NVIDIA Deep-Learning Institute Offerings
NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute (DLI) online courses are available free to UF faculty, students, and staff. The course examples can easily be ported to the HiPerGator AI cluster and integrated into a researcher’s work or professor’s classes. Students, faculty, and staff can email UFIT’s AI Support team IT-RC-AI@UFL.EDU for a course code to take any of the self-paced classes. Faculty can obtain their own code by requesting a teaching kit (information below).
“NVIDIA’s DLI offerings cover the fundamentals of deep learning and include specific AI areas such as natural language processing, image processing, healthcare research, and robotics,” says Ying Zhang, AI support lead and research facilitator for UFIT. “These courses will help faculty and students get the most out of our HiPerGator AI environment.”
The DLI provides teaching kits that include downloadable, semester-long university curriculum course materials with ready-to-use lecture slides, videos, quiz/exam problem sets, and solutions. The teaching kits come with a code that enable faculty to provide free access for up to 200 students to DLI online courses. Faculty can also request free class allocations on HiPerGatorAI to teach courses using NVIDIA’s DLI teaching kits or integrate DLI-provided course components into their self-developed curriculum.