UF Office of Research Provides Update on Research.gov Implementation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has successfully migrated important research functions from FastLane to Research.gov and is now taking proactive steps to incrementally move the preparation and submission of all proposals from FastLane to Research.gov with a tentative target date for completion by 2022.

In the coming weeks and months, NSF will begin making changes to specific funding opportunities to require the use of Research.gov for the preparation and submission of proposals to NSF. NSF funding opportunities will clearly specify whether submission via Research.gov is available or required. Please keep an eye on the UF Research NSF Updates webpage to stay informed on current changes.

To ensure that researchers and administrators are prepared for these changes, NSF is developing additional training materials to meet the needs of the community. This includes video tutorials, Frequently Asked Questions, step-by-step guides and a demonstration site. Current training materials are available on the About Research.gov site.

NSF encourages the community to become familiar with Research.gov and to begin using it for the preparation and submission of proposals, as well as to provide NSF with valuable feedback. For additional information, FAQs, opportunities for training and to provide feedback, please visit Research.gov.

For more information, see the NSF website: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/issuances/in147.jsp?org=NSF