let us make sure you are set to go!   Graduation checks can also be completed by sending a request to

Project Makeover Project Captain Applications
Project Makeover is a student-run organization dedicated to creating a more dynamic learning environment for elementary school students in Alachua County. We are looking for students (esp. first and second year) to serve as Project Captains to help facilitate volunteer projects such as painting murals, landscaping, and a special dream project. This year’s makeover will be held the weekend of Feb. 21-23, 2015 at Metcalfe Elementary.  Check out our Facebook page at for more information.  Applications can be found at and are due Friday, 9/19 at midnight.

FOOD DRIVE to support Hispanic Children in Alachua
We are volunteers of Alachua Children Literacy Project. We are organizing a food drive to benefit Hispanic, low income immigrant children in Alachua, FL. We hope the children are not hungry when they come to the literacy project. Please place granola bars, soft drinks and snacks for children in the boxes in Norman Hall.  Our boxes are placed at: the circulation desk in Education Library, outside NRN 2414.  Your support can MAKE A DIFFERENCE to these children’s life.  MORE DETAIS: please check our facebook:

UF Teaching Center offers this workshop to help students prepare for the GRE exam.  The workshop will run from Monday – Thursday, September 29 – October 2nd.  We will cover the Math section on Monday & Wednesday from 5-7 pm, and the Verbal on Tuesday  & Thursday  from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.   To register and learn the room location, go to the Teaching Center website — —  and click on “Study Skills & GRE Workshop.”  If you get the message that you are on the waiting list, please attend – we’ll make room for you.

Harn Free Student Memberships LIVE on Gator1 Central!
Through the generous support of Student Government, the Harn Museum of Art is pleased to announce that it is offering another 2,000 free student memberships via Gator1 Central for the 2014-2015 school year.  Please see the attached a document outlining the process.

 Fall 2014 Tapping Class – Savant Leadership Honorary
Do you consider yourself to be an established student leader who values character, integrity, and providing equal opportunities for all UF students?  Founded in 1967, Savant is a prestigious group of leaders from many different areas of campus involvement. By collaborating with each other, members use their unique experiences and roles to educate and develop fellow students. In addition to proactive networking, Savant encourages community service, diversity education, preparation for professional careers, and leadership development.  Applications to become a part of the Fall 2014 Tapping Class are currently open and can be found at All applications must be submitted by September 26th at 10pm. If you have further questions, please email

The Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students
The Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students is pleased to offer undergraduates a quick and easy way to get any questions about research answered. Additionally, they will help guide them through the research process from refining their research interests to helping find a research position that suits your needs and interests. Walk-in hours are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, M-W-Th-F. Their office is located in Yon Hall, Room 429.  If they cannot make it during these times, contact them at to schedule a separate meeting.

Seminar: How to find an off-campus summer research experience
Sept. 10, 4:15 pm, Room 302 Infirmary Building. For Science, math and engineering students (including social sciences) Registration required:

Seminar: How to find an on-campus research experience
Sept. 17, 4:15 pm, Room 302 Infirmary Building. For students in all majors and years. Registration required:

Seminar: How to apply to graduate school
Applying to grad school is very different that applying to undergrad or med school. If you are even considering this as a possibility, come find out how to do this successfully. For all disciplines and years, as it is never too early to start preparing for this. Sept. 24, 4:15 pm, Room 302 Infirmary Building. Registration required:

Opportunities and Employment

Join Florida Alternative Breaks this 2014-2015 school year as one of our site leaders!
Site leading is an incredibly rewarding commitment. Check out this video to learn more.  While any of our trips will help you improve your managerial skills, students in the College of Education may enjoy leading our children with disabilities trip or children’s nutrition trip. All of our trips will give CoE students the chance to host educational activities with their participants on the social issue and also lead discussions on the issues in relation to their service.
No leadership experience? Or maybe you’re a little rusty? We got you.  To become a site leader, you will be enrolled in a 2 credit course along with your co-site leader where you will receive a thorough training on leading through service-learning. You will get tons of support from the Exec Board as well as your site leader trainers. This course will also pay for your trip (except international trips). And let’s be real, site leading just takes FAB trips to a whole new level of fun and engagement. You can find the application at  If you still have questions, email If you have any conflicts about the class, email our Adviser, Angela Garcia, at  Don’t forget to like us on Facebook for updates and great articles.

 Projects for Haiti (P4H)
We believe that passionate individuals can inspire local and global change!  We, Projects for Haiti (P4H), are a Gainesville- based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to partner with Haitians educationally and vocationally while collaborating with the international community to advocate for global sustainable practices. We are thrilled to announce that on November 1st, 2014 we will be bringing together over 100 Educators from around North Central Florida to host the First Annual Gainesville Connected Conference. In collaboration with the University of Florida Centers for Latin American, African, and European Studies, we hope to use the stories and passions of prominent international educational leaders to raise global awareness of global issues across world regions in our community.  This event will feature 5-6 dynamic speakers that will seek to inspire further international partnerships among educators and encourage global citizenry in North Central Florida classrooms. The goals of this conference, therefore, are as follows:  Connect Educators to Global Education opportunities; Empower Educators to create global citizens in the 21st century classroom; Support global sustainability initiatives through increased awareness.  Please visit to find out more information about this incredible opportunity. To RSVP please fill out the short form at by October 15, 2014. Due to space restrictions, we can only accept the first 150 Educators who register, so please register early!  A Registration Fee of $10 will include breakfast, lunch, a conference t-shirt, a conference bag, and a $2 donation to Professional Development for Educators in Haiti!  Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.  We are looking forward to a fantastic event and hope that you will be able to join us this November!

UF Volunteers Needed to Math Tutor for Underprivileged Teenage Girls
Growing up, many of the teenage girls here at our wonderful alternative school have either:  not been provided with the educational resources to help them succeed or been in such painful or challenging life circumstances that learning math concepts has taken a back burner.  As a UF student, you could really make a difference, explaining how to figure out middle and high school math problems (pre-algebra, algebra and geometry), and encouraging our girls’ determination.  The experience of seeing their light bulb go on about something that was previously confusing can be deeply rewarding.  Also, in addition to the intrinsic benefits, volunteering for the PACE Center for Believing in Girls, looks great on your resume!  Furthermore, there is books and internet resources here that can help you help them! If you are available to commit to focusing with our adolescents on 6-12 grade math material, volunteering on a consistent weekly schedule for a minimum of 3 hours a week – on Monday, Thursday and/or Friday between the hours of 9:45 am-4 pm.  For the first 5 people who contact us, we would pay for the $27 DJJ background screen required to be able to work to our vulnerable population.  Please respond to

Environmental Education Workshop Opportunity
Attached is a flyer with information regarding an upcoming Project Learning Tree workshop taking place on Oct 4, 2014 from 8:30-3:00 at Austin Cary Forest Learning Center in Gainesville. This is a great opportunity for any education, forestry, wildlife, agriculture, natural resource, or other student interested in learning how to teach youth about the environment. PLT provides formal, non-formal, and pre-service educators with the resources and curriculum to teach environmental education to youth through activities and lessons integrated through other subjects.  The workshop is only $5. To register for this workshop, go to   

Fall 2014 Career Showcase
The Fall 2014 Career Showcase is scheduled from 9:00am to 3:00pm on September 30th at the Stephen C. O’Connell Center. 


Babysitter for a toddler
A local parent is seeking a babysitter for her son who is 2 years and 9 months now. We are looking for a nice and energetic student to stay with our son several times a week for 2 hours, to play and to talk so that he could start learning English. Please contact Alena Prikhidko at

English Language Tutor needed
A UF MBA student  from Korea is seeking a tutor to speak english with for 1~2 hour a week at Starbucks.  Payment per hour can be $15~20.  If somebody is interested, contact me with

Math Tutor needed
I am seeking a math tutor for my sixth grade granddaughter who attends High Springs Community School.   A female tutor is preferred because Elisabeth needs a female role model to show her that girls can do math too.  Please call Rita Russell at   386-454-5208.

Paid tutor wanted
Paid tutor wanted for 7 year old girl for enrichment tutoring in math and reading once a week.  Please contact Hannah Sokol at 352-226-3764 or

Golden Opportunity for right person
Part-time after- school/ evening [structure and organizational] guidance for a very bright, musical and wonderful adolescent male. Understanding cognitive ADD/ ODD a plus! Please call or text: 352-870-0505.”

Babysitter needed
A local family is interested in hiring a  a babysitter with Spanish language skills. Please contact Janice L. Krieger at

Childcare needed
Seeking energetic and responsible student with childcare experience to sit with my eleven year old daughter Kyndal on an as needed basis. I am a hard working single mother and am in desperate need of someone willing to help us out. Please email resume’ and or any questions to

 Tutoring and Day care needed
A local parent is seeking is seeking a student to pick up his 9th grade son from Buchholz, occassionally drive him to appointments and provide tutoring for math, science, writing, and studying any high school subject. If there are no appointments, he could be brought home or to the public library or some other convenient location to get his schoolwork done for the day. The pay would be $10.00 dollars per hour and would include 30 minutes for travel time.  If interested, please send your resume or something describing your experience or ability to do this job to me via email.  I look forward to talking with you.  Send to Richard A. Johansen at

 Looking for a nanny/baby sitter
Looking for a nanny/baby sitter for 2 boys (7 and 10 years old) on Mon, Tue and Thursday evenings – 4:30/4:45-7:30 PM. Person must be energetic and reliable.  We live in town of tioga off newberry road.  Duties would be as follows:  Pick up kids from school and bring home (Oak hall school on tower road); Help with HW assignments each day; Supervise outdoor play time; Help with kids laundry and grocery shopping once a week only; willingness to help with other small chores – clean up etc would be a plus.  Please call Jas at 408 717 0152 and send me resume at Refrences and a good driving record is imp

Archived Newsletters

If you want to read about any of the announcements, opportunities, and events posted in last week’s Wednesday Update Newsletters, or peruse previous newsletters, please visit

Wednesday Update for September 10, 2014

*Announcements for the COE Wednesday Important Information newsletter can be sent to by 2pm on the Tuesday prior; confirmation that your announcement has been received will be provided.


 General Announcements

Professional Orientation Seminar TODAY ~ Kirby Smith Board Room ~ 1:30-3:00  pm
If you are completing your full-time internship this FALL as an Elementary, Early Childhood, or Special Ed intern, plan to attend the Professional Orientation Seminar on Wednesday, September 10th at the Kirby Smith Board Room. The session will be from 1:30-3:00  pm. Two local principals will share information about interviewing and expectations of first-year teachers. Questions will also be answered about certification.

ECC School Safety Workshop *Tonight*!
Join the ECC for our first workshop of the semester September 10th at 7pm in the Norman Terrace Room!  We will have a school resource officer from Alachua Country talking to us about procedures and giving us important information about how to keep our students safe.  All future teachers are encouraged to attend. We will have snacks, free giveaways, and a raffle!  We hope to see you there!

If you are completing an Elementary or Special Education full-time internship in the Spring 2015 term, applications are due by Monday, September 15th. If you are completing a Secondary full-time internship in the Spring 2015 term applications are due by Wednesday, October 1st. Please submit signed applications to Student Services, G416 Norman Hall by 5:00 PM on the due date.

Honors Program Lateral Admission
First-year students who started summer B or fall 2014 are invited to apply for the UF Honors Program through lateral admissions. Those interested in applying are required to attend an information session in September. Note, this is the last opportunity to apply for the UF Honors Program. For more information, visit

Alcohol-FreeTailgate and Potluck!
The Collegiate Recovery Community invites you to an Alcohol-Free Tailgate and Potluck this Saturday, September 13th at 3:00PM (Game starts 7:30PM). Come out and watch the game on our 40” flat-screen and enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs fresh from the grill! Feel free to bring your favorite snack or dish to share.  This Saturday at 3:00PM ~ In front of the Student Health Care Center (180 Fletcher Dr.)

Fall 2014 Commencement ceremonies for the College of Education
Doctoral Degrees: O’Connell Center, Friday, December 19, 4:00 pm (assemble at 2:30 pm)
Masters Specialist, Bachelor Degrees: O’Connell Center, Saturday, December 20, 2:00 pm (assemble at 12:30 pm)
More information at

Fall 2014 Degree Application
If you will be completing you degree requirements in Fall 2014, applications for award of the degree are being accepted through ONE.UF under the My Record menu> degree application from the ONE.UF left menu. The application deadline is September 19th by 5:00pm.  Education minors and undergraduate students can stop by the Office of Student Services to complete a graduation check before completing their degree applications.   Let us make sure you are set to go!   Graduation checks can also be completed by sending a request to

UF Best Buddies
Best Buddies is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering one-to-one friendships between people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities. UF’s chapter of Best Buddies is about to kick off the semester, and we couldn’t be more excited! We are having information sessions on Monday, September 15th, and Tuesday, September 16th. Both meetings are from 7:20-8:15pm in Little Hall, room 125. If friendship is your thing, come check us out!  Check out the Facebook event:  Search Facebook: “UF Best Buddies” ~ Email us at:

UF Teaching Center offers this workshop to help students prepare for the GRE exam.  The workshop will run from Monday – Thursday, September 29 – October 2nd.  We will cover the Math section on Monday & Wednesday from 5-7 pm, and the Verbal on Tuesday  & Thursday  from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.   To register and learn the room location, go to the Teaching Center website — —  and click on “Study Skills & GRE Workshop.”  If you get the message that you are on the waiting list, please attend – we’ll make room for you.

Harn Free Student Memberships LIVE on Gator1 Central!
Through the generous support of Student Government, the Harn Museum of Art is pleased to announce that it is offering another 2,000 free student memberships via Gator1 Central for the 2014-2015 school year.  Please see the attached a document outlining the process.

2014 Graduate Student Research Day on October 28
Reitz Union Grand Ballroom ~ Workshop Rooms: Auditorium, Career Resource Center & The Matthews Conference room
The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) will be hosting its Third Annual Celebration of Graduate Research. The event is open to all graduate students, postdoctoral fellows/associates, researchers and faculty. We encourage undergraduate students participating in research activities to attend the event.  This year’s Graduate Student Research Day is themed around STANDING OUT. There will be a competitive poster session for graduate students, including undergraduate students involved in research, with cash prizes for the winning posters. This event will also offer a networking workshop with industry contacts, a panel discussion with UF’s new preeminent scholars, information on how to get involved with the Three-Minute Thesis competition and much more!  To register and/or submit an abstract please visit:  Abstract submission deadline: September 29, 2014 ~ Event Registration deadline: October 10, 2014 ~ Register as a poster judge deadline: October 10, 2014.  We’d like, especially, to ask faculty to consider becoming a poster judge and to encourage your graduate and undergraduate students to submit an abstract and/or attend the event. For questions on the poster session at Graduate Student Research Day, contact Nalini Kumar at ~ For general questions on Graduate Student Research Day, contact Regina Martuscello at ~ For questions related to GSAC, contact Khanh Ha at

The Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students
The Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students is pleased to offer undergraduates a quick and easy way to get any questions about research answered. Additionally, they will help guide them through the research process from refining their research interests to helping find a research position that suits your needs and interests. Walk-in hours are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, M-W-Th-F. Their office is located in Yon Hall, Room 429.  If they cannot make it during these times, contact them at to schedule a separate meeting.

Seminar: How to find an off-campus summer research experience
Sept. 10, 4:15 pm, Room 302 Infirmary Building. For Science, math and engineering students (including social sciences) Registration required:

Seminar: How to find an on-campus research experience
Sept. 17, 4:15 pm, Room 302 Infirmary Building. For students in all majors and years. Registration required:

Seminar: How to apply to graduate school
Applying to grad school is very different that applying to undergrad or med school. If you are even considering this as a possibility, come find out how to do this successfully. For all disciplines and years, as it is never too early to start preparing for this. Sept. 24, 4:15 pm, Room 302 Infirmary Building. Registration required:

Opportunities and Employment

UF Volunteers Needed to Math Tutor for Underprivileged Teenage Girls
Growing up, many of the teenage girls here at our wonderful alternative school have either:  not been provided with the educational resources to help them succeed or been in such painful or challenging life circumstances that learning math concepts has taken a back burner.  As a UF student, you could really make a difference, explaining how to figure out middle and high school math problems (pre-algebra, algebra and geometry), and encouraging our girls’ determination.  The experience of seeing their light bulb go on about something that was previously confusing can be deeply rewarding.  Also, in addition to the intrinsic benefits, volunteering for the PACE Center for Believing in Girls, looks great on your resume!  Furthermore, there is books and internet resources here that can help you help them! If you are available to commit to focusing with our adolescents on 6-12 grade math material, volunteering on a consistent weekly schedule for a minimum of 3 hours a week – on Monday, Thursday and/or Friday between the hours of 9:45 am-4 pm.  For the first 5 people who contact us, we would pay for the $27 DJJ background screen required to be able to work to our vulnerable population.  Please respond to

Online Teaching and tutoring opportunities
Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Teaching Opportunities in Fort Pierce
We are currently looking for a dynamic person to join the Cobra family in the following areas:  Exceptional Student Education and English.  If interested please email:  Principal Todd Smith: and Assistant Principal Kristi Pacocha:

Fall 2014 Career Showcase
The Fall 2014 Career Showcase is scheduled from 9:00am to 3:00pm on September 30th at the Stephen C. O’Connell Center. 


Paid tutor wanted
Paid tutor wanted for 7 year old girl for enrichment tutoring in math and reading once a week.  Please contact Hannah Sokol at 352-226-3764 or

Golden Opportunity for right person
Part-time after- school/ evening [structure and organizational] guidance for a very bright, musical and wonderful adolescent male. Understanding cognitive ADD/ ODD a plus! Please call or text: 352-870-0505.”

Babysitter needed
A local family is interested in hiring a  a babysitter with Spanish language skills. Please contact Janice L. Krieger at

Childcare needed
Seeking energetic and responsible student with childcare experience to sit with my eleven year old daughter Kyndal on an as needed basis. I am a hard working single mother and am in desperate need of someone willing to help us out. Please email resume’ and or any questions to

 Tutoring and Day care needed
A local parent is seeking is seeking a student to pick up his 9th grade son from Buchholz, occassionally drive him to appointments and provide tutoring for math, science, writing, and studying any high school subject. If there are no appointments, he could be brought home or to the public library or some other convenient location to get his schoolwork done for the day. The pay would be $10.00 dollars per hour and would include 30 minutes for travel time.  If interested, please send your resume or something describing your experience or ability to do this job to me via email.  I look forward to talking with you.  Send to Richard A. Johansen at

 Looking for a nanny/baby sitter
Looking for a nanny/baby sitter for 2 boys (7 and 10 years old) on Mon, Tue and Thursday evenings – 4:30/4:45-7:30 PM. Person must be energetic and reliable.  We live in town of tioga off newberry road.  Duties would be as follows:  Pick up kids from school and bring home (Oak hall school on tower road); Help with HW assignments each day; Supervise outdoor play time; Help with kids laundry and grocery shopping once a week only; willingness to help with other small chores – clean up etc would be a plus.  Please call Jas at 408 717 0152 and send me resume at Refrences and a good driving record is imp

Archived Newsletters

If you want to read about any of the announcements, opportunities, and events posted in last week’s Wednesday Update Newsletters, or peruse previous newsletters, please visit

Wednesday Update for September 3, 2014

*Announcements for the COE Wednesday Important Information newsletter can be sent to by 2pm on the Tuesday prior; confirmation that your announcement has been received will be provided.


 General Announcements

If you are completing an Elementary or Special Education full-time internship in the Spring 2015 term, applications are due by Monday, September 15th. If you are completing a Secondary full-time internship in the Spring 2015 term applications are due by Wednesday, October 1st. Please submit signed applications to Student Services, G416 Norman Hall by 5:00 PM on the due date.

Honors Program Lateral Admission
First-year students who started summer B or fall 2014 are invited to apply for the UF Honors Program through lateral admissions. Those interested in applying are required to attend an information session in September. Note, this is the last opportunity to apply for the UF Honors Program. For more information, visit

SAGE Graduate Student Workshop:  Writing for Journal Publication.
Thursday, September 4th at 12:30pm in the Terrace Room. 
How can you increase your chances to publish in academic journals? What happens to your manuscript once it’s submitted? Join COE Professors Dr. Fang, Dr. Kramer, and Dr. Reichow, all of whom have experience publishing, as they share their insights into the world of academic publishing.  Light refreshments will be provided.

Fall 2014 Degree Application
If you will be completing you degree requirements in Fall 2014, applications for award of the degree are being accepted through ISIS under the My Record menu> degree application from the ISIS left menu. The application deadline is September 19th by 5:00pm.  Education minors and undergraduate students can stop by the Office of Student Services to complete a graduation check before completing their degree applications.   Let us make sure you are set to go!   Graduation checks can also be completed by sending a request to

If you are completing your full-time internship this FALL as an Elementary, Early Childhood, or Special Ed intern, plan to attend the Professional Orientation Seminar on Wednesday, September 10th at the Kirby Smith Board Room. The session will be from 1:30-3:00  pm. Two local principals will share information about interviewing and expectations of first-year teachers. Questions will also be answered about certification.

Did you make the Dean’s List?
Calling all College of Education UNDERGRADUATE students that received a 3.75 or higher in Spring 2014!   In recognition of your hard effort you have earned your place on the Dean’s List.  Congrats!   If you would like a formal certificate to celebrate your accomplishment please email with your full name and UF ID number from your Gatorlink address.  We will confirm when you can come collect your certificate for your professional portfolio.  Keep up the good work and stay gator strong!

 2014 Graduate Student Research Day on October 28
Location: Reitz Union Grand Ballroom ~ Workshop Rooms: Auditorium, Career Resource Center & The Matthews Conference room
The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) will be hosting its Third Annual Celebration of Graduate Research. The event is open to all graduate students, postdoctoral fellows/associates, researchers and faculty. We encourage undergraduate students participating in research activities to attend the event.  This year’s Graduate Student Research Day is themed around STANDING OUT. There will be a competitive poster session for graduate students, including undergraduate students involved in research, with cash prizes for the winning posters. This event will also offer a networking workshop with industry contacts, a panel discussion with UF’s new preeminent scholars, information on how to get involved with the Three-Minute Thesis competition and much more!  To register and/or submit an abstract please visit:  Abstract submission deadline: September 29, 2014 ~ Event Registration deadline: October 10, 2014 ~ Register as a poster judge deadline: October 10, 2014.  We’d like, especially, to ask faculty to consider becoming a poster judge and to encourage your graduate and undergraduate students to submit an abstract and/or attend the event. For questions on the poster session at Graduate Student Research Day, contact Nalini Kumar at ~ For general questions on Graduate Student Research Day, contact Regina Martuscello at ~ For questions related to GSAC, contact Khanh Ha at

Opportunities and Employment

Teaching Opportunities in Fort Pierce
We are currently looking for a dynamic person to join the Cobra family in the following areas:  Exceptional Student Education and English.  If interested please email:  Principal Todd Smith: and Assistant Principal Kristi Pacocha:

Daycare teachers and volunteers needed
Hawthorne Academy is a new daycare facility in Hawthorne, FL  looking for teachers and volunteers for children ages 12 months to 12 years old.  State mandated 40 hours and 1st aid/cpr is a plus. Applicants please submit resumes and/or credentials to

Fall 2014 Career Showcase
The Fall 2014 Career Showcase is scheduled from 9:00am to 3:00pm on September 30th at the Stephen C. O’Connell Center.

 UF Habitat for Humanity: 1st Meeting!
UF Habitat for Humanity is having its first general body meeting on Tuesday, September 9th at 7:20 PM in Rinker 220. Come join us to hear Scott Winzeler, Executive Director of Alachua Habitat, as well as a Habitat family speak about their wonderful experiences with our organization. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a family who has been through the process and lived the Habitat mission. Attendees can also sign-up for weekend builds after the meeting.  Hope to see you there! 


Golden Opportunity for right person
Part-time after- school/ evening [structure and organizational] guidance for a very bright, musical and wonderful adolescent male. Understanding cognitive ADD/ ODD a plus! Please call or text: 352-870-0505.”

Babysitter needed
A local family is interested in hiring a  a babysitter with Spanish language skills. Please contact Janice L. Krieger at

Childcare needed
Seeking energetic and responsible student with childcare experience to sit with my eleven year old daughter Kyndal on an as needed basis. I am a hard working single mother and am in desperate need of someone willing to help us out. Please email resume’ and or any questions to

Nanny needed
A local family is in need of a mothers helper ASAP for 3 days a week in the mornings until 3. This would be for 2 boys ages 16 mos. & 3 years old. The mother is recovering from some Back procedures and needs help with the boys and some light housekeeping and food preparation. The hours are flexible and will change once the mother can return back to work. If interested please contact Erin Crawford by email

Babysitter & Driver for Monday Afternoons
Needed: babysitter/driver for Mondays 1:45-5 pm in NW Gainesville.  Two fun children ages 10 and 7, plus small dog.  $10/hr plus gas.  International background a plus.  If interested, email


Archived Newsletters

If you want to read about any of the announcements, opportunities, and events posted in last week’s Wednesday Update Newsletters, or peruse previous newsletters, please visit