Dr. Fred Spooner to Recieve TED/Pearson Award for Work in Special Ed

Fred Spooner (PhD ’80, Special Ed.),  a faculty member in the College of Education’s Department of Special Education and Child Development at UNC Charlotte, will receive the 2012 TED/Pearson Award for Excellence in Education. The honor, from the Council for Exceptional Children’s Teacher Education Division, will be presented at the organization’s annual meeting in Denver.

According to the CEC, the TED/Pearson Award for Excellence in Education recognizes an individual who has “demonstrated an exemplary commitment to teacher education in special education; preparation of future leaders and/or quality educators; and/or research supporting the preparation of teachers and/or delivery of services to children with disabilities, legislative leadership and scholarly works.” (UNCC Campus News)

According to his CV, Dr. Spooner was a Doctoral Research Fellow and Research Assistant during his 3 years at UF before working as a Post Doctoral Research Assistant at the University of Washington in 1980.  He served as Adjunct Assistant Professor at Appalachian State from 1982 to 1986.  He joined UNC in 1981 as a Clinical Assistant Professor for the Department of Teaching Specialties.

Dr. Spooner has been featured in numerous publications and participated in a many presentations, all surrounding his passion for Special Education.

In addition to professor, Dr. Spooner has held numerous other titles. The list includes President for the North Carolina Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Senior Council Advisor for the North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis (2007-present), Co-Editor-in-Chief for The Journal of Special Education (2006-present), and Associate Editor for Research and Practices for Persons with Severe Disabilities (2001-present).


Education Career Night

The college held its annual Education Career Night February 23 at UF’s Reitz Union for UF and Santa Fe College students.  The event featured several prominent education alumni who discussed their career paths since graduating from UF’s College of Education.  The purpose of the event is to showcase alternative career paths for education graduates…teaching is just one several options!

This year’s panelists included Brian Dassler (MEd ’02, English ed), Margaret Fields (PhD ’02, higher ed administration), Sandy Hollinger (MS ’82, reading ed), Robert McClure (PhD ’10, ed leadership), and Bob Muni (Med ’77, secondary ed).

Dassler is the founding principal at KIPP Renaissance School in New Orleans, a progressive charter school in the city’s impoverished Upper Ninth Ward. He was named 2001 Florida College Student of the year by Florida Leader magazine and Broward County’s Teacher of the Year award in 2007 and is emerging as a national thought leader on education trends.


Fields has been an assistant dean at UF’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences since 2004.  She previously was coordinator of administrative services for the zoology department and vice president of operations for a research institute.



Hollinger is the deputy superintendent of schools at the Alachua County School Board.  She oversees curriculum, the exceptional education program and student support services for the school district. She has served as principal at Gainesville Eastside High and J.J. Finley Elementary School.



McClure is president and CEO at the James Madison Institute, a nonpartisan, public-policy research organization in Tallahassee.  He serves on numerous policy-centered committees and has published at the state and national level.  McClure is a member of Florida Gov. Scott’s economic advisory council and served on the Florida Elections Commission.



Muni is a Gainesville banker but he’s also a longtime innovator in non-traditional education. In the 1980s, he helped lead the grassroots movement that now allows home-schooled children in Florida to participate in local school extracurricular activities.  He also is the founding board chairman for the Florida Virtual School and helped start a private Christian school in Gainesville.



Introducing the UF Class of 2028

Lauren May (MED ’09, Early Childhood Ed.) is a kindergarten teacher at St. Pius Catholic school (Jacksonville).  For the past few years, May has found creative ways to promote college to her young class.  “College is the goal for graduates from St. Pius,” states May. “We start early with high expectations.”

May, who is VP of Athletics for the Gator Club of Jacksonville and has been awarded Young Alumni Coordinator of the Year by the UF Alumni Association, remains involved with her Alma mater and finds joy in promoting the university with her class each year. “It is fun to introduce them to the University of Florida in Kindergarten. I am able to share my love of the Gators with my students and their families.”

This year May’s class made t-shirts that read, “Future Gator, Class of 2028”.


Sloan Consortium Announces COE Alum as New Executive Director and CEO

Bruce Chaloux (MED ’72) has been hired as the new Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Sloan Consortium.

Chaloux is a national expert on online learning policy and distance learning. Prior to joining Sloan-C Chaloux served as director of student access programs and services for the Southern Regional Education Board.  He founded and directed the Electronic Campus, a 16-state consortia of some 300 colleges and universities in the South, that make available more than 40,000 online courses and 2,000 degree programs.

Previously, Dr. Chaloux served in the Graduate School at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, on the staff of the Virginia State Council of Higher Education and as a faculty member and academic administrator at Castleton State College in his native state of Vermont.

He holds a doctorate in Higher Education Administration from Florida State University, a Master of Education from the University of Florida and a Bachelor of Science from Castleton State. Dr. Chaloux previously served as president of the Sloan Consortium Board of Directors and has been active in many higher education leadership organizations.

Chaloux succeeds John Bourne, who is retiring from Sloan-C in March.  He will begin work in his new position on March 19.

According to their website, Sloan-C is a consortium of individuals, institutions and organizations committed to integrating online education into the mainstream of higher education, helping institutions and individual educators improve the quality, scale, and breadth of online education.


Higher Ed Alum Given Outstanding Grad Award

Anna Lebesch (EDD ’11, Higher Ed) is one of eleven chosen as this year’s Institute of Higher Education Outstanding Graduates. Lebesch, who is Vice President for Workforce Development at St. Johns River State College, was unable to receive the award at this year’s IHE Award and Reunion Dinner and instead was given the award by Dr. Dale Campbell during SJR State’s February Board Meeting.

Lebesch was featured in a press release by St. Johns River State College which can be found here.

Institute of Higher Education 2012 Outstanding Graduates

Congratulations to the 2012 Institute of Higher Education Outstanding Graduates!

On January 28, officials at the UF Institute of Higher Education announced this year’s 11 recipients at a special gathering of their peers at their alumni reunion and awards banquet held concurrently with the annual gathering of the Community College Futures Assembly in Orlando.

The competitive awards program recognizes selected professionals–all Ph.D. or Ed.D. graduates of UF’s higher education administration program–for their effectiveness as community college administrators, participation in collegewide strategic planning, community involvement, and professional activities at the state, regional and national levels.

To read about the award winners and for the complete article, please click here.

To see photos from the event please click here.

The 2012 IHE Outstanding Graduates. From left: Glenn Good (Dean), Anne Kress, Jeanna Mastrodicasa, Devi Drexler, Kristy Presswood, Carl Hite, Tina O’Daniels, Deanne Williams, Hank Dunn, Dale Campbell (Program Director).






UF-PKY alumna still has plenty to teach children—through poetry

UF education alumna Margaret Rosenberger (BAE ’49, MEd ’52), a fifth-generation Florida native and a 1939 graduate of P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, has been writing poetry since she was 10. Now, at 90, she is looking to publish her latest book of poetry, “A Guide: Ways to Succeed,” to sway troubled elementary students away criminal tendencies and toward a more positive future.

The idea for the book was born in 2005 at a meeting of the Alachua County Children’s Committee…

To read the complete article, please click here.







Education Career Night: Panelist Highlight

Robert “Bob” McClure; (PhD ‘10, education leadership) is just one of 5 panelists speaking at our annual Education Career Night, next Thurs., FEB 23, from 5-6pm at the Reitz 287.

Dr. McClure is the president and CEO at the James Madison Institute, a nonpartisan, public-policy research organization in Tallahassee. He serves on numerous policy-centered committees and has published at the state and national level on topics such as property rights, tax policy, health care and education reform. McClure is a member of Florida Gov. Scott’s economic advisory council and was appointed by then-Governor Jeb Bush to serve on the Florida Elections Commission. He is involved with several Tallahassee community organizations including the United Way, the Downtown Rotary Club, St. Peter’s Anglican Church and World Class Schools of Leon County.


Education Career Night

Thurs., Feb. 23
Reitz 287

FREE food!   FREE UF stuff!   Doors open at 4:30pm!

Open to all UF students!

A New Principal for a New School

William Burklew (MED ’86, Elementary Ed.) was recently appointed to be principal at the new Meadowbrook Elementary School.  Burklew is a triple EduGator earning his BAE in 1985 with a major in Elementary Education and an EDS in 1996 in Curriculum and Instruction in addition to his MED.

Burklew has served the community as an educator and leader for over 25 years holding positions at Norton Elementary School, and Waldo Community School where he was principal.

Currently, Burklew is principal at Talbot Elementary and is splitting his time between both schools; introducing Talbot’s new principal and working to get Meadowbrook up and running.  He will continue at Talbot through FCAT and teacher evaluations, according to this Gainesville Sun article, and will fully begin his new role at Meadowbrook when the school opens.

Burklew’s wife, Mrs. Lina Burklew is a COE alumnus as well and serves as principal for Irby Elementary School.


Meet the Panelists! Margaret FIelds

Dr. Fields is the assistant dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and one of the accomplished alumni speaking at our annual Education Career Night, Thurs. Feb. 23 at 5pm at the Reitz Union room 287.

Margaret Fields (PhD ‘02, higher education administration) has served as assistant dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences since 2004. She is responsible for communications and outreach, internships, community campaigns, enrollment management and the summer reading program.

She previously served as coordinator of administrative services for the zoology department and vice president of operations for a research institute. Her own research explores the relationship of standardized test scores and young students’ preferences for taking in information.

Fields is widely published in academic publications and has co-authored two books. She has performed community service work with such groups as the Leadership Gainesville Alumni Association, the North Central Florida American Red Cross and the Association of Psychological Type International.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from Dr. Fields and 4 other distinguished alumni as they offer career advice and answer all of your questions!


Education Career Night

Thursday, Feb. 23,  5-6pm, Reitz 287


*Refreshments will be served

*UF Give-aways for first 25 Attendees

*Doors Open at 4:30pm