Cari Rodriguez named Broward County Teacher of the Year
A 22-year veteran in the field, double EduGator Cari Rodriguez (B.A.E ’96 and M.Ed.’97) was recently recognized as the Broward County Teacher of the Year.
A 22-year veteran in the field, double EduGator Cari Rodriguez (B.A.E ’96 and M.Ed.’97) was recently recognized as the Broward County Teacher of the Year.
Dr. Glenn Tucker established the Drs. Beverly Tucker and Glenn Tucker Endowed Education Scholarship to support future early childhood educators championing the development of one of the most important of age groups — birth to age five.
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) recently announced Anita Zucker, chair and CEO of The InterTech Group, Inc. (TIG), the 2019 honoree of the James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
Triple gators Melanie Acosta (B.S. ‘02, M.Ed. ‘09, Ph.D. ‘13) and Diedre Houchen (B.S. ‘05, M.A.E. ‘09, Ph.D. ‘15) were recently recognized by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) with a 2019 Outstanding Article Award for their collaborative work published in the Journal of Teacher Education.
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) recently announced Anita Zucker, chair and CEO of The InterTech Group, Inc. (TIG), the 2019 honoree of the James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) recently announced Anita Zucker, chair and CEO of The InterTech Group, Inc. (TIG), the 2019 honoree of the James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) recently announced Anita Zucker, chair and CEO of The InterTech Group, Inc. (TIG), the 2019 honoree of the James L. Fisher Award for Distinguished Service to Education.
Elyse Hambacher, B.A.E. ‘05 & Ph.D. ‘13, was recently selected as a Diverse: Issues in Higher Education Emerging Scholar for 2019.
On November 15, members of the class of 1968 returned to campus as part of the annual Grand Guard reunion.
The University of Florida has selected three-time graduate of the UF College of Education, Dr. Gerardo González, to receive its 2018 UF Distinguished Alumni Award. This award is the highest honor a graduate can achieve and signifies a graduate’s contributions in his or her chosen field or outstanding service to the university. The distinction is reserved only for those who have achieved true excellence.