The White House OSTP Requests Information to Improve Federal Scientific Integrity

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has published a request for information to improve federal scientific integrity policies and invites comments on or before July 28, 2021. Respondents may provide information for one or as many topics below as they choose.

  1. The effectiveness of federal scientific integrity policies in promoting trust in federal science
  2. Effective policies and practices federal agencies could adopt to improve the communication of scientific and technological information
  3. Effective policies and practices federal agencies could adopt to address scientific issues and the scientific workforce
  4. Effective practices federal agencies could adopt to improve training of scientific staff about scientific integrity and the transparency into their scientific integrity practices
  5. Other important aspects of scientific integrity and effective approaches to improving trust in federal science

Submit your comments electronically to and include “SI-FTAC RFI” in the subject line of the email.

For more information, see Request for Information to Improve Federal Scientific Integrity Policies.