UF Provides Courtesy Summaries of Research Training

The Office of Research, Enterprise Systems, and Training & Organizational Development are pleased to announce a new service for UF researchers: courtesy transcripts of research-related trainings.

Anyone with active research training in the system will receive an email that lists (a) research trainings and (b) when they expire. This is a courtesy transcript and there is nothing that recipients must do. These courtesy transcripts will be sent in the middle of every December and June starting in December 2017.

The courtesy transcript was developed because many researchers expressed frustration related to renewing their research-related training. Some of the issues that the courtesy transcript will resolve include the following:

  1. Having to complete renewal trainings throughout the year:  researchers asked if they could receive a list like this so they could complete all of their renewal trainings at once, rather than having to spread them out through the year as they expire.
  2. Expiration notifications:  some courses do not send out warnings before they expire.  A transcript like this allows investigators to plan in advance if they are so inclined.

If you have any questions, additional information is available at http://research.ufl.edu/training.html#transcript or contact Michael Mahoney, the Director of Research Operations and Services, at (352) 294-2744 or mmahoney@ufl.edu.